
I Became a Magical Cheat Loli Witchvolume 6 chapter 153: witch firm

We showed Selene and the others of the envoy team of the Margrave Reebel house around the «Empty Wilderness».

We introduced them to the people residing here, the angel and Dragon-Demon race, and explained how their way of life was no different from normal people.

"People of the demonic race have also been observed in the Iska Kingdom, they really are no different from other people when you look at them closely."

Hearing Selene mumble so while gazing at the kids of the two races playing around, several members of the envoy team nodded in agreement.

Maybe the reason behind their easy acceptance could be attributed to the adorable and sublime features that the angel race possessed or the Demon-Dragon race looking similar to demi-human dragonkin's «Dragon-ification» state.

"They are lumped into one single race, the demonic race, but they come in different forms."

Whether it was the devil-possessed people from the «Evil Cult» that had once attacked Selene and mutated into evil demons or the werewolf we had defeated in the Gard Beastkin Nation for a request, both were extremely dangerous members of the demonic race that posed great harm to people.

While those classified into demonic races usually possessed demi-human-like body traits with some slight differences, there were also some people from the demonic races who didn't look any different from your average demi-human.

In general, the subjugation targets were only those demons who have become insane after they were contaminated by miasma or polluted mana. However, there were also places where demonic races and monsters were lumped together. Racial discrimination was prominent there and they became targets of persecution.

Specifically, the western region of this continent seemed to have designated a particular kind of demonic race as a target of subjugation.

"Okaa-san, Teto-onee-chan. I'll visit you again."

"Sure, I'll be waiting."

"Let's hang out again~"

We saw Selene off as she was escorted out by her guards, knights, and adventurers and left for the Margrave Reebel territory in the Iska Kingdom.

We concluded the negotiation and agreement regarding future trading with the envoys.

Aside from them, we also welcomed the envoy team of the Gard Beastkin Nation who visited us the following year seeking the same kind of agreement as the Margrave Reebel house.

From the Gard Beastkin Nation, the royal family's second prince took on the role of the mediator and led the envoy team and their adviser was Duke Gyunton. At the same time, we received a diplomat from the Lovile Kingdom, adjacent to the Gard Beastkin Nation in the east.

"This is the reparation arranged by our parliament for the misconduct done against Majou-dono. Please, accept them. And I would like to take this opportunity to deeply apologize for the foolish actions of our former king."

It appeared that among the items brought by the Lovile Kingdom envoys, apart from the monetary compensation there were also artworks of tableware and glassware workshops, and paintings that I personally enjoyed purchasing.

I shifted my gaze to Duke Gyunton to seek his help, perplexed at the actions of the Lovile Kingdom's diplomat.

"They have come here on my suggestion after hearing of your survival. What will you do?"

"Even if you say that......"

I was already feeling sorry for the diplomat who had his head deeply lowered in apology.

"*Sigh* I didn't care about that, to begin with. Let bygones be bygones."

"Thank you very much for your generosity. We will be under your care from now on."

Hearing the rapid change in tone of the diplomat, I couldn't help but wonder if they have purposefully dispatched someone proficient in shedding crocodile tears to appear pitiful.

"You're too easy, Majou-sama~"

"Haaa, I also think so, Teto."

As Teto adorably showed her anger, I could only let out a deep sigh.

That being said, a little bit of revenge should be permissible, I guess.

"Of course, since our land isn't directly connected with the Lovile Kingdom, we will continue to communicate and interact through the intermediary of the Gard Beastkin Nation."

"Y, yes...... it would be our pleasure."

The shoulders of the 'crocodile tear' diplomat visibly slumped when I plainly informed them so.

There was a saying that opportunity lay in a crisis, so they must have thought to get in direct touch with the «Empty WIlderness» under the guise of an apology.

I just told them that it wasn't going to happen and asked them to go through the Gard Beastkin Nation instead.

Maybe he expected this scenario, as Duke Gyunton's shoulders were quivering in mockery.

