
I Became a Magical Cheat Loli Witchvolume 5 chapter 131: mythical beasts of the floating island

Chapter 17 -

V5C17(131) - Mythical Beasts of the floating island

After landing on the floating island, I took a deep breath.

“Sigh. This trip has drained quite a lot of my mana.”

I had to use a good amount of my mana to carry all three of us to this far-off island.

My broom would have been far more efficient in carrying us here. The flying carpet, however, guzzled down 100,000 units of my mana to reach the height of the floating island.

“So this is the birthplace of Kuro. It's a nice place!”


Just as we were surveying the surroundings, Kuro, who was hiding in Yuishia’s robe, came out and landed on the ground then began to walk.

Then he wagged his tail and turned to look at us.

“It seems Kuro-san is asking us to follow him like usual.”

“Well then, let’s take him up on his offer. Teto, although I don’t know if it'll be necessary, keep your guard up.”


Then, as we walked through the floating island with Kuro leading the way, all sorts of mythical beasts gathered around us in no time.

“Wings on the body of a horse, this child is… Pegasus, huh?”

“Majou-sama, Majou-sama. Kuro’s friends have also come here.”

“Chise-san, look! There are squirrels with horns and dogs with fairy-like wings growing on their back!”

There were Pegasuses, spirit cat Cat Siths, horned squirrels who lived in yggdrasil - Ratatoskrs, and spirit dog Cu Siths. There were also other mythical beasts — like Wolf Fenrirs, Great Eagle Aquilas, Rabbit Al-mirages, Turtle-Snake Aspidochelones, a combination of a lion’s body and an eagle's head - Griffons, a rat with a jewel embedded into its head - Carbuncles and many more — that appeared in front of me and nuzzled their bodies against me.

“Wai—, too many, so heavy…… and suffocating……”

“You’re popular, Majou-sama~”

“But so many are gathering up to her, I wonder why……”

Most probably, they were attracted to the smell of my mana (?) that was lingering around me due to the explosive amount of mana I used on the flying carpet just before.

I guess they were here to absorb the mana leaking out of my body.

I don’t mind their fluffy bodies pressing on me, but there were just too many of them and it was getting suffocating.

“Calm down, I’m not going anywhere!”

I finally snapped and released my mana at once, and, seemingly content from absorbing it, they finally showed signs of calming down. Though the younger ones still continue to hang around us, apparently taking an interest in us, without returning to the forest.

“*Grumble* They’re all getting Majou-sama's mana. Teto is jealous.”

“Fine, fine, don’t be like that. I'll refill you later.“


Looking at Yuishia tilting her head in confusion at our conversation made me realize I had yet to tell her Teto was a demonic race - Golem.

“Still though, where are Kuro and the others heading to?”

From the look of it, they were walking straight towards the mountain that was there when the floating island was still a peninsula island.

After some time, we left the mountain path and proceeded through the beast trail, with all sorts of mythical beasts coming near me for my mana.

And whenever that happened, the mythical beasts who didn’t get their turn at the beginning intimidated and threatened them, and somehow, they formed a row of mythical beasts.

They would then leave after I use the mana recharge spell «Charge» while caressing their bodies.

“You really are loved by them, Majou-sama. Teto also wants Majou-sama to pat her.”

“Yes, yes, you’re a good girl. Good girl. I'm happy that the mythical beasts are showing me their love, but we aren’t getting anywhere at this rate.”

I find these mythical beasts, with their eyes brimming with goodwill to receive attention, harder to handle than the malevolent monsters, which caused me to falter in my steps.

Then there was Teto, who was like a puppy abandoned by her master, so I caved in and patted her head, which was enough for her to cheer up.

“I think I'm a bit tired…… After my battle at the Suzurland’s mansion, I was taken to the floating island right after. I put almost everything in Chise-san’s magic bag, but there were still many things that were left behind.”

“I'll get them back later. But indeed, it’s not good to have too much tension, so let's take a break for a while.”

Then we set our backs against any fallen tree or boulder that we saw nearby, as I took out some fruits from my magic bag to eat. I also shared them with the Mythical beasts who had been walking beside us and were looking longingly at the food, and they happily munched on them.

As we were having a leisurely rest, I sensed a mana reaction from the sky and shifted my gaze, but it had its back against the sun, so I couldn't exactly see it and I only knew it had wings.

“h! A Harpy!?”

I quickly expanded my mana sense while readying my wand against what looked like a monster with the head of a woman and the body of a bird, and saw several shadows showing themselves from the surrounding grasses.

“Chise-san. There are also sub-species of Lizardmen.”

The ones that appeared from the grasses were people with angular reptilian heads and green or blue scales.

However, their appearance looked closer to the transformation that occurred when draconic species used their racial skill «Dragonification» which they could learn, than the monsters called lizardmen.

I glanced at them with vigilance when they appeared, as I didn’t expect monsters to be living on the floating island of mythical beasts when Teto tugged at my robe—

“Majou-sama…… they aren’t monsters. They’re like Teto……”

“Same as you, so demonic race?”

“Huh, Teto-san is a demon!?”

As I was thinking that Yuishia sure has enough leeway to be surprised at our secret despite being besieged by a group of mysterious people from the demonic race in a corner of my mind, the winged demonic woman descended.

“Human! Rephrase your wording! The fact that you dare to compare a being of noble status like me to a lowlife monster such as a Harpy is worth a thousand deaths!”

A pair of white wings were growing on the back of the girl who swooped down from the sky.

“An angel…?”

