
I Became a Magical Cheat Loli Witchvolume 7 chapter 185: leriel’s gift

The «Forest of the Creation Witch» remained engulfed in a bustling atmosphere with the accepted races trying to adjust to their new homes for the first six months before the situation settled down to some extent.

On the night of one such day, as I was sleeping together with Teto, we found ourselves being summoned to the Dream Oracle Space.

"This is… Liliel and Leriel?"

Teto and I scouted the surrounding area after being called over and immediately spotted the two goddesses.

Liliel, the goddess who reincarnated me and also the one whom I was an apostle of, and Leriel, the heaven goddess who informed us about the crisis of the western continent.

«Good work, Chise. It seems like the residents have settled to some extent.»

"Thanks, Liliel. But I haven't really done anything. It was the combined hard work of everyone that made it possible."

She must have been watching over us all this time.

The administration of the settlements in the «Forest of the Creation Witch» was handled by the representative of each race, while I flung the other minor work to Baretta and the others for them to handle.

All I did was enjoy the passage of days with Teto like how we lived before taking them in.

"So, what's the matter this time? Has another problem arisen somewhere else?"

"If it's a strong monster, Teto and her friends will make sure to eradicate it!"

Teto chimed in while taking a bodybuilder-like pose, bending her arms to show off her supple biceps.

If one didn't know any better, one would never believe that hidden behind her soft arms was her monstrous strength. Finding her pose funny, I poked her soft arms, causing her to bend her body from the tickling sensation.

«This isn’t the reason we called you here today. Actually, it's Leriel who wants to show her gratitude.»

«I'm really sorry I couldn't find time until now. But don't they say better late than never? I can finally show my gratitude to you for resolving the stampede.»

"You don't really have to do that……"

I obtained the floating stone and other rare metals in the abandoned mine from Lariel, while I received the floating island from Luriel along with all the mythical beasts living there.

To be honest, I was feeling a bit of dread imagining Leriel's gift.

«My gift is—— A Dungeon.»


I somehow managed to eke out a response. It wasn't like I didn't expect this given she was the goddess who governed over space and time, but I really wouldn't have minded being proven wrong.

I mean, I had heard from Baretta a while ago that if we used the Earth Vein Control Magic Tool to gather the flowing mana in one place, we could effectively give birth to an artificial dungeon.

Well, she also mentioned the chances of a stampede occurring so I scrapped that idea to oblivion.

«Hmm. You know, Chise, it's written all over your face just how bothersome you think it is. I guess I should correct your perception of my dungeon. First of all, the dungeon I'm talking about is different from the likes of the dungeons that are being used to disperse the stale mana from the earth veins!»

As if her pride was hurt by the way my expression showed my feelings about her reward, Leriel started explaining the difference between the dungeons from the past, and the modern dungeons.

The modern dungeons, the ones known to the people of this era, were basically tools to get the world back on the right track, even if only a little. They served as mana dissemination tools to release the stocked mana underground back into the world, and a training ground for humans to train after the advent of statuses.

The mechanism was simple: shaping the stocked mana into monsters and treasure chests. Just carrying the mana stones from defeated monsters or treasure chests from the dungeon to the outside world was enough to gradually de-escalate the crisis that would have otherwise occurred.

The mana stones and treasurers also acted as bait to lure in the people, forcing them to continue defeating monsters which also raised their level. Leveling up subsequently increased their mana capacity and granted them improved endurance to fight in drastic environments.

In case the mana accumulation crossed past a certain threshold, a dungeon’s countermeasure was to strengthen the monsters forcefully and create a stampede to release the mana back into the world,

So people dived into dungeons to prevent stampedes from happening and help regulate mana.

Well, this was all there was about the modern dungeons, they weren't like that in the past.

«The one I am giving you is something else entirely! This dungeon is an ancient model that can be customized at the whim of the dungeon creator as long as they have mana!»

«Fufu, it brings back memories. Dungeons were originally created for us, the newborn gods, at that time to practice world management.»

Pausing there, and with reminiscing expressions on their faces, Liliel and Leriel began talking about ancient dungeons.

«The world at that time was far different from now and was abundant with mana, so we used to create all sorts of dungeons to set trials for humans. The humans who were able to clear the trials and grasp the sacred artifacts we had placed there began to be called heroes......»

«We would often look for those who were worthy among the challengers and the ones with potential were chosen as either Brave Spirits or Angels.»

It must be a story about the past that far predated the ancient magic civilization era.

That came as a surprise to me, to be honest. I didn't expect dungeons to be originally kind of like a world management simulator for gods. However, it seemed to still retain the aspect of serving as a training ground for humans.

Furthermore, it wasn't just the gods who could make these types of dungeons, dragons, mythical beasts, spirits, devils, magicians or anyone with a certain level of mana could freely create dungeons.

Among the ruins spread across the current world, a good amount of them were, in fact, ancient dungeons that lost their dungeon masters.

«Just think of them as small biotopes to learn about world management, so they don't have settings like stampedes. Also, you don't have to make the effort of managing it, all you have to do is adjust the environment inside and create some monsters. It'll be able to operate by itself with the mana generated from the monsters.»

