
Florida Man's General Store in Cultivation Worldchapter 299: florida man pranks call center scammer by redirecting him to police station

299 Florida Man Pranks Call Center Scammer by Redirecting Him to Police Station

Chapter 299 – Florida Man Pranks Call Center Scammer by Redirecting Him to Police Station

"Florida Man! There's a warrant for you. Follow us obediently or lose the qualifications as a player forever!" The speaking angel's killing intent and cold eyes fixated on Leo.

Leo crossed his arms and scoffed at the angels, "I already did, and that judge by the name 'Brack the Jade' released me! What's the point of arresting me again, may I ask?"


The angels in the arena knew the name of the judge. They looked at each other in confusion while one of them transmitted his voice to his superior officers.

After a few seconds of hesitation and confusion, the angels received a new order from the stadium's managers. Their expressions turned dark, and their killing intent exploded.

"Florida Man, you scoundrel heretic! Lay down your weapon and surrender, then we'll give you a peaceful death!"

Another angel also shouted, "HERETIC! CUT OFF YOUR ARMS AND SURRENDER!"

More angels bellowed in unison, "SEAL HIS SYSTEMS! REMOVE HIS SYSTEM POWERS!"

Leo narrowed his eyes as he was concerned about their system manipulation abilities. Since it was impossible to reason with them, Leo took the initiative by releasing the 104 golden chains.

The deity lizardmen's souls in the chains were ejected from Leo's storage rings and charged toward every angel in the arena. Half of them bound the agents and started draining their life force.

Leo also attempted to move, but his feet were glued to the stage arena. He looked at the ground and smacked his lips.

"Annoying restrictions."

Unable to move, Leo changed his approach. Again, he opened his system inventory and ejected a thousand small rocks. He flickered small asteroids at the remaining survivors.

The remaining angels managed to parry the attacks from Leo's chains. But the next second, finger-sized rocks beamed toward them at light speed, blasting their heads into shattering watermelons. Even the bound agents took the same hit.

The souls of the angels escaped the destroyed fleshly bodies. The souls of these entities continued screaming and ordering others.

"Why hasn't his system sealed yet?! Has anybody informed the Lord?!"



Their loud noise caused a commotion in the other arenas. The spectators also stood up and rushed toward the exits as if they were students getting stuck at school during a school shooting massacre.

The chains ignored everything and grabbed their souls. The lizardmen gleefully devoured the angels and stole their life force.

Leo smiled at the golden chains as he was proud of his creations. Still, killing these annoying pests couldn't solve the trouble at the moment.

His feet were still stuck in the arena.

Annoyed by the fate stadium's power, Leo got serious. He used the previous power that he had shown in the fight against Simba.

Four rainbow phoenix wings emerged from his back. His skin radiated in white light while blinding silver light came out from his eyes. In addition, his aura revealed his true cultivation base.

Surpassing the karmic sovereign realm was the transcendent realm. At this stage, the minor rank was classified into levels.




The scoreboard of the fate stadium changed as it detected Leo's true strength. Instead of hiding his information as usual, the scoreboards revealed all of Leo's personal information.


Name: Leonardo Ariel

Title/Alias: Florida Man

Race: Chimera Homunculus

Age: 50,035

Gender: Male

Level / Cultivation Base: Transcendent Level 10


Leo gazed at his status board and scoffed. He vaguely knew about it as he had learned about the cultivation potential ceiling from the system before.

This reminded him of how powerful the systems were. He got frustrated.

'If the systems can discern my cultivation base and upgrade my cultivation potential, won't Sieg be stronger than I am? This is troublesome.'

Because of frustration, Leo exerted more strength on his legs. He managed to lift his right leg up and stomp the ground.


The entire arena cracked and was broken in half. The supporting structures underneath crumbled.

The spreading cracks reached the spectator stands and observer decks. The barrier arrays that had been preventing stray bullets shattered, and the ground sunk.

After stomping hard, Leo's feet were free. He levitated and observed his deeds.


The whole arena area turned into ruins. The ceilings shook. Dust scattered everywhere, and the space vacuum underneath the stages sucked some of the debris into the void.

The whole Fate Stadium was on the verge of being destroyed!

"Erm, whoops?"

Leo awkwardly smiled. Destroying the entire Fate Stadium wasn't his intention. He only wanted to free himself from the predicament.

"I guess I have to stop throwing myself into trouble. I'm not that invincible. I have to remind myself that… Right. Be humble, Leo. Be humble." He reminded himself and slapped his cheeks. Then, he inspected the system menus.

All system screens turned red. A huge "ERROR" warning overlapped with the usual menus.

Leo had expected this. The last time when the electricity went down, his system was affected. He believed that his system functions relied on the Fate Stadium's mysterious power.

He didn't like that.

'What should I do to be the true owner of a system!?' Leo thought and accidentally sent his voice transmission to all his four heavenly generals.