This incident could be said as the Gard Beastkin Nation getting an upper hand over the Lovile Kingdom regarding this matter.

After sorting things out with the Lovile Kingdom's side, I then turned to face the second prince of the Gard Beastkin Nation, Lionkin Reginton, however——

"So you're the famous «Flying Carpet» party whose praises are sung in our nation! I would really like to have a bout with you!"

"Duke Gyunton......"

"Well, sorry. His Highness Reginton is, you see, a martial arts fanatic."

The ears of the tigerkin Duke Gyunton plopped down as if to express their apology.

I wondered why such a person was selected as the representative of the envoy team when I realized maybe the second prince was just the representative in name to put the achievement under his belt while the actual negotiations would be handled by Duke Gyunton.

"Then Teto accepts your challenge!"

"Ohh, you must be the rumored exalted swordsman Teto-dono! Let's have a bout!"

Both wielded the weapon of their choice and sparred until they were satisfied. After ending their match, they shared drinks.

He wasn't on the level of Teto or Yahada, but he managed to hold his ground against the warriors of the Demon-Dragon race.

He couldn't battle for long due to his limited mana reserve, but the skills he showed using «Beastification» and «Body Hardening» put him on par with A-rank adventurers.

"He's amazing......."

"Yeah, His Highness may look crude with his personality, but he has great battle instincts. It's a pity that he falls a bit short on the mana department, being one of the royal beastkin members, but that gap shortened with his ability as a general."

To begin with, the amount of mana often was a part of the marriage condition of nobles in any nation you go to, so there was a higher tendency for children born from noble or royal families to possess higher levels of magical power.

However, the Gard Beastking Nation was an assembly of multiple beastkin races and tribes.

In the past, they used to marry within the same tribe or race, but there has been a policy of inter-marriage positively asserted by the beastkin royal family. Apparently, that was why they were seeking marriage through lineage rather than focusing on mana capacity.

By the way, in the case of beastkin races such as dog beastkin or cat beastkin, if they were born from parents of different races, the child tended to be of one of the two beastkin races of either the mother or the father.

Prince Reginton was seemingly a child born of a Lion beastkin father as his feature suggested, and a wolf beastkin mother.

Also, they occasionally introduced the blood of another beastkin who held different ancestry than the parents to continue the mixed-blood lineage.

The important point here was that the tiger beastkin Duke Gyunton being a blood relative of Prince Reginton was due to such returning to ancestor practice.

Prince Reginto formed a sense of friendship with the Dragon-Demon warriors after a bout and a drinking session——

"You, you're quite skilled for yourself too! How about you serve me!"

"I apologize. But I already have my benefactor Dragon Grandpa and Majou-sama to serve so I can't go with the Prince."

"I see, that's a pity! Come to me anytime if you ever change your mind though!"

He shrewdly attempted to scout a member of the Dragon-Demon race.

On such note, the envoy team of the Gard Beastkin Nation left under the eyes of the residents who asked them to come visit at another time.

Now that it was basically confirmed that we would be trading with two countries, there was something we must decide on.

"The items we could only get through «Creation Magic» can now be procured from trading. We need a department specialized in business."

«I have chosen individuals with high aptitudes for intellectual labor within the maid corps. Let's establish a firm with those individuals.»

Residents of the «Empty Wilderness» have been living a self-sufficient lifestyle and mainly relied on bartering.

But when the trade begins with the outside world, monetary transactions would become essential.

To facilitate that, we considered establishing a trading firm that was closely associated with the government through which we could conduct trade.

"Utilize the compensation from the Lovile Kingdom for the firm's funding."

«Our side will select the articles to put up for trade.»

"Yes, please, Baretta. Just to make sure to consider the potential influence of the items on the outside world. I think it would be better to choose items that wouldn't leak much about our situation or restrict their quantity. Also, we have to list the items that must not be brought into the «Empty Wilderness». Ah, we should establish the firm's policy as well."

