
Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperorchapter 740: ten supremacy

(Author's Note: Thanks to Black_Jesus_1999 for the Super Gift. Last month, I had one of the lowest incomes from this novel, which was very disheartening. However, your gift has greatly motivated me.)


Wang Wei first felt the changes in his Dao Body. After fusing the nine Dharma Bodies, he created a solid foundation for his Emperor Path. From his knowledge, he knew the Emperor's Body was another battle strength for Great Emperors, but only for people with deep foundations. However, there were more crucial aspects of this fusion.

After the Void Shattering Realm, physiques–even Heavenly Ones–are almost useless. The others are essentially useless except for rare physiques like Xu Shi's Primordial Chaos Physique or upper dimension physiques like the Innate Grand Dao Physique and the Paragon Soul.

The owner could use some method to retain a few special characteristics of their physique after proving the Dao. However, that's a rare occurrence.

But Wang Wei did not want to give up the advantage completely. So, he had each of his incarnations create a unique physique based on their time.

These physiques were Yin-Yang Balance Physique, Unfettered Physique, Good Fortune Physique (luck), Karma Source Physique, Space-Time Overlord Physique, Samsara Physique, Heaven Order Physique, and Destiny Manipulation Physique.

He fused these unique physiques into his Fate Puppetteer Physique to create the embryo of the Fate Domination Physique. Currently, this physique is useless and is only an embryo. However, after becoming an Emperor, he can nourish it with the Grand Dao Source and the River of Fate to become complete.

Wang Wei has no big ambitions about this physique. He only wishes it could give him a boost when comprehending the Fate Grand Dao Source. With his current monstrous comprehension level, the Future Buddha Self, the Spirit Particle, even a few percent increase from this physique will be highly beneficial.

'Maybe it's not as useless as I thought,' pondered Wang Wei as he felt his Fate Innate Talent he had not used in a long time, begin to change. The Innate Talent is extremely powerful, and he used it to deepen his understanding of Fate Dao; he also incorporated many of the things he learned from it into his Fate Transcending Sutra.

However, the weakness of this talent is how easy it is to backlash him when used on people on the same or higher level than him. As for weaker people, it was overkilled to use it on them.

'I plan to see if I could refine and elevate it to a higher level. Or maybe, create an artifact with its power. But now, it seems it might still be useful to me in the final battle,' thought Wang Wei before continuing to check his body.

He checked his Origin Essence, and all he could say is the amount was endless. Adding his Qi Flower Ability, he never has to worry about his stamina for fighting.

'After proving the Dao, the Origin Essence will nourish the Emperor Body, contributing to my foundation.'

Cultivation System with only energy also has the hope to be excellent in the Emperor Realm. If their energy quantity is vast and pure enough, they can nourish the Emperor's Body. And as long the Emperor Body is strong enough, someone can use it to become an Eternal Supreme.

Of course, other cultivation systems have too many advantages over pure energy systems. For example, Wang Wei's Gold Dao Tree will also fuse with his Emperor Body, increasing his Dao Foundation.

Wang Wei clenched his hand and felt the power of his fleshly body.

'18 Fiendgod Force: an increase of 9. Not bad, I guess.'

With his current strength, he could slap a 5-Root Dao Ancestor to death. And that's because he reached the power of 4.999% of Grand Dao Source Control due to his fleshly body tempered to the extreme, Fate Palaces, and Fate Gu.

Finally, Wang Wei checked on his [Fate Transcending Sutra]. Each incarnation has its unique scriptures; now, he had to fuse them all.

'This will take some time,' pondered Wang Wei. The Fate Incarnation created an outline for the fusion, and he only needs to fill it in.


The door of the room suddenly opened, and two people walked in: a woman and a man.

"Wu Fen has seen the Immortal," bowed the woman, and Wang Wei looked at her. He remembered the little girl from the Martial Divine Dynasty who participated in his little game during his trial. She was the final winner and became the ruler of this world. After so many years, she somehow managed to keep that power.

"Ninth Level Genertic Warrior: not bad," commented Wang Wei.

"The little girl is nothing before the Immortal," replied Wu Fen with some hidden emotions. After the warriors of this world reached the Ninth Level, many became arrogant and challenged the so-called [Immortal], who was the true ruler of this world.

Unfortunately, Wang Wei's clone patted all of them with one attack. After all, even if it was a clone, he could still kill a bunch of little Supreme and Quasi-Emperor Realm cultivators.

"Let's not waste time," said Wang Wei, looking at the scientist behind her.

Have you finished what I asked you?"

