
I Became a Magical Cheat Loli Witchvolume 4 chapter 113: magic wand - hisui

Chapter 30 -

I was currently facing a certain object in a room of our residence at the «Empty Wilderness» after dealing with the subjugation of the sea serpent.

"*Sigh* Good grief, I really don't know what to do with it…"

"You still can't make up your mind, Majou-sama?"

That thing was the floating stone that Lariel had given to us. I thought that it was a bit dangerous to sell it as of now.

"I think Majou-sama should just make a newer and better wand."

"Wand? What're yo一一 ah, maybe."

I also have a wand as a witch but its ability wasn't actually that good.

To be more accurate, I didn't see any reason to waste resources on a wand that helped out in reducing mana expenditure and amplified a spell's might when I had excessive amounts of mana 一 over 300,000 units.

All the wands I created thus far specialized in spell coordination ability.

"Majou-sama uses a broomstick and a wand differently when flying but Teto thinks you can use them together with this."

"Ah, I see. You mean for flying purposes."

It actually didn't sound bad. Not only would it improve traveling time through flying magic but I would also be able to cut down on the mana needed to maintain the levitating spell by using the inherent nature of a floating stone.

"You're right, but I gotta see which materials I should use alongside it."

"World tree is fine I think!"

"Ah, maybe."

They were the trees I created with high mana emission output in mind and raised in this wilderness. The trees I planted in the initial stage of reformation had grown spectacularly big.

They dropped plenty of good quality thick branches on stormy days, like the one that happened yesterday, which were then collected and put in one place by Baretta and the other service dolls.

"They're indeed the finest materials for a wand. Let's see if there are other materials we need."

I fetched some books about wand manufacturing for a magic tool maker out of the book collection that I had filled up by either purchasing books or replicating them with «Creation Magic».

"Materials are okay. Alright, let's give it a try."

In front of me were the branch of a 30-year-old world tree's branch, the floating stone, and a Mithril ore.

"Here I go. 一一«Extraction»!"

I used the extraction magic that can be used from the alchemy or earth magic category, extracted the high-purity Mithril from the Mithril ore, and refined it.

I shaped it into an ingot and next, I took the floating stone and put it on my hand.

"一一«Charge»! It's really floating."

Apparently, it produced a repulsion force that acted against gravity when mana was poured into it.

I think not just 'Fly', the flying spell might also help out in amplifying other spells like 'Reflection', a counterspell against an enemy's offensive spell.

"Well, let's first give it a nice shape."

The deep green shine on the floating stone took an even more attractive shade after I polished it with the wax I created with my «Creation Magic». I then put it beside the materials of the wand without splitting it, leaving it in the shape when we first excavated it.

"Now I just have to put it between the Mithril pedestal and match it with the branch of the world tree."

I manipulated the Mithril ingot-like clay with magic and formed a pedestal for the thin Mithril vines to wrap around the floating stone. After that, I polished the surface of the world tree's branch with refining magic, and when the surface was perfectly dry after applying the wax, I connected it with the Mithril pedestal holding the floating stone.

And in the end, I added some properties to the created wand that were more for the likes of a flying magic tool rather than a wand.

"I'm done. Here's my new wand!"

It was quite a big wand since I made sure to keep the size almost the same as the broomstick I once used to fly in the sky.

"Let's go for a trial run."

I met with Teto and Baretta who were releasing the animals and creatures we captured during our journey into the forest when I came out of the mansion with the new wand in my hand.

"You're here, Majou-sama! Have you made your new wand?"

"Yeah, I'm done. This is the one."

I showed them the newly created long wand I made using a branch of the world trees, a Mithril ore, and the floating stone.

"I'm going to test it out, are you guys coming with me to watch?"

"Teto will go!"

«I, too, will follow master.»

I moved to the place that was still untouched in the «Empty Wilderness» with «Teleportation» magic together with Teto and Baretta.

"Alright, we can use any magic we want here without bothering others!"

"Good luck, Majou-sama! Teto has built the walls."

«Then I will be acting as an analyst.»

Teto set up the walls to be used as target practice while Baretta assumed the role of an analyst and a commentator.

I raised my wand and channeled mana into it as they watched me.

"...... Incredible, this is simply incredible."

I had been using a generic magic wand that I created with my creation magic up until now and the floating stone wand was simply not just a world, but was more like a universe apart in its ability to amplify mana from the core when compared to my old wand.

Then the amplified mana took the form of a green glow that pervaded the surrounding area.

"一一«Wind Cutter»!"

The wind blade from the «Wind Cutter» had the same size as I was familiar with but the mana density packed into it was simply sky high which could be seen after it cut apart the wall Teto created like a hot knife running on butter.