There were many things to consider from now on, but it was reassuring that I had Baretta and the others to whom I can delegate such judgments.

The right person for the right job......but this would further increase the workload on the mechanoids, so I wondered if I should further add 50 service dolls. Or maybe I should look for people who could handle such tasks from the demon race residents?

And that was how the Witch firm, under the direct management of the «Empty Wilderness», came into existence.

In the future, when the world was overflowing with abundant mana, it would be nice to create a tenant shop for the kids who want to venture outside the «Empty Wilderness».

I was really looking forward to the future that lay ahead.

SIDE - Witch firm in the future

Witch firm now had its branches reaching out to each nation and was engaged in various business ventures.

Reflecting their founder's ideology, they conducted trade steadily while introducing innovative products to the world.

Furthermore, they contributed to society by selling goods at fair prices and providing relief to the weak against the unfair hoarding done by other firms when war or disaster occurred.

Some nations strongly hope for their branch store to open in their place, for a chance to have a connection with the firm's founder, the «Creation Witch ». However, it was impossible unless they established solid credibility. Also, when the firm judged that a nation couldn't maintain a trustworthy relationship with them, the firm would promptly withdraw from the said nation.

«Master, here is this month's dividend.»

"Thank you, Baretta...... and this is another impressive amount, huh?"

"Woah, there are so many numbers-nanodesu!"

I, who had just been passing the days in leisure, just provided the initial funding and here I was receiving a part of the Witch firm's dividends. Nevertheless, an impressive amount, enough to be called immense wealth, was noted down.

"To be honest, receiving this much money every month makes me feel uneasy..."

«However this is the rightful claim of Master. Especially since the main products of the firm are the inventions of the Master.»

The women around me wished for beauty products, so I created skincare and other cosmetics with my «Compounding» skill.

To start with, it was something I created to use for medical purposes to treat burns or scars, but these products quickly became a fad among wealthy ladies when they were put on sale, becoming a bestseller for over 200 years.

After that, I also developed cosmetics at the request of women close to me, and they became the main product of the firm.

Furthermore, all those products were extremely high in quality due to the mana-rich ingredients used in making them, which primarily came from the «Empty Wilderness»—... no, it should be called «The Forest of the Creation Witch» now.

Also, with the magic tools that I developed spreading worldwide, I accumulated a vast amount of fortune as the developer's profit.

"Maybe, it would have been better if they had never made it into the world."

I had started all of this to spread our influence in each nation through the Witch firm by contributing to society in hopes of making it harder for others to find trouble with us, and yet, without realizing it, I have become one of the world's richest people.

To be honest, I don't really need that much money.

"This excessive amount of money is both burdensome and unnecessary."

"Besides, Majou-sama also has «Creation Magic»!"

I could use «Creation Magic» to obtain materials and tools for my research and hobbies. It may be insignificant compared to the dividends from the company, but I also received money from other sources.

The only things I desired were books, antiques, delicious food, and going out for a food tour.

So it was obvious I would feel unsettled receiving such a huge lump of money.

"Then transfer a big gold coin to my account and proceed with the rest like usual."


I only accepted one big gold coin each month, while most were used to pay for the maids or the maintenance of the mansion.

The remaining amount was passed to the founding branch of the Witch firm, which donated the money to necessary causes.

This included the management of orphanages, donations to the church, scholarships for students, research funds for research, medical bills of patients inflicted with incurable diseases, and the protection of mythical beasts to uplift the mana density and preservation of nature.

No matter how strong I may become, the reach of my help alone would still be limited.

However, 80% of this world's problems could be solved with money.

The money amassed under me was something I could never hope to spend completely, so while it may not be sufficient to save all the people in need, I believed I could extend my hand to more people compared to what I could do alone through the help of the Witch firm.

They must be cliched words, but I wanted everyone to experience a happy life.

With that wish in mind, I invested the firm's funds into the future of the world.