
I Became a Magical Cheat Loli Witchvolume 2 chapter 40: a scene of delivering goods at the guild

In the morning I slipped out of Teto’s arms that were tightly hugging me as usual and got ready.

“Teto, wake up so we can go to the guild.”

“Hai nanodesu~”

Then Teto, who got out of bed slowly, asked the familiar dining room for the breakfast menu, and we went to the guild. I had been in the dungeon for a few days, so I was determined not to work hard today.

“Good morning. Can I give our report?”

“Oh, Chise-san, Teto-san, welcome back. Did you come back from the dungeon just now?”

"No, we got home last night, but I'm sending a report today."

I went by at the start of the day, when it was less busy, so I have a lot of time to talk to the receptionist.

“We reached the 21st floor of the dungeon yesterday.”

“Re-really!? Only the two of you defeated the land dragon!”

“Yes, if you want proof, here's the land dragon's blood and magic stone."

In front of the surprised receptionist, I took out the magic stone and the small bottle containing the land dragon’s blood from the item box.

“Wh-what are you going to do with this? The guild is buying it, but…”

A gaze that was quietly begging me to sell it was given, and so I looked towards Teto.

“What do you want, Teto?”

“Hmm. I want to keep the magic stone nodesu”

En, I thought Teto needed to eat it. She probably couldn't eat it all in one bite, so she would have to break it into small pieces.

“Yeah. I want to use the blood of the land dragon for my hobby as well, so I won't be selling it this time.

"Ah, the magic stone costs 5 small gold coins, and the blood costs 3 small gold coins..." I made out the receptionist’s muttering, but defeating a land dragon was worth a good 800,000 yen.

“Well, don’t be discouraged. I've gotten things that were on other lists of things to get.”

“Ahh, an angel! The goddess of salvation is here for clients who want to buy cheap.”

“Majo-sama is as cute as an angel and as kind as a goddess nodesu!”

“Teto, don’t tease me. And you, do your work seriously!”

I urged the receptionist to guide me to the collections counter, where I took out my collected material from the 16th to 20th floor.

“To begin with, I mostly got the things I was asked to get, but I also got some other useful things, so please exchange those. Oh, could you return half of that herb? I want to use it myself”

"Etto, Chise-san, do you plan to use the blood of the land dragon you killed earlier and this creepy plant in some kind of shady magic ritual?"

The strange plant that screamed "Kyeeehh" was probably a Mandragora, which I had to quiet down in order to harvest.

I gave the receptionist a suspicious look as I pulled a few more poisonous-looking mushrooms and herbs with strange colors out of a magic bag.

“Something like that, there’s no way, right? These are materials for cures and preventative medicine for colds. I thought I should practice making them.”

“Th-that’s right. Cold medicine…”

Well, even if I called it a cold medicine, it would kill all pathogens and illnesses and make the person feel better.

In my previous world, it was said that if a medicine that could deal with the symptoms of every illness was born, it would earn a Nobel Prize, but in this fantasy world, it seems to naturally exist as a magic potion. And the preventive medicine didn't seem to be a vaccine, but rather a drug that boosted the immune system for a set amount of time.

Since it's a fantasy world set in the Middle Ages, it seems like plagues happen from time to time. I think I'll use this when it's done because epidemics are scary.

"But, Chise-san, if you can make medicine, can you make potions?"

"Yes, I know the basics pretty well."

“Then, if you make one, bring it to the guild! We’ll buy it for 2 silver coins!”

“Is that okay? Don’t you need permission from the guild that manages medicine or something like that?”

It wouldn't matter if you forgot about it or used it yourself in a small village but when it comes to a big town, the potions that people can use have to be managed for each land. Was what I thought, but the receptionist explained the reason why.

“Since there’s a dungeon, there’s always a high demand for potions but we don't have enough materials to make it. I suggested training new alchemists and gathering herbs, but it’s a difficult progress to make.”

Having learned of the situation, a staff member at the purchase counter warned the receptionist.

“Hey, idle talk isn’t allowed.”

“S-sorry. Then, I’ll make a purchase assessment of these collected things. Please wait a moment.”

That being said, I remembered something and stopped the receptionist from going back to her own work.

“Wait a minute. Come to think of it, there was one other thing”

“...What is it this time?”

After I beat the land dragon on the 20th floor and showed off a lot of materials and herbs I had found, the receptionist was afraid of what I would bring out next, but I didn't care.

