
I Became a Magical Cheat Loli Witchvolume 7 chapter 203: transformation magic and a glimpse of my adult visage

After deciding to embark on a new journey, and before leaving, I managed to acquire a certain magic.

To show the result of it, I called Teto, Baretta, Werewolf Howl, and Devilkin Devarna in one of the rooms in the mansion. The latter two had cooperated in my research to invent this particular magic. Both of them were currently working as managers of the education management of each village and as a part of that, they cooperated in the study of magic.

"I'm starting— !"

My body was engulfed in brilliance, and little by little, it began to transform. First, it was my limbs that elongated, then just a bit but my modest chest grew bigger, and in sync with that, my clothes adjusted their size.

"Ohh! An adult Majou-sama is also cute!"

"Thank you, Teto. It feels a bit strange to look at things from Teto's eye level."

The magic I had acquired was the transformation magic to morph my 12-year-old appearance. With its help, I transformed myself to appear as a 16-year-old from my outward appearance which was then taken into a hug by Teto.

<master, you've="" finally="" achieved="" your="" wish.="" congratulations.=""></master,>

"Well, yeah. Though this magic is a bit heavy on the mana consumption aspect."

I replied to Baretta with a bitter smile as she gave me her congratulatory words.

With my 12-year-old appearance, people kept giving me suspicious looks even when I explained I was an A-rank adventurer or an adult. In contrast, when they came to know of my accomplishments and deeds, they immediately recognized me from my appearance.

I considered my limelight in recent times as the price of fame, and as I shut myself in the , the rumors gradually faded away and I also stopped caring about it.

But now that I've become the ruler of the , I wanted to avoid having people link my two personas— an immortal girl who was the ruler of this land and the adventurer who traveled far and wide.

It was for this reason I had been devoting myself to research transformation magic for quite some time.

"I wouldn't have been able to achieve this without both of your cooperation. Thank you."

"Please no, it's our honor to be of help to Majou-sama!"

"And through the pursuit of our skill, this will bring a huge change in the life of the other demon-kin as well! So we should be thanking you!"

"Majou-sama~ How did the two of them become key factors in your adult magic?"

When I gave my thanks to the two demon-kin for helping out in my magic research, they instead replied with similar courtesy. Teto, who was watching us, looked puzzled and inquired how we came up with this magic.

"I took some inspiration from the Werewolf's skill and the Devil-kin's skill to hide their wings and tail for their body structure transformation."

" skill?"

Before asking for their help, I had researched becoming an adult with the illusion magic as a theme. However, it ended up in failure, and later on, I got busy dealing with the stampede incident and the refugees, so the research was basically put on hiatus.

After the situation had calmed down to some extent, I took notice of the skill of the Werewolves and the Devil-kin's ability to hide their wings and tails so they could mingle among the common people.

<i see,="" the="" closest="" explanation="" would="" be="" to="" transform="" your="" body="" composition.="">

<i see,="" the="" closest="" explanation="" would="" be="" to="" transform="" your="" body="" composition.="">"Yeah. Werewolves can transform between their human avatar and werewolf avatar, while I'm the Devil-kin can completely hide their horns, tails, and wings without the use of illusion magic."

<i see,="" the="" closest="" explanation="" would="" be="" to="" transform="" your="" body="" composition.="">I took inspiration from there, and further researched skills like the Beastkin’s or the Dragon-kin's to increase my understanding of the body transformation magic, and that was how I came up with this transformation magic.

<i see,="" the="" closest="" explanation="" would="" be="" to="" transform="" your="" body="" composition.="">"This magic alters the original body in itself, so it also has the function to age one's looks that Majou-sama wanted!"

<i see,="" the="" closest="" explanation="" would="" be="" to="" transform="" your="" body="" composition.="">"Furthermore, this magic will help the half-human half-demons of the demon-kin to change themselves into an appearance that more closely resembles that of humans!"

<i see,="" the="" closest="" explanation="" would="" be="" to="" transform="" your="" body="" composition.="">The two demon-kin explained with slight fervor.

<i see,="" the="" closest="" explanation="" would="" be="" to="" transform="" your="" body="" composition.="">For instance, the half-human half-demons like the Lamias, Arachnes, and Centaurs would be able to hide their demon traits and change into a human form.

<i see,="" the="" closest="" explanation="" would="" be="" to="" transform="" your="" body="" composition.="">Of course, they would have to train sufficiently to acquire the skill, and even after that, they would have to train themselves to walk on two feet and get used to the human body shape. But all in all, it has created a path for them to mingle in human society more easily.

<i see,="" the="" closest="" explanation="" would="" be="" to="" transform="" your="" body="" composition.="">Though, it wasn't like it was without any weaknesses.

