
I Became a Magical Cheat Loli Witchvolume 4 chapter 108: goddess's apostle

In the dream 一 I realized I was back in the space where I usually meet the goddesses during oracles.

Just at the right time, since I wanted to thank Liliel for her help with the abandoned mine's town case.

I also wanted to complain to Lariel at least once if I met her.

«Ouch-ouch! Wa一 it hurtssss!»

«You! What were you thinking? First, asking Chise for help but then not even taking care of her, who I've been looking after ever since her reincarnation!»

However, what appeared before me when I arrived at that space was an unexpected scene.

There was also one more unexpected part, Teto was there. She was standing next to me, tilting her head in confusion.

"Ah, so this is a dream. It's not the usual dream oracle, though."

"Majou-sama(?) Lariel-sama(?) is being held up by an unknown woman."

"Teto, that unfamiliar woman is Goddess Liliel. Ah, but why am I explaining this? It's just a dream so it's not like she'll remember it."

Liliel was pulling the cobra twist move on her big sister Lariel.

«Don't, help! Save me! Chise, Teto!»

«It's your own fault that you're in this situation! You always act without thinking and then I have to handle the mess you left behind!»

We were dumbfounded at Liliel who didn't stop there and performed even more pro-wrestling moves while putting more pressure on Lariel.

Liliel, after seeing that the other goddess was finally devoid of any strength to resist, released Lariel, corrected herself, and turned to face us.

«Welcome back, Chise. Also, it's our first time meeting, Teto. I'm Liliel, the goddess who reincarnated Chise into this world.»

She greeted us with a refreshing smile but I now had to admit that this really wasn't a dream seeing Lariel who had recovered and was now gasping for air.

"No, this should be a dream. Teto is also here."

«This isn't a dream. I was just teaching my stupid elder sister a lesson for asking you guys to handle the request but not even bothering to smoothen out the thing which could have caused you guys mental trauma, let alone not even dealing with the aftermath. Besides, I can summon you here since both of you are now my apostles.»

No way. Is this really not a dream......? Surprised, I looked at Teto while tilting my head.

"I see, then what's that Apostle thing to begin with?"

«Apostles are messengers of god. Gods are restricted from directly influencing the land below so apostles are their proxies to exert influence in their place. You both have been recognized as one after you poured your mana into the land that was on verge of withering away 一 due to the ill-informed request of my stupid elder sister 一 and offered your prayers.»

That's why I didn't like the idea of the two of you doing Lariel's request because I knew she would half-ass her explanation and that incomplete information would lead to a not-so-good situation 一一 Liliel grumbled and cursed under her breath.

Lariel, who was slowly getting back on her feet in the meantime, joined in to explain without showing any expression of shame whatsoever.

«Well, you don't need to think too deeply about the Apostle Recognition. It just makes it easier to hear the voice of the goddess bestowing the oracle. And they're like recognized friends for us 一 leaving aside the devotees who would break into tears or burst into delight when they see us...»

«Though it's not easy to be recognized as an apostle unless there's a strong trigger for it so this also helps us out.»

I see, so my prayers reached Liliel after the mess that resulted from the half-assed explanation of Lariel, causing the miracle of the blessed rain and making both of us her apostles.


"Yay! Teto has another new friend!"

"Isn't it kind of light to have apostles as friends......"

Teto was straight-up delighted at Lariel's additional explanation while I couldn't help but let out a bitter smile.

«Wha, could it be that Chise doesn't want to be friends with me?»

"No, it's just, the sense of us being like-minded folks is stronger than the sense of friendship."

It was because I personally liked that I was active in doing things like releasing creatures in the forests of the «Empty Wilderness», which were now gradually increasing, and setting up ecosystems.

I felt we were more like comrades as we watched over the reformation of the «Empty Wilderness» together, transforming the once barren land into lush green forests. So when I conveyed my thoughts to her, Liliel hugged me tightly.

«Ugh, Chiseeeeee! Thank youuuuuuu!»

She was a stone-cold goddess in the beginning but I could feel her wisdom in our talks and, after going through many hardships, she had finally opened up.

"There there *stroke*. I know you've done your best."

"I've heard about everything. It was tough on you......"

She was a goddess but I guess she endured too much over time that she began to cry as if to vent out all her pent-up distress.

Her side of the talk was basically all about showing her appreciation for setting up the forests, the ecosystems, and the beginnings of the earth vein correction.

But it wasn't just her work, I was also thankful to her.

The land of the abandoned mine's town was saved from becoming barren and the livelihood of the townsfolk, who were kind to us, was protected thanks to the miracle she caused.

Then, once she calmed down enough, I listened to her complaints as she seemed to have a lot of pent-up stress, causing Lariel to avert her eyes.

«Everything, all of it! It all started when the reincarnator called by elder sister Lariel cleared out the monsters occupying the ore mountain. The aftermath caused the Mithril and Orichalcum to be discovered which led to the mine exploration! The root of all this was you yourself! And yet you have the nerve to ask my Chise to deal with it!»

«But, what else could I have done? I hadn't thought the situation would lead to this when I brought that reincarnator 300 years ago!»

«That's not all, you were even sloppy in dealing with the aftermath! I know you're the Sun Goddess but at least think a little bit about what you'd do to the earth! Also, reflect on your actions and think about how much the loss of mana in the earth vein has affected the ground! I had to clean up all the mess you created!»

Hearing the inside details and the cause and effect, my gaze on Lariel turned slightly cold while Teto rubbed Liliel's back to calm her down.

And in the end一

«Thank you Chise, your Earth Vein Manipulation Tool has finally begun to heal the earth veins. Honestly, I wanted to do it more formally but一一 Chise, Teto. I recognize both of you as apostles of the Earth Goddess Liliel. I'll be relying on you in the coming time as well.»

«Being my little sister's apostles means you're also my friends so help out in the future as well!»

Liliel announced so with the corners of her eyes slightly wet while Lariel astutely declared us as her friends.

With Liliel's declaration done, we woke up.

"The situation escalated to quite something. Goddess' Apostle huh......"

The thought that maybe we need to build a church revering Liliel and Lariel passed my mind when I woke up so I halted our departure for that day and built a church for the five goddesses on the place a slight distance away from our residence with «Creation Magic».

I created statues of Liliel and Lariel inside the church and offered my prayer.