
Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperorchapter 741: quantum realm's mystery

(Author Note: Thank you to jhcky1254 for the Super Gift. As a reward, once the next volume starts, you guys will get at least 4 extra chapters each week.)

Inside the secret room, Wang Wei checked the changes in his body. His soul was purified, which was the first time he felt a genuine difference in it. His Origin Essence and Divine Sea further expanded by an exponential factor.

Wang Wei clenched his hand and felt his True Power Dao also reach 19 Fiendgod Force–an increase of one.

"I'll take whatever small increase I can get," he commented before checking his Dao Tree.

"Purple Gold," he uttered. The entire thing had changed from the previous golden color to purple-gold.

"It makes sense, given my deep understanding of the law."

Wang Wei could not previously change his Dao Tree because of the limitation of Heaven and Earth. And even after the Science and Technology World–a separate piece of Heaven and Earth–he still could not remove this limitation.

But now, after going beyond the Nine Extremity Foundation, he has broken this limitation.

Wang Wei exhaled, "After countless years, consistent effort, and numerous trials and tribulations, I've finally reached this step."

After acquiring Great Emperor strength, he took a significant step in his cultivation. However, it was not enough. He was still immortal and had not escaped the shackles of life and death.

"I wonder what the mystery of this Quantum Realm is and that mighty Will," muttered Wang Wei, remembering his experience inside. Everything was dark, with only a few luminous spots, which were the [Concept].

The entire realm gave him a sense of boundless, eternal, noble, and supreme.

"It felt like it was one of the modules of the universe similar to the River of Time, the River of Fate, or the Grand Dao Source. Maybe, a combination of all of them."

Wang Wei suddenly remembered two quotes from his previous life: "All path leads to the same destination," and "the end of science is theology or Goodhood."

"Science & Technology and cultivation are different ways to achieve the same thing. Once science develops to a sufficient level, it will enter the domain of "God," capable of achieving fantasy or unscientific things.

"Science has Order: water boils at a specific temperature and freezes at another, or an apple will fall after throwing into the air. The way the science universe operates is detailed and precise–as if it was designed as such.

"So, does the universe operates its Order on its own, or is there something maintaining that order like Grand Dao."

Wang Wei suddenly remembered that terrifying Will waken up. "Is that the Science and Technology World's version of Grand Dao? Interesting. Maybe this world is still useful."

He decided to keep this world–despite the danger. In the future, he will provide them with the bodies of Empyreans and even Paragons to continue their research on the Quantum Realm. Maybe it will become useful one day.

Wang Wei continued reviewing his experience in the Quantum Realm.

'The entire process was similar to proving the Dao. The Micro-Particle Machine was the Heaven Will, granting me access to the Quantum Realm or Grand Dao Source. The [Concept] I absorbed was similar to the Grand Dao Source.

'By absorbing more concepts, I transitioned to a higher dimension life form similar to the Grand Dao Baptism.'

Countless thoughts flashed in his mind.

'Maybe, I did not need to absorb the [Concept] and could link my Higher Consciousness with them to borrow their powers similar to Dao Ancestors. There is also a high chance there is some weird energy inside the Quantum Realm that can grant people immortality similar to the Immortal Venerable.'

Wang Wei tried to remember to see if he sensed other things. Unfortunately, he was too occupied and in a rush to notice anything else.

'No need to worry; I have plenty of time to discover the mystery of the Quantum Realm.'

Then, he focused on another thing. Since science and cultivation are different ways to achieve the same thing, what are they trying to achieve? What are their end goals?"

"Transcendence, or Detachment," muttered Wang Wei with bright eyes. The pursuit of all living things, once they reach a certain peak, is to be detached, not bound or restricted by the rules or order of the world.

Wang Wei took a deep breath before leaving his retreat. He took a few days to help Wei Enlai gather data based on his experience. He even shared some of his ideas and conjectures regarding the Quantum Realm, making the scientists extremely excited.

Finally, he said a few words to Wu Feng before exiting.

The first thing that popped into his mind was to brag to his wife. Although he still could not defeat her, he could still show up. Unfortunately, his face suddenly changed as soon as he exited the secret realm.

A terrifying pressure came from the sky as a humongous eye suddenly manifested above the sky, gazing directly at him.

'Shit, Grand Dao.'

Wang Wei was incapable of moving, and his thinking became extremely low as the eyes looked at him. And he was not the only one. All the people of the Dao Opening Sect felt this way. Luckily, the eye was directed at Wang Wei, so they did not directly face its power.

Meanwhile, Wang Wei felt powerless. All the excitement for achieving Great Emperor Strenght disappeared.

A few seconds later, the eye disappeared, but black clouds appeared above the sky.

'Tribulations? No, that's Divine Punishment.'

He swiftly waved his hand to activate the sect's Emperor Formation to protect the disciples and elders.


A dark lightning bolt fell from the sky, and Wang Wei punched it. Unfortunately, he vomited a mouthful of blood.

"Is this a tribulation, or is it trying to kill me? Well, it does not matter."

His fighting intent rose to the sky as he confronted the lightning and thunder. He fought for an entire weak, reaching the verge of death numerous times. However, he never used the sect's formation to help him.

Finally, the clouds disappeared, and Wang Wei floated in the sky. Well, at least, part of him. His lower body was gone, and he was missing his left arm. His face was full of blood, and most of his beautiful hair was burned.