"Yes, and no," replied Wei Enlai with hesitation.

"You can speak freely."

Wei Enlai took a breath before explaining, "According to our research, the Quantum Realm is indeed the way to reach the Tenth Level." He showed Wang Wei numerous data.

"So, what exactly is the Quantum Realm?" asked Wang Wei.

"A truly wonderful world," said Wei Enlai with bright eyes. "It is a place where the laws of physique break down. The speed limit is no longer the speed of light; the temperature can go lower than absolute zero.

"However, this is not what makes it so wonderful."

After the Seventh Level, Genetic Warriors can also break the laws of the physique.

"The real wonder of the Quantum Realm is the fact [concepts] exist. Things like life and death are no longer a simple decay of the cells and Consciousness, fate is no long probability, and creation is no longer matter manipulation.

"They are tangible and observable concepts."

Wang Wei squinted his eyes, "So, how to become a Tenth Level Genetic Warrior?"

"Enter the Quantum Realm and use the High Consciousness to absorb these concepts, elevating the body to a Quantum Lifeform or a higher dimensional creature," explained Wei Enlai.

Then, he sighed, full of regret. "Unfortunately, this way is only theoretical. No one has ever succeeded?"


"Only a few people succeeded on the trip to the Quantum Realm, and the others died. However, even the one who succeeded could not find or touch on the concepts in that realm."

"Their High Consciousness was not enough?"


Wang Wei nodded as he understood these people's souls were not enough to succeed, but he did not have this problem.

"Did the blood I gave you contain the [concept] from the Quantum Realm?" asked Wang Wei.

"Yes. One contained the power of destiny, and the other of slaughter," replied with fervor in his eyes. "The being you gave us was a perfect mix of flesh and [Concept]. Every single cell in its body contains them."

Wei Enlai's eyes lit up. "What's more, that creature was not limited by its flesh and blood. The [Concept] in its body had its mark, meaning it could exist even if it lost flesh, blood, and High Consciousness."

Wang Wei squinted his eyes, controlling his emotions.

"How to get to the Quantum Realm? By shrinking myself?" he asked.

"Yes, but that's only because of our primitive technology," explained Wei Enlai. "The Quantum Realm is like a higher dimension, or maybe a space that exists between reality and spirituality. Unfortunately, only through shrinking can we get there, making the voyage extremely dangerous and requiring a certain level of body strength before succeeding."

Wang Wei asked more questions until he understood everything. Then, he ordered the two to prepare for him. He headed to a machine composed of a platform with a few pillars attached to it.

"Is this how you reach the Quantum Realm?"

"Yes," replied Wei Enlai. "A brilliant scientist created the Micro-Particle--a unique subatomic particle that can increase or reduce mass as well as density and strength. We can shrink you until you reach the Quantum Realm."

"The wonders of technology," commented Wang Wei.

"Yes, but many people still complain," replied Wei Enlai, shaking his head.

"What do you mean?"

"Many Ninth Level Genetic Warrior believes they should use their means to reach the Quantum Realm. According to them, that's the proper way to achieve the tenth level."

Wang Wei frowned as he suddenly thought of the Heaven Will. He removed these thoughts from his head and said, "Maybe they are right."

Wei Enlai opened his mouth but did not dare to contradict this god-like individual that common sense could not understand.

"Let's begin."

Wang Wei entered the platform in the machine. A white light enveloped him, and he disappeared. A few seconds later, he reappeared, his clothes tattered and his hair disheveled.

"My Lord?" asked Wei Enlai.

Wang Wei shook his head and did not say anything. He was about to succeed and enter a mysterious realm, but a mysterious power suddenly rejected his presence. So, he felt that it would be pointless to try again unless he could forcibly enter.

He had a feeling this would be the outcome, so he brought the Fate Incarnation. So, he looked at the latter, "It's your turn."

"What if I fail to?"

"We will try a normal clone," replied Wang Wei.

Wang Wei set up a time formation for the Fate Incarnation and had the latter swiftly reach the pinnacle of the Ninth Level, capable of controlling sub-atomic like quarks, or the universe's four fundamental forces.

Finally, the incarnation used the machine to enter the Quantum Realm.

"This was rough," muttered the incarnation. During the process, he felt his body tearing apart from the inside. If he did not cultivate his genes to the pinnacle of this world, he would not have survived the journey.

The incarnation wanted to take some time to heal his injuries. However, he immediately felt something was wrong: a weird power was rapidly killing him. Immediately, he knew he did not have much time since he would not survive long with his meager strength.

