
I Became a Magical Cheat Loli Witchvolume 7 chapter 180: the magic eye of multi-eyed race and its usage

Many demi-human races settled in the , and among them was the Multi-Eyed race, a race that had an eye on their foreheads.

How they came to existence was still unknown to this day but their third eye could store up mana and exhibit different types of abilities.

Since they didn't differ that much from humans when it came to physical characteristics, they were able to live among humans and work as fortune-tellers of sorts to earn a living.

One day, I dropped by the settlement of the werewolves when I happened to see a bruised male werewolf, a male devil-kin, two mechanoids, and a woman from the Multi-Eyed race, Fey, there so I decided to call out to them.

"I was just passing by, but that's quite a combination. What are you guys doing?"

"These two people have injuries! What are you doing here!?"

The other side also noticed us at our call and bowed their heads before explaining.


"Please wait a minute, I'll be done with the investigation soon."

The mechanoids held pens and papers and got ready to jolt down the event that would happen from here on.

Following that, Fey clasped her hand in front of her chest, opened her closed third eye on her forehead, and channeled mana into it.

"...... I can see it. A fistfight had broken out between these fellow men."

It seemed like the werewolf and the devil-kin here had gotten into a fight.

Fey used her third eye's to divine the past of these two.

"So, what exactly is the situation?"

Such arguments usually involve both parties being at fault with misunderstandings starting things off.

"The food I had hidden in the cupboard has disappeared! You were there at that time, so it must have been you who took it!"

"Like hell! I just happened to see your door was open and decided to check the situation, that's all!”

"Stop, you guys~ Fighting is a no-no-nanodesu!"

As the mechanoid explained, things between the werewolf and the devil-kin heated up once again. Teto stepped between them and tried to mediate, though the two just averted their gazes with a snort.

"Say, are these two actually friends?"

"Apparently, they became friends in the refugee camp, and now they usually worked together on things like hunting and doing odd jobs despite being from different settlements."

Good grief, what a pair of troublesome buddies. Alas, it was inevitable for such a trifling fight to break out between residents with the rise in population.

In rural settlements, people were more carefree and usually didn't lock their homes, so their friends and acquaintances could enter anytime. The concerned party also didn't mind that.

However, since they were either persecuted, lived a reclusive life, or had to wander around resulting in an impoverished lifestyle, they were quite strict when it came to food. That was why fights like now usually broke out between these people when it involved food.

<fey, try="" to="" look="" further="" back="" in="" time="" and="" search="" for="" the="" cause="" resolve="" their="" fight.=""></fey,>


As I quietly watched the situation, Fey's third eye gradually revealed the cause and effect of the fight.

"Ummm...... The preparator isn't the devil-kin here."

"Look! What did I tell you? You're just making up excuses because you forgot that you drank it all!"

"Err, it seems like the werewolf here had also hidden it properly in his cupboard. The actual preparator is...... a Cu Sith."

Upon hearing this, the werewolf seemed to have realized who the culprit might be.

Perhaps, because the magic affinity between him and the fairy dog Cu Sith that stole his food was exceptional, they became friends in no time. He even shared food with the Cu Sith and cuddled or played together.

As a mythical beast, Cu Sith were quite intelligent but occasionally, their animal instinct would take over. Specifically, it would sneakily steal food or break things, the same things that would happen when one kept a dog.

".........Umm, I'm sorry for doubting you."

"No, I also went too far. Who could have thought the culprit was the Cu Sith."

After understanding the cause, both of them apologized to each other.

I turned to look at the mechanoids and the Multi-eyed demonkin Fey, who quietly nodded their heads, apparently satisfied with how things turned out.

"Well, this resolves the case this time. I'll heal you two, or else the bruises and injuries on your faces will cause others to worry. ------!"

"Remember, no fighting next time-nanodesu."

I healed the two who were riddled with bruises due to their fight with healing magic, while Teto rebuked them in a cutesy manner.

The two's shoulders dropped as they seemed to have regained their calm and shook hands in reconciliation.

"You, too, thank you for your effort."

"It was amazing how you resolved the case!"

Teto and I thanked Fey for her effort, who then awkwardly bowed her head.

"It's nothing much......It's my honor that my power can help out even if just a bit.…… Actually, I have a request."

"A request?"

Seeing the timid appearance of Fey, we were puzzled but we waited for her to continue.

From her serious expression, it didn't seem like she was asking for a reward for resolving this incident. It looked as if she was having an intense mental tug-of-war, wondering if she should say it or not, but eventually, she made up her mind and continued.

"It's our Multi-Eyed race's honor to have such a duty. That's why, I would like a magic tool that would stop us from lying for our safety and duties!"

"Err...... What exactly does that mean?"

Confused, I asked in a calm tone. But to her, it appeared as if I was cross-examining her, causing her to panic as she thought that she had disrespected me.

"I-I am sawwey! I diwdn't mean to tawk backw!"

"Calm down, I am not angry...... *Sigh*."

And finally, she broke into tears. If anyone were to suddenly walk in on us, they would surely think I was the one who made her cry which gave me a headache.

"It's alright-nanodesu~ Majou-sama is not scary~"

Fortunately, Teto stepped in and tried to pacify her with some soothing words. On the other hand, I turned to one of the mechanoids and urged her to explain what this was all about.

, <future-sight>, and read other people's status or memory. They are also capable of , , and that could see mana fluctuations. But due to their wide range of abilities, they might inevitably come across significant secrets.></future-sight>

"I see, that's what she meant by their safety."

Since ancient times, those who could get ahold of other people's secrets were either erased from the world or confined and controlled.

She must have been concerned about their safety in that sense.

, it could easily lead to wrongful accusations.>

Furthermore, for individuals taking up investigative roles like this, it was necessary to prevent false testimony and ensure fairness in the eyes of others. That was why they needed to be unable to lie.

"Ah, that's indeed likely to happen. I hadn't thought that far."

After understanding the gist of the mechanoid's explanation, I once again looked at Fey, who finally calmed down under Teto's pacification.

"People always have one or two secrets they don't want others to know, don't they? The possibility of intentionally letting this slip out to cause others harm or for one's own profit cannot be denied either, and a punishment would be necessary then. But just because you somehow managed to get ahold of a secret doesn't mean I will punish you for some unjust reasons."

"......Yes. Thank you for your kind words."

"Also, Truth Bracelet!"

I created a magic tool with creation magic. Its effect was pretty simple, whoever wore it wouldn't be able to lie.

Fey professed her gratitude again and again when I gave it to her.

However, considering they could only talk about facts they personally recognized, sometimes there might be a situation where they couldn't pass the correct details from depending on how well they could explain and the level of their comprehension.

I also expressed my concern about this to her to which she said,

"We know. This is a general understanding within our whole tribe. We have been repeatedly told over and over to interpret situations objectively based solely on factual observations without preconceptions or conjectures."

Then, we spent a bit of time making rules for the Multi-Eyed demonkin for situations where their help was taken to investigate events and incidents.

Afterwards, the Multi-Eyed race, holders of such a unique ability, established their position as the public prosecutor of the .

Incidentally, this happened later down the line, but giving Fey the right after she managed to pin down the real cause of the fight was interpreted as 'Those who will achieve some sort of accomplishment will receive a reward from me', and this rumor spread throughout races like wildfire. Due to this, I had to put in bone-breaking effort just to erase that rumor in a flurry.