"Not bad," he commented. "I should reach 20 Fiendgod Force after this baptism." Then, he frowned as his soul was also injured. However, the real trouble was this lightning was not easy to remove, meaning he could not rely on his natural regeneration to return to his peak face.

"Huh?" he muttered as some information entered his mind. "Mortal Emperor?" He knew he received the title of [Mortal Emperor] with many capabilities, including an increase in luck, destiny, and time to become comprehend [Existence], and there was no need to wash away his karma.

'Can my luck even increase?' The answer he received was positive as he watched his Rainbow Colored Qi Luck Dragon turn white, devoid of any color.

"That's interesting," he commented before focusing on other benefits. He could live up to Nine Yuan Epoch and had one more life after proving the Dao.

"Nine Supremacy Foundation? Why do I feel something's wrong?" He frowned before making a divination to discover the truth of the universe. Then, he saw auspicious signs floating on the Western Continent about 200 years ago.

Although the divination appeared useless, he frowned as his mind worked rapidly, 'Did Di Tian achieve Ten Supremacy as well?' He already theorized this was possible after seeing the latter's reservation when meeting him.

'Assuming that's true, why did he receive auspicious signs, and I almost die through a Tribulation? Is it because I used a taboo, and he used an acceptable method? Wait, how did he do it in the first place? That's not important for now, so let's focus.'

His mind continued to work as he calculated infinite possibilities, 'There is another possibility. He was the first to achieve Ten Supremacy, and Grand Dao rewarded him.

'As for my tribulation, it's most likely because I was second and because I used a taboo.'

Wang Wei believed Grand Dao sensed the presence of another Mortal Emperor, but it could not determine how he achieved this state. So, it checked Wang Wei and realized he used a taboo.

'I never believed I could hide the Science and Technology World from a being like Grand Dao. The best explanation for my current situation is whatever means Hongjun used gave me a unique status–the status that I was worthy of intervening in things like taboo to a certain extent.'

By that train of thought, Grand Dao discovered he used a taboo to become a Mortal Emperor, so it gave him a punishment or a trial for his discretion. In the future, people who become Mortal Emperor will have to undergo Tribulation, but it won't be as bad as Wang Wei's situation.

'Hongjun can give me the qualification to use a taboo. Is he strong enough to confront Grand Dao, or as long as someone reaches Half-Step Detachment, they are strong enough to contact taboos?'

From his wife, he knew a Paragon could never block him from the power of Grand Dao, so Honghun should be of a similar level of to the Two Suns or even higher.

'There is another possibility: Pangu.'

According to mythology, Pangu is the creator of the Prehistoric World and should be even more powerful than Hongjun.

'Since Hongjun exists, it's normal for Pangu and the other Six Saints to exist,' thought Wang Wei with squinted eyes. 'The myths from my past life could be of great value if they are real.'

He had many thoughts in his mind, many of which would be shocking to even Half-Step Dectach beings; many of them would destroy the entire Eternal Ascension World to get their hands on.

"Come with me," suddenly said a melodious voice.

"Elder Sword?" muttered Wang Wei before opening a portal and leaving. Soon, he saw Sword One and Origin One waiting for him with an elderly man with sage-like features and a faint smell of medicine.

"Elder Dan," saluted Wang Wei with his head.

"Sect Master, there is no need for pleasantries with your current state," said the elderly man with deep respect in his voice. "You only need to relax, and I'll fix you."

"Thank you."

"It is my honor," replied Elder Dan with worship in his eyes. He had witnessed a miracle: a mortal with the power of a Great Emperor. No one would believe such a thing, but he experienced it with his own eyes.

Better yet, he will heal such a legend.

Despite living for so long, Elder Dan could not control his emotions for a while, and only after hearing Sword One's soft cough that he immediately heal Wang Wei's injuries.

With a wave of his hand, a green light full of life and vitality appeared in his hand. He infused it into Wang Wei's head, healing his cracked skull and regrowing his brain.

The previous Wang Wei could never bare such a tremendous amount of energy. But it was different now.

Then, he slowly regrew Wang Wei's fleshly body and refilled his Divine Sea; he even healed Wang Wei's Primordial Spirit. Wang Wei's Law Altar and Dao Tree contained the power of [Nothingness], so it survived in the void; this saved him from re-cultivating and condensing it again.

The entire process took them three days.

"It took so much energy," commented Elder Dao with bright eyes. "I've healed some of your hidden injuries in the process."

"Thank you," nodded Wang Wei. As a body refiner, it's normal to have hidden injuries in the process of destroying and reconstructing the flesh.

"You should show your face to disciples outside," said Origin One. "There are already rumors you're dead: you need to stabilize the situation before people start panicking."

Too many people placed their hopes and dreams on Wang Wei's rise. So, even rumors of his death made many people nervous and panicked.

So, he nodded before asking, "I forgot to hide my aura during the tribulation."

Wang Wei wanted to hide his strength to prevent trouble. Di Tian should figure out his breakthrough after learning of his tribulation. However, he was more worried that the other factions would become desperate once they learned about his Emperor's Strength.

"Don't worry. We hid your aura and placed a ban on the sect. No one can leave or enter until the final battle," replied Sword One, who also understood the horror of people who were desperate.

"That's good." Wang Wei was too occupied with the tribulation, so he did not have time to be so careful.

"Alright, I'll go appease the sect."

He left the sect to prepare a small event with the disciples to show them he was healthy and alive.