«Chise, do you remember the knowledge I transferred to you in the past to revive the wilderness? You can apply that knowledge to manage the dungeon as well.»

«Well, the only downside is you would have to fill it up with mana by yourself if you want to customize it first, and it can only be operated within the range of the mana drawn from the land it had been set up. Once the dungeon has started generating its own mana, however, you'll be able to do a lot of things», Leriel further added.

"Hmm, then that means we would be able to create various dungeons depending on the combination."

"Oh, Majou-sama is excited about them!"

Listening to their explanation, my mind quickly churned out possible combinations.

For example, by adjusting the monsters' strength, it would be able to serve as a training ground for the residents of the «Forest of the Creation Witch».

In another case, we could turn the dungeon into an exclusive mana-generating plant of sorts by planting world trees on each floor.

Or, if the defeated monsters dropped mana stones, we could also meet the mana stone demand of the demonkin who consumed them.

Even more, we could also create some coastlines or the sea inside the dungeon to create a stable supply of salt, seaweed, and other seafood which would otherwise be impossible to gain inland.

No, wait, if we just turned all the layers into tropical environments, didn't that mean we would be able to cultivate sugarcane, coffee, cocoa, and plenty more, too?

Just as my mind was drowning in a sea of ideas imagining the almost infinite possibilities of the dungeon, I heard an exasperated voice coming from Liliel.

«Sigh, there you go again in your flights of fancy, thinking about other people even until now. The gift is meant for you, Chise.»

"Ugh...... Of course, I'm also thinking about the layers we can make to use for ourselves. But, really, is it okay to accept this?"

«Be more confident, Chise! I've also increased the number of floors in the dungeon of the Great Forest as a reward for their help in the stampede. That nation has been operating its dungeon like that for a long time and has been enjoying the various resources it provides.»

Hmm? Listening to Leriel, the Eldar Forest Nation managed to upgrade their existing dungeon up to the 15th floor over the course of 2000 years partially due to helping her and also for their continuous reverence towards her.

The dungeon in our place would start with three floors only, though we could also upgrade it in a similar fashion.

"What a pinch...... There are just too many things to create for only three floors."

"Majou-sama! Teto wants to eat delicious food!"

Looking at me with caring gazes as I already began to feel a headache thinking about what to create on those three floors, Liliel and Leriel had warm smiles on their faces.

«Fufu, you have plenty of time to decide, Chise. Come on, time is almost up.»

As soon as Liliel said that, we found our consciousness fading before it was abruptly cut off.




After the dream oracle, Teto and I found ourselves back in our bed, our eyes locked into each other.

We swiftly got off the bed and changed our clothes excitedly. It had only been a few minutes when Baretta came into our room.

«Master, I have an urgent report. A dungeon has appeared in the «Forest of the Creation Witch»!"

"Hmm, I know. It's a gift from Leriel!"

"We are going to make a dungeon!"

Teto and I headed for the dungeon's location while explaining the matter to Baretta.

The location was towards the central-western part of the «Forest of the Creation Witch». It was on the opposite side of our mansion, separated by the massive world tree in the central region.

As we soared into the sky while riding the wand, we spotted Dragon Grandpa hovering in the sky near the dungeon. It seemed like he came here after sensing the dungeon's birth.

"Good morning, Dragon Grandpa!"

"Good morning-nanodesu!"

«If it isn't Majou-dono and Guardian-dono... I sensed the presence of a nostalgic relic so I came to check it out. I didn't expect it to be an ancient dungeon.»

Dragon Grandpa stopped there and shifted his gaze downward toward a chalk-white building.

All the dungeons we had seen so far had their entrances in huge rocks, but this one had a temple-like grandeur.

"It's a present from the Goddess-sama! We're going to create a lot of delicious mana stones and food!"

Hearing Teto's explanation as she spoke in a jubilant tone, Dragon Grandpa cackled in delight.

«Hahaha! I see, I see, that explains it. You can always come to consult with me if you encounter any trouble. I'm quite knowledgeable on the management aspect of ancient dungeons that I acquired in my younger days, so I can give you some advice on creating your dungeon.»

"You've also created one, Dragon Grandpa?"

«Yes. In my younger days when I made a nest and hoarded all my treasures there, I used to entertain myself with the challengers who came to fight me and played tricks on them.»

Who would have thought the wizened Dragon Grandpa also had a mischievous side to him in his youth? One really shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

Well, he has been alive for around 10,000 years, so I really couldn't imagine what he would have been like in his younger days.

«You have my gratitude for showing me a bygone relic. Well then, I shall take my leave.»

"See ya. We're going to fiddle with the dungeon for now. We'll come to you if we don't understand something."

"We're going to make a wonderful dungeon, so look forward to it, Dragon Grandpa!"

After taking delight in seeing an item from his youthful days, Dragon Grandpa returned to his cave in the former floating island where Dragon-Demons lived.

After seeing him off, Teto and I landed in front of the dungeon building and stepped inside.

T/N - Well it might be a bit late for this, but Liliel's name should have been Liriel following the naming logic of Creator God. Somehow, it gets lost in the way.