"This power can't be used on humans. Teto, a big boulder this time."


This time I opted for a wind bullet spell against the big boulder created by compressing the ground's soil.

The thirty compressed wind bullets gouged out the surface of the boulder and pierced all the way to its core.

"The piercing and offensive ability are just so different. Let's try some other magic."

According to Baretta's analysis, the wind magic had improved by ten folds, the dark and no attribute magic by three folds, and the rest received twofold improvement.

"That's really a terrific improvement. I would like to refrain from using it as much as I can."

The «Thunderbolt» spell was one of the most devastating magic in my arsenal and also incorporated wind magic in it.

There was no doubt that the damage would spread to unrelated parties after the tenfold leap in its power if I continued to use it without thinking like I had been doing before.

"That's too strong. I guess I'll have to create a stopper."

I created a Mithril cap on the other end of the cane of the floating stone wand and put up the grant magic on it to restrict it from casting any other spell aside from flying purpose spells.

The mithril cap would now cap the might of my spells back to their original value even with the amplified mana.

Also, the surplus mana generated due to the amplification was emitted in the form of a green glow and improved the toughness of the whole cane. I also re-tuned it to the likes of a blunt weapon as well to be used for striking with the cane arts.

“I’m going to check its flight capabilities now,”

“Majou-sama, Teto also wants to ride later.”

«Be careful, Master.»

I straddled the now sealed cane and kicked the ground. It floated into the sky while leaving behind a trail of green glow that it emits when releasing mana.

“This is also nice. The response I'm getting now is far better than before.”

Up until today, I would always receive a subtle lag when turning, accelerating, or decelerating.

However, this wand was moving as if it was an extension of my body without any sense of dissonance. Not just that, I also didn’t feel any wind pressure, perhaps the repulsive force around the cane was working like a wind-warding barrier and the wand automatically kept the balance by releasing an opposite force against centrifugal force due to the sudden turn.

“It’s like it has no end to the mana it can take.”

The flying capabilities of the wand were exceptional compared to the broomstick I used before by pouring the same mana amount.

Just like how the wand was amplifying the wind magic’s might by 10 fold as a magic wand, the floating stone that was the catalyst here guzzled down the mana I poured and channeled it as speed by amplifying it.

“This needs a bit of a flying speed limiter. Well, I should also get some accident prevention magic tools ready as something might happen due to the high speed.”

I willed the wand to descend to the place where Teto and Baretta were and went through another fine-tuning.

“*satisfied sigh* I guess it will be fine now.”

I put another mithril ring on the body of the wand, gave them the property of limiting the wand’s performance alongside enchanting it with a complex spell for a speed limiter when flying, a speed minimizer to lower the speed when needed, a safety barrier, and so on.

“Alright, it’s done.”

“Majou-sama, Teto also wants to ride behind you!”

“No problem. And you, Beretta? You also wanna join?”

The wand’s length was big enough to carry two people, Teto and me, so I asked if Baretta would like to ride in turn, though she just shook her head quietly.

«Please, don’t mind me, Master. I will be waiting for you here while preparing the tea.»

Beretta took out a table and a cooktop from the magic bag that I had created using «Creation Magic» and began to prepare the tea.

So I once again leaped into the sky with Teto riding behind me to check the ride quality of the new wand and we had a 30-minute fun flying ride.

But in excitement, I forgot about the dust cloud we could make with wind pressure when we landed where Baretta was, though fortunately, nothing of the sort happened as the floating stone’s reaction force let us pull a smooth landing.

“We’re back, Beretta.” “We’re back-nanodesu!”

«Welcome back, Master, Teto-sama. I have the tea prepared.»

Teto and I sipped our tea in the wilderness center after that while gazing at the slowly growing meadow in the distance and the trees that had been growing even beyond that meadow to calm ourselves.

I also had a look from the sky, we really came a long way from the initial barren wilderness.

«Master, you looked tired. Speaking of, I think this is one fine wand with exceptional capabilities, what name are you going to bestow it?»

“A name……”

I silently contemplated the name at Baretta’s question and eventually came up with something.

“I have decided. — — What do you think about «Magic Wand - Hisui»?”

I came up with that name because of its characteristic of releasing a vivid jade-green glow when flying.

“It sounds good!”

«I also think it’s a wonderful name.»

“I’m glad. Though it’s such a powerful wand that I, unfortunately, can’t use it to its max ability.”

I muttered while stroking my new wand. I then enjoyed my vacation in the «Empty Wilderness» after that.

*T/N: Hisui - Hi means ‘sky’, moving into the sky, as quick as moving in the free sky while Sui means ‘green’ associated with “Invoigrating’, ‘harmony’.