He finally took a moment to observe the surroundings, feeling his surroundings.

'This place felt like the origin of everything--including the laws of physics,' thought the incarnation before reigning his thought, knowing he did not have much time. The Fate Incarnation observed around and saw many white lights in his surroundings. However, these lights seemed extremely closed yet distant. He flew over to reach one, but he never reached his destination no matter how fast he traveled.

'According to the data gathered, three people reached a [Concept], but it was by accident, and they failed to absorb it.'

The incarnation frowned as the situation was perilous; he was rapidly dying but could not find or refine the [Concepts]. He took a deep breath to calm down before thinking about the conjectures Wei Enlai and other scientists came up with.

He closed his eyes and gathered the power of his High Consciousness or Soul. He gathered the power of Fate of his soul and sent them as waves into this endless void.

'Success,' he thought as he sensed a light before him. Without hesitation, he absorbed it into his body. Immediately afterward, the incarnation felt his genetic structure changed, infected by the concept of fate. And it was not only his body but his soul as well. Furthermore, the rate at which he was dying drastically weakened.

So, he took this opportunity to absorb more [Concept]. Soon, the incarnation discovered he could increase the rate of summoning concepts by thinking about his understanding of the Laws. So, he accesses the main's body understanding of the law. This method allowed him to gather Fate Concept and others like Luck, Karma, Space-Time, etc.

As the incarnation absorbed more concepts, it became more difficult. So, he had to use the Spiritual Power the main body granted him by removing the seal in his Paragon Soul.

The incarnation felt a sublimation of the body and self. Furthermore, he felt his soul rapidly increasing, passing the strength of Immortal Venerable, Dao Ancestor, and reaching a higher level. Furthermore, his resistance to the power of the Quantum-Realm increased. Regardless, he also felt he could not stay here for long.

After an unknown amount of time, the incarnation felt his body sublimated to a new and indescribable level.

"Success," he muttered as his eyes lit up. He sensed the power coursing through his veins and was very satisfied.

"Could I continue to absorb?" he muttered with greed. He should only have the power of 5% Grand Dao Source. But maybe he could reach higher levels by absorbing more [Concept].

Unfortunately, he did not have this thought for long as he sensed a terrifying Will waking up.

The incarnation frowned as he wondered what was with this change. However, he decided to play it safe as he did know the consequence of this Will; he did not want to die and waste the main body's effort. Who knew if he could succeed a second time?

So he prepared to use the method given to him by Wei Enlai to return. However, he felt he could return on his own. He closed his eyes to sense something. Then, he felt the presence of any dimension. With a thought, he teleported to that dimension; the process was smooth and natural as if it was his instinct.

"How is it?" asked Wang Wei when he saw the incarnation. The latter did not answer but raised his hand to manifest a strange power.

"Fate Law?" asked Wang Wei; he felt the power was similar to his Fate Law but weird. Furthermore, he felt it was of higher quality of power than his own Fate Dao.


"Excellent," he uttered as he accessed the incarnation's memories of the experience. He had many ideas and thoughts but knew it was not the time. "Let's not waste time and proceed to the next step."

For safety reasons, he could do it inside this world in case Grand Dao appeared.

Wang Wei entered a meditative state as he felt his power of 5-Root. Simultaneously, he felt a barrier restricting him from reaching a higher level. He worried that the incarnation had a similar limitation. Luckily, he did not. He believed it was because the latter was a mortal and did not cultivate any systems.

Then, he proceeded to the next step.

The incarnation placed his hand on Wang Wei's back and injected his power. The next step is not about a fusion of the two but using a higher power to break the limit placed on the main body.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The incarnation sacrificed all its power to attack the limit on Wang Wei. And since they were connected through their [Existence], Wang Wei's body did not reject the incarnation's power.

At first, it appeared this method was useless. However, after many attempts, Wang Wei could feel cracks in the limit.


He felt a shackle removed from his body, freeing him. Then, the incarnation's remaining power nourished his fleshly body, soul, Origin Essence, and even the Laws inside his body. Even his Willpower seemed easier to access or control.

A terrifying aura released from his body, cracking the formation he placed around. Wang Wei felt his power reached another level.

"I feel invincible: Is this the power of a Great Emperor?" He suddenly felt the urge to destroy this entire world with one attack before recreating it. He immediately reigns in his arrogance through his mighty Dao Heart.

"The changes to the mind are a little scary," he commented. With his Dao Heart, he actually lost control of his power.

"No matter what, I succeeded," he muttered with a smile. He felt refreshed, alive, and free.