"I found a treasure chest in the dungeon, and when I opened it, I got two magical tools."

“Ah, congratulations.”

“I’d like to discuss selling off this [Earth’s Hand] magic tool.”

When they heard it, the people who had been gathering at the guild’s bar simultaneously turned around and raised their bodies.


I took a quick glance at the bar and found out that most of the people who greatly responded on what I said was C-rank sword fighters.

[Earth’s Hand] only halved the sense of weight for the person who held the tool, but the mass of the tool itself would not change. If your sword is lighter, you can swing it faster and do more attacks. You could also increase the weight of the sword itself to make your blows stronger. (T/N: AKA get a new sword that has twice the weight of your previous sword without any downsides, not doing fraudulent stuff like what our Witch-sama and Teto are doing)

When I actually took a magic tool coveted by sword fighters out from my magic bag, a commotion stirred in the guild.

“I want to sell it, but how much would it be?”


The receptionist looked at the staff member at the purchase counter to ask for help. The person at the purchase counter responded with a hopelessly bitter smile that made the guild shake with anticipation.

"The price of this kind of magic tool changes from time to time, and because dungeon items work well, they are very expensive. I guess the purchase price would be at least 2 gold coins?” “It’s cheaper than I expected”

Although it was a magic tool linked to the offensive ability of an adventurer’s vanguard, she replied to my question with a sweet smile.

“Certainly, if you wear it the sword feels light and it will enhance the ability of a vanguard sword fighter, but this is not a magical tool that has a direct attack power like a magic sword, but a supporting magic tool. Please understand.”

“I see. Then, what if I were to put it up for auction?”

“In that case, nobles and knights would participate in addition to adventurers so the price would go up, but the payment would not be available immediately and the auction fees must be deducted.”

From the perspective of the guild, I understood that magic tools sold to adventurers at auctions would be sold at higher prices to increase their own profits.

“Then I would like to sell it for money on hand.” (T/N: Wanted to use cash but uhh. It’s all coins, so maybe coinage…? Still sounded weird though)

“Understood. And the other magic tool that came out of the treasure chest, will you be using it yourself instead of selling it?”

I had forgotten since the impact of the [Earth’s Hand] was so strong, but I had sold one of the magic tools that came out of the treasure chest without hearing about the other one.

“That’s the main issue. I want to know how cursed items are taken care of."

“Is it… definitely a cursed equipment?”

“It’s a necklace that wraps around your neck and strangles you when you hold it in your hand.”

The receptionist screamed at my words.

“If you don’t make direct contact, the curse won’t work, and if you wear anti-curse equipment it will pop open. Right now I have it wrapped in a cloth and kept in a stone box.”

If you gave it to a noble as a birthday present, the curse on the equipment might kill them, but I think it would be better for the world if the curse was removed.

“So that’s how it is. However, if you could purify it at a church and the like, it can be purchased as a magic tool. The guild can buy it, but since I don’t know what kind of magic tool it originally was, the price is set at 5 silver coins.”

Still, since the church's offerings or donations—the so-called "purification fee"—were 3 small gold coins, you could lose money if you were unlucky. But if you asked a wandering wizard to fix it, the curse might not be lifted, or you could get hurt by the part of the curse that was not fixed.

“For the time being, I’d like to request the church to purify it”

“Understood. That being the case, I’ll prepare a map of church-related establishments.”

With that said, I received the map and waited for a while until they bought all of the materials. And the price was 4 small gold coins, which included the reward for completing the collection request, so I made a small amount of money. The stuff we found on the 16th through 20th floors is a lot cheaper than it should be, but we mostly sold the magic tool, so it's still enough for us. Well, if we sold the magic stones we found, we could make more than one large gold coin, but Teto eats them, so I set those aside.

"I'll use the reward to pay the fee to clean the cursed equipment and pay for my living expenses right now."

“Understood. Then, I'll take care of the request, so please take out your card."

The request to finish collecting was taken care of for Teto and me.

"This is still amazing. To move up to C-rank in a single year with a 100% request completion rate, "

"I only try to do things that I know I can do. Plus, I like it better when collection requests are dealt with after the fact.

After all, it’s like picking the request based on the results of our adventure, rather than going on an adventure to fulfill a request.

“With that, we’ll be going now.”

“We’ll come again nodesu! Goodbye nanodesu!”

I settled the results we achieved in the dungeon up until yesterday and left the guild. After that, we looked at the map, which showed us where several churches were and we went to the church that was closest to the guild.