“Indeed! We’re the kin of the gods, one of the trusted followers of the goddesses — I’m Shael, an angel of the divine race!”

The young angel girl, who said her name was Shael, pompously puffed out her chest in pride at Yuishia’s mumbling.

I really wasn't sure if she was of the divine race instead of the demonic race.

The angels that appeared in the myths were spiritual lifeforms, very much like devils. They were egoless existences that were there to follow the orders of goddesses like Liliel.

Though, there were also beings among them who possessed their own ego and had appeared in the world, but—

“Since you’re introducing yourself, then so shall I! I am Yahada! The one that is the vessel of an old dragon and hence, a dragon warrior!”

The dragon warrior with a sturdy body, like that of a military man, who named himself Yahada, swung his spear in a show of force and trampled the ground beneath him.

There were also other angels or dragon warriors gathering here, and encircling us.

“You Mythical Beasts! Why do you protect the invaders of the island?!”

As we found ourselves surrounded, the mythical beasts roared and positioned themselves between us, the angels, and the dragon warriors, forming an impassable barrier to prevent any further conflict from unfolding.

So I lowered my wand after sensing their will.

“I’m Witch Chise. The reason behind our visit to this floating island is to help a Cat Sith who had fallen from this island return to this place, we do not wish to fight. Also, it’s indeed rude of us to mistake you for monsters, for which I apologize.”


Teto followed suit and bowed after me.

Then, as Yuishia, too, bowed her head in apology albeit a step late, the black cat - Cat Sith Kuro jumped in front of Angel Shaela and Dragon warrior Yahada, making their eyes widen in surprise.

“You! You were alive!? I was sure you were dead after being blown away on that stormy day!”

“This is a joyous occasion! Our missing friend has come back! Quick, inform the village!”

Shael, realizing Kuro was the same Cat Sith that had fallen from the island 5 years ago, extended her hands to him, but Kuro escaped from Shael's grasp while flashing a prickly expression, and nuzzled himself against Yuishia’s feet.

Shael showed a frustrated expression at his antics and then looked at Yuishia with a sharp glare.

The mouth of the enigmatic dragon Yahada contorted into a smile, and sent one of his comrades to deliver the news while Yuishia winced due to Shael’s glare.

“We accept your reason! However, you have to come with us to the place of our grandfather for judgment. There is not a single precedent of a human coming here from outside for the past 1200 years.”

With those words, Shael and Yahada maintained their encirclement vigilantly as they waited for the messenger to return.

However, conflict didn’t occur with the mythical beasts standing between us like an immovable wall, and eventually, they received word to treat us like guests from the being they called «Grandfather».

We started moving while surrounded by them.

Moreover, each time I moved, the mythical beasts appeared, greeted me, and absorbed magical energy before vanishing. The angels and dragon warriors who witnessed this displayed expressions of astonishment.

“Who the hell are you……? Why are mythical beasts greeting you?”

“Majou-sama is Majou-sama-nanodesu!”

“They just want my mana, that’s all.”

I guess they might just want to taste a different quality of mana from me, I thought so while walking and saw a small settlement at the foot of the mountain. Apparently, that was where the angels and dragon warriors lived.

Their lifestyle was simple. Though materials like bones, mythical beasts' hair, or fur — which I assume they have got from the corpses that passed away either from accidents or old age — were seemingly widely used there.

This floating island had enough value in terms of materials with mythical value to build a palace above the ground, or so I thought.

We passed by the village as I was lost in such thoughts, and then arrived at one corner of the mountain.

“Grandfather is coming! Be sure to not be rude towards him!”

And then, I felt the ground shaking right after Shael gave the warning.

A colossal being whose mere steps shook the ground, and possessed an even greater abundance of mana than myself.

As Yuishia’s expression turned stiff, I judged the coming being wasn’t an opponent to be feared by taking a look at Kuro who purred in joy.

And soon, that appeared.

«I bid thee greetings, noble benefactor, thou who hath rescued our wayward offspring from the surface realm. Amongst our kin, I am known as 'Grandfather', though in truth, I am but a humble dragon.»

From the colossal dragon, a thread of telepathy communication was released with his voice sounding that of a serene elder.

“Dr, Drago……. fwoosh ……”

«Io, it seems that my presence hath stirred within the young lady there a profound reaction, overpowering in its intensity.»

Yuishia fainted upon the sight of the colossal dragon’s presence. Mythical beasts swiftly came to her aid, supporting her collapsed frame and gently laying her on the back of a massive mythical beast.

«Thy arrival to this isle hath been foretold by the divine oracle of Luriel-sama. We extend a most gracious welcome unto thee, ye apostles of the esteemed Goddess Liliel, and thy faithful companions.»

The dragon here was already aware of us through Goddess Luriel, eh?

The angels like Shael and the others showed their surprise at that statement.


Amidst this, Kuro jumped in front of the colossal dragon and purred as if asking to be spoiled. In response, the colossal dragon gazed upon him with gentle eyes.

«Hahaha, the safe return of the progeny of the Cat Sith doth gladden mine heart. Above all, thou hast done valiantly by bringing the very star of mine hope.»

The colossal dragon then slowly bowed his head to us, who tilted our heads in wonder as to what ‘star of hope’ Kuro brought.

«Oh, thou blessed apostle of the Goddess Liliel. Wilt thou extend thy benevolence and rescue the offsprings of mine upon this Floating Island?»

His following words baffled me even more, as I lent my ear to listen to the colossal dragon’s circumstances.