
I Became a Magical Cheat Loli Witchvolume 3 chapter 70: assisting the clinic

The following day, I requested to meet with Cardinal Marius after we had our breakfast and the meeting was set to be in the afternoon of the same day.

I really respected the Cardinal for making time for us even though he's busy himself.

"I want to request something while we're staying here."

"Yes, what might it be?'

"Selene wants to know what kind of work Elise-sama used to do here, so could you allow us to work in the church as our thanks for letting us stay here?"

"This is, in fact, just as helpful for us. Very well, I will make the arrangements."

The day after our request was approved, Selene had changed into a sister’s habit for the kids and she looked adorable.

As for meー

"It looks good on you, Okaa-san."

"You look so cute, Majou-sama."

"Wait, why am I also wearing it?"

To be honest, I thought it would only be Selene but it seems like even I'm going to help out in the church.

Well not that I mind but I had planned to help out in the church for two days a week and I was thinking of venturing out into the city to tour around the royal capital during my free days.

I also have to check out the A-rank rank-up test that will be held at the adventurer’s guild and I also wanted to try out the great library of the royal capital at least once.

"If you're ready, please follow me. Here is the clinic."

The members were Selene and me, while Teto accompanied us as our escort.

Also, a knight-looking person has apparently been dispatched from the royal palace. He kept a bit of distance from the church by entering the adjacent building while we were being guided by a healing magician sister.

I presume that must be the clinic, with the clean look the building was giving.

I was impressed that there was a facility exclusive for this purpose, unlike the church of Priest Paul in the dungeon city where priests treat you directly.

"Our work is to heal the patients. Since we're unclear about Chise-sama and Selene-sama's abilities, I will be assisting you today."

"We’ll be in your good hands."

"We, we’ll be in your good hands."

Although Selene had the experience of helping out at the adventurer’s guild, she was nervous as the atmosphere of the church was completely different from there.

And so, the time for treatment began一一

A lot of injured or ill people were brought in.

The treatment for adventurers was basically centered around healing the wounds or poison they received while fighting monsters but the people here came for various reasons.

一一People who had fractured their leg after falling from a high place during their work. 一一People complaining about the symptoms of their long-standing disease. 一一Or the people who suddenly fell ill.

"一一«Search». Hmm, your ribs and spine seemed to be fractured 一一«Heal»."

"Those who are lightly injured, gather here 一一«Area Heal». Done, please go to this side."

Selene unreservedly used her healing magic on severely ill or injured people while I only sorted out lightly injured people, healed them with area magic altogether, and send them back.

"Amazing...... You're younger but much better at healing than us......... As expected of a Saint."

I'm glad to be praised for my excellence in healing magic but even so, I'm 23, officially at least, and most likely older than the sister who just muttered so.

Once the rush hour for the morning was over, next was the rush hour for the people who had been injured during daytime work.

"Don't give up yet! There's still time!"

"一一Hand and feet have been severed. I will do the hand, Selene, you focus on the leg."

"Okay. 一一«Clean» «Search»."

A person who had their leg and a hand cut off from some kind of accident was brought in.

It's not a problem for me to handle it alone but I decided it would be better to divide the work with Selene.

I sanitized the wound and arm that had been brought together with the «Clean» magic and then connected the severed arm with healing magic.

The arm was easily attached first by joining bones, then restoring the nerves, veins, muscle fibers, and, lastly, skin one by one.

Had the arm been completely gone, then the situation could have only been handled by the regeneration magic.

Joining the severed limb was hard work but the mana consumption was still smaller when compared to regeneration magic.

That person was the only one who was gravely injured. Afterwards, we continued to heal ‘til the evening after having lunch.

"Impossible, no way...... How is it that you still have mana...... even after working for the whole day?"

Such was the question from the sister who had guided us in the morning and my answer wasー一

"My mana reserve is quite vast."

My mana reserve was 100,000 units so it didn't burden me either way even if I used it for the whole day.

"I don't have as much mana as Okaa-san, but I saved my mana by only using it when necessary."

Selene's current mana reserve was 20,000 units.

With that much mana, her life expectancy was much higher than other people and she might be able to live around for around 100 years.

But I have recently noticed that the aging phenomenon of people with large amounts of mana continues to grow normally until their bodies are at their peak and the aging then slows down from there.

Upon discovering that fact, I couldn't help but doubt that I might not have grown in the past years at all even though I now had eternal youth from the increase of my mana.

If I don't research into it seriously...... I should stop for now.

The day ended in this way, and at night一一

"Please teach us healing magic too."

I was approached by sisters who either could already use healing magic or who have the talent but couldn't use it yet.


"Haaa, I understand, so stop staring at me like that. Is there an empty room we can use? I will give you a lecture there."

Thus started the sudden lecture on healing magic.

I mainly used a human body anatomical chart and supplement the image by filling in information about the various body functions.

I taught them an efficient way of healing by using no attribute magic «Search» to check for the affected part and using «Heal» only on the area where it was needed to save mana.

Then, I showed them the diagram showing the image of cell restoration that clogged the wound.

I also explained to them how using «Search» was advantageous since it could detect latent illnesses or complications before the outbreak.

After that was the mana reinforcement training that could help them increase the number of times they could use healing magic.

The sisters, on other hand, had grabbed some paper from the church and were jolting down notes about what I was teaching them.

It was a scene like a lecture in college, I smiled bitterly while solving the doubts of the earnest sisters one by one.

The notes that were taken down became the origin of the healing magic teaching book of five theism in the future and was called the Saint's textbook, different from the church's magic index.

The result of the lecture was such that the sisters who couldn't use healing magic until then were able to use it after following the training while sisters who had already known how to use healing magic showed even more talent.