
I Became a Magical Cheat Loli Witchvolume 6 chapter 161: a closed spring

Side - Dark Elf Guide Altair

"Majou-sama~, Majou-sama~"

"Chise-sama! If you can hear us! Please reply!"

While feeling pain in my chest as I heard Teto-sama's voice, which seemed like she could burst into tears at any moment, I bitterly reflected on my own mistake.

Just as I was guiding the 'Immortal Witch' Chise-sama and Teto-sama to finally welcome them to our Eldar Forest Kingdom after the long journey, Chise-sama went missing. What was more, it happened when she was walking between me and Teto-sama. She just suddenly disappeared into the mist.

We called out for Chise-sama in an attempt to find her without diverging from the path to the Eldar Forest Kingdom, but there was no reply, and with the spirits hindering us, we couldn't detect her either.

"Teto almost forgot! Majou-sama has a «Transfer Gate»! Teto also has one that's connected to Majou-sama!"

After saying that, Teto-sama took out the other pair of the «Transfer Gate» from her magic bag.

According to the information Her Highness the Queen, a high elf, has obtained, Chise-sama, who could use «Creation Magic», could create magic tools that had been lost for over 2000 years.

It seemed like the «Transfer Gate» was one such magic tool that she had given to Teto-sama.

"With this, Teto can connect to where Majou-sama is——huh?"

The rectangular, door-shaped magic tool however didn't connect to the different space as Teto-sama just passed through it.

"I am very much ashamed to say this, but Goddess Leriel's power has a strong influence in the center of this great forest to protect the capital city of the Eldar Forest Kingdom and the world tree, so magic that connects different spaces is off-limits."

Leriel-sama wasn't just the wind goddess but was also the one who governed over time and space, hence any space-type magic which involved teleporting or information transmission from inside to outside or vice-versa was obstructed.

We were able to protect the great forest thanks to these blessings, however, elves weren't an exception as we also couldn't bypass these restrictions. The only exceptions were a handful of people like the knights recognized by the Priestess or Her Majesty the Queen.

It's due to this fact that we were unable to meet up with Chise-sama right now.

"Majou-sama~, Majou-sama~!"

I held Teto-sama's hand as she looked like she was going to burst into tears at any time while calling out for Chise-sama and looking around for her aimlessly, and executed the best plan I could think of in the meantime.

"Teto-sama! It would be more unfortunate if you also went in to search! I am sure that's not something Chise-sama would want! Therefore, let's head to the capital city as quickly as possible and issue a search request to the elven knights to safely find Chise-sama!"

The elven knights were carrying equipment that bore the blessing of the Priestess, the apostle of Leriel-sama, so they should be able to efficiently search the forest without being hindered by any restrictions or spirits.

"Ugh, Majou-sama, Majou-sama~"

I quickly grabbed the hand of Teto-sama who sulked like a child, summoned a dark spirit, and let it take us to the direction of the capital of the Eldar Forest Nation through the consecutive use of «Shadow Transfer».

The only silver lining amidst all this was that I was holding the amulet blessed by the Priestess so I could use «Shadow Transfer» without any hindrance.

However, the maximum distance I could travel with a single use was only about one kilometer. Though, it was still safer and faster than running through the uneven forest with «Body Strengthening».

The simultaneous movement of two people was an indispensable skill to be able to carry important people to a safe shelter when the time called for it. However, this was the first time I used «Shadow Transfer» to this extent, and I felt my mana rapidly depleting.

However, this wasn't the time to care about such matters. I kept using «Shadow Transfer», channeling my mana to the dark spirit while drinking high-quality mana potions that elves use.

I was forced to take a break midway due to the depletion of my mana, however, thanks to the materialization of an intermediate-level earth spirit that for some reason collaborated with Teto-sama, we were able to advance straight towards the Eldar Forest Kingdom's capital without losing our way while being carried on Teto-sama's back.

When my mana recovered, I used «Shadow Transfer», and while I rested or slept, Teto-sama carried me and raced through the depths of the Great Forest for three days and three nights in this way.

Side - Chise

"Camping, huh? I wonder when was the last time I did it?"

When I was active as the «Flying Carpet», who was known for swift action and fast travel, I rarely had to camp because I could travel from town to town in less than a day. And when I learned to create «Transfer Gates», I just returned to our mansion in the «Empty Wilderness» so it has been ages since I camped like this.