<i see,="" the="" closest="" explanation="" would="" be="" to="" transform="" your="" body="" composition.="">"That being said, the transformation skills of the Werewolves and Devil-kin were inherently weak against external interference and nullification spells like . I will also return to my former self if they use it on me."

<i see,="" the="" closest="" explanation="" would="" be="" to="" transform="" your="" body="" composition.="">In stories, there would often be scenes where an existence's true appearance comes out when they are cornered, or the werewolves reveal their true nature during the full moon.

<i see,="" the="" closest="" explanation="" would="" be="" to="" transform="" your="" body="" composition.="">Due to the nature of the transformation magic, the transformation could be dispelled due to intense mental disturbance or external interference like moonlight's mana.

<i see,="" the="" closest="" explanation="" would="" be="" to="" transform="" your="" body="" composition.="">In my case, I have been training my mana manipulation skill for a long time so a bit of interference wasn't going to break it, but compared to , maintaining it was more challenging.

<i see,="" the="" closest="" explanation="" would="" be="" to="" transform="" your="" body="" composition.="">"Another weak point is the mana consumption."

<i see,="" the="" closest="" explanation="" would="" be="" to="" transform="" your="" body="" composition.="">This was another glaring weakness. It required approximately 1000 units of mana to transform yourself one year younger or older for an hour. Maintaining the appearance of a 16-year-old for an hour consumed 4000 mana for me, and keeping it on all day would consume about 100,000 mana.

<i see,="" the="" closest="" explanation="" would="" be="" to="" transform="" your="" body="" composition.=""><wouldn’t it="" put="" the="" demon-kin="" in="" a="" mana="" deficiency="" state?=""></wouldn’t>

<i see,="" the="" closest="" explanation="" would="" be="" to="" transform="" your="" body="" composition.="">"In the case of demon-kin, they are suppressing their demonic trait and emphasizing their human aspect so it seems like they don't need to consume that much mana. But if beings other than a human attempted to use or try to appear younger or older from their given age, the mana consumption will increase significantly."

<i see,="" the="" closest="" explanation="" would="" be="" to="" transform="" your="" body="" composition.="">When I explained about the drawback of the mana consumption, Baretta threw in her doubt. So I explained the part about the skill as well as the transformation magic.

<i see,="" the="" closest="" explanation="" would="" be="" to="" transform="" your="" body="" composition.="">For now, I would be able to easily preserve my 16-year-old persona all day long giving my mana capacity, but keeping it on for so long was still taxing so I would need to undo it periodically.

<i see,="" the="" closest="" explanation="" would="" be="" to="" transform="" your="" body="" composition.="">"Teto too understands~. Both the small Majou-sama and the grown-up Majou-sama are cute, so Teto is happy!"

<i see,="" the="" closest="" explanation="" would="" be="" to="" transform="" your="" body="" composition.="">Teto exclaimed, rubbing her cheeks against me. However, the excessive physical skinship when we both appeared to be of the same age kind of embarrassed me.

<i see,="" the="" closest="" explanation="" would="" be="" to="" transform="" your="" body="" composition.=""><until now,="" i="" could="" only="" make="" clothes="" for="" young="" girls,="" but="" from="" now="" on,="" can="" create="" various="" sizes="" and="" designs.="">

<i see,="" the="" closest="" explanation="" would="" be="" to="" transform="" your="" body="" composition.="">"Huh, no this is a bit......"

<i see,="" the="" closest="" explanation="" would="" be="" to="" transform="" your="" body="" composition.="">I lost my chance to run away with Teto hugging me as I watched the maids enter the room at Baretta's signal with a strained expression.

<i see,="" the="" closest="" explanation="" would="" be="" to="" transform="" your="" body="" composition.="">Howl and Devarna, who were present there, gave me warm gazes seeing the appearance of the maids, and left after that.

<i see,="" the="" closest="" explanation="" would="" be="" to="" transform="" your="" body="" composition.="">

<i see,="" the="" closest="" explanation="" would="" be="" to="" transform="" your="" body="" composition.="">"N-No, wait...... Ahhhhh—"

<i see,="" the="" closest="" explanation="" would="" be="" to="" transform="" your="" body="" composition.="">Losing my chance to slip away due to being caught up in the clutches of Teto, I ended up becoming the maid corp's dress-up doll.

<i see,="" the="" closest="" explanation="" would="" be="" to="" transform="" your="" body="" composition.="">While I had often been turned into their dress-up doll during winter, I guess new clothes would be a fresh start for the upcoming journey.

<i see,="" the="" closest="" explanation="" would="" be="" to="" transform="" your="" body="" composition.="">