"Fuu, my teleportation magic is ineffective, and I can’t use the transfer gate or communication magic tool to connect with Teto or Baretta. This should be due to the influence of this place."

As I fled from the monsters, I reached the ridge of a spring.

Afterwards, I tried using the «Transfer Gate» and my communication magic tool to get in touch with Teto and Baretta, but neither of them worked, and so here I was, sitting by the spring, hugging my knees and waiting to be rescued.

"Only I was lost despite being sandwiched between Altair-san and Teto. It sounds like a deliberate plot from someone."

Supposing I was following someone, then even the person following behind me, Teto, should have been lost together. However, not just Teto, even Altair-san was nowhere to be seen, so I guess I was taken away by some kind of supernatural power......

"Hmm, well I can't say for sure if I was caught up in a supernatural power. I guess it would be better to search the area a little more."

Now that I was done securing a temporary safe zone, I started investigating the area around spring.

I wasn't sure if it was a good idea to damage the trees of the Great Forest, so I placed the mana crystal from my magic bag on the ground.

"One step, two steps, three steps......ten steps—— I think this distance should be enough."

The «Mana Crystal» in which I had stocked up plenty of mana so far as I had been using it as a mana sub-tank could be used as a marker when placed on the ground with the mana working as an indicator of sorts.

Then, as I explored straight to the east from the spring while detecting the «Mana Crystal» at regular intervals, I realized something.

"Err, hmm? This place is—"

That something was that after I started walking for a bit, I came back to the spring from earlier right after I exited the forest but from the opposite side.

Even the «Mana Crystal» I had placed as a mark was there on the ground.

"——Could it be, I'm stuck in a loop?"

When this realization dawned upon me, I tried to explore the north of the spring but came out on the south of it. I tried various methods of walking to check but it seemed like this place was a closed space that looped.

"I'm in a pinch. I guess I'm now trapped in a locked space."

'If the ground didn't yield any results, then how about the sky?' Acting on this thought, I flew into the sky with flight magic but I was hindered by an invisible barrier and couldn't fly past a certain altitude.

"Teleportation magic is off limits as well, and there doesn't seem to be any other way to leave this place, which means I am trapped here for good, huh......?"

My thoughts drifted to Teto, who in her concern for me might have caused trouble for the guide Altair-san, making me restless.

"For now, let's see if the sky restriction can be destroyed."

My action may damage the great forest so I turned my magic to the barrier-like wall in the sky and launched my magic there, rather than on the ground.

"——«Wind Cutter»."

I pointed my wand towards the sky and chanted the spell.

It was the same magic I had used to defeat the Saber Tiger earlier, and yet the mana dispersed before the spell had finished forming.

"!? ——«Wind Cutter» «Wind Cutter» «Wind Cutter»!"

I imagined the same magic multiple times and tried to invoke it and yet it failed to activate each time, leaving only empty echoes.

"Haaa, calm down. I was able to use «Fly» just a moment ago. ——«Light»."

I tried to use the magic that created a sphere of light—— and it worked without a hitch.

"So does it mean the only magic I can't use here are teleportation and communication magic to leave from here, and offensive magic meant to destroy the space......?"

Feeling exhausted from having my magic constantly obstructed, I sat down by the spring, hugging my knees.

"In my current situation, the only thing I can do is to wait for Teto and the others to find and rescue me......"

Having given up, I was suddenly assailed by intense drowsiness.

I let the sleepiness take me and laid down on the grassy bank of the spring, the serene sound of the forest filling my ears.

I was wearing a robe enchanted with cold protection, so I didn't feel cold at all. In fact, the warm sunlight, the refreshing breeze, the sound of flowing water, and the rustling leaves created a soothing natural melody that lulled me to sleep.

In a daze, I wondered when was the last time I slept without Teto being by my side while hugging my wand as if to replace her absence and letting go of my consciousness.

At that moment, I felt like I heard delighted laughter like that of children nearby.

Editor's note: Any guesses on what happened? My money's on fairies pranking her. It's actually quite obvious now that I think about it :P

T/N - ~~And here I thought it's the goddess guidance to resolve another mystery~~