His question was quickly answered. The voice of Aslan echoed in Leo's mind.

'Find seven entity fate crystals and turn them into a true entity fate crystal. That way, your systems won't be affected by the Fate Stadium. If better, you just need to find a karmic fate crystal. Once you do, no one can influence your system powers.'

Leo was overjoyed by the enlightenment. However, at the same time, he doubted how Aslan knew of this.

In solemn, Leo asked Aslan in his mind.

'I'm going to be serious this time. I want a serious answer only. Kitten, I heard from Meowmeow that you had a soul. Who are you exactly?'



Meanwhile, Aslan had been sitting at a coffee table on a white cloud in space. His expression was pale even though he was a stone golem.

In front of him was a colossus being, whose body was as large as the Milky Way Galaxy. The being was an eyeball with eight angelic wings. However, its aura exuded the air of a level 10 transcendent being.

The eyeball glared at Aslan. He uttered in a deep voice, which sounded like a big man and a hoarse woman spoke in unison.

"You know what your son has done, right?"

Aslan slowly nodded, "Yes."

"He has troubled me greatly. Normally, I would have descended and killed him."

Aslan deeply inhaled. He mustered his courage and rebuked, "Your subordinates are the ones provoking my son. Had they never framed him for a petty crime, the entire thing wouldn't have happened. Also, it was your subordinate who coveted my son's fate crystals. His actions are justified."

The eyeball flickered while his wings flinched. He didn't utter a word as if he was pondering what to reply.

Aslan pushed on, "Senior Sieg. I know that you have been collecting entity fate crystals and you're on a quest to find the true karmic fate crystal as well. This time, we accidentally collide because of your greedy underlings. We are willing to let this bygone be bygone as long as you can pull back your player hunter squads out of our territory. What do you say?"

The eyeball 'Sieg' grimaced. He hated the idea, "Are you taking me for a fool? Why should I reconcile with you when I can even destroy your soul right now?!"

Aslan sneered, "My soul is connected to my son's karma river. If I die, he will know. Do you want to enrage a transcendent being who carries the bloodline of rainbow phoenixes? I'm sure Overlord Priscilla won't be sitting still if she heard about your deed that you're provoking one of her kin."


Sieg was enraged. His eight wings transformed into small tentacles and bound Aslan. Some of the tentacles cut his arms and legs, leaving Aslan limbless.


Aslan gritted his teeth and bellowed.

"Yes, if you consider this talk as a negotiation, I'm not even qualified to have this talk to begin with. But as you can see, I'm the only one in the universe WHO CAN CREATE TRANSCENDENT HOSTS! MY SON IS THE PROOF OF MY CAPABILITIES!"


Sieg froze. The eyeball floated closer to Aslan to look at his face. He then glared into his soul, yet he waited for Aslan to make the offer.

Aslan kept pushing on.

"Here is the deal. Pull back your troops and promise not to attack or harm us for 10 years. In return, I'll create a new fleshly body to replace the old one that you lost to Overlord Priscilla."

Sieg closed his eyes and receded. He fell into a deep thought for several minutes.

After thinking things through, Sieg opened his eyes.

"Let me confirm this. A 10-year truce in exchange for my new body?"


"Heheh, what if you rig something that shouldn't have existed as you did to Mao Miaomiao?"

"I'm not that stupid. Mao Miaomiao was a greedy fool, unlike you who always thinks ahead."

The eyeball curved up his under eyelid. He laughed, "Indeed, you're not stupid. You were the one who tricked Eleanor's downfall. Well, I don't trust you. I'm going to add a new clause to our agreement."

"A new condition?" Aslan had a bad feeling about this.

"Well, yes. I need to make sure that you will work diligently to complete my new fleshly body. Therefore, I'll trap your soul in my dantian universe and link your existence to my karma river. Until you complete it, you can't go anywhere!"

Aslan's expression turned dark again. He clicked his tongue, "No can do. I need the best environment to work. If I leave my son, my existence will fade to nothingness."

Sieg laughed, "As I said, I'm no fool. I read you like a book. Your soul isn't really tied to your son whatsoever. Instead, you left your true soul with the entity fate crystal in your son's soul. I just need to take that soul out of your son first."


Aslan bellowed, but Sieg's tentacles pressed him down to the cloud floor.

Sieg laughed, "Well, let me go find your son. Once we have your soul, we can make a deal. HAHAHAHA!"


"HAHAHA! For the third time, Aslan. I'm no fool! Why should I let your son get stronger when I can kill him now?! There's no point in allowing another rival to emerge! Also, Priscilla and I have been sworn enemies since we were children. What's the difference between adding another grudge on top of what we already have? And once I'm done with your son, I get you who can work your ass off for me for the rest of eternity! HAHAHAHAHA!"


Aslan groaned and lowered his head, allowing the eyeball to feel good about himself.

The giant eyeball transformed into a small soul and faded. He teleported and rushed toward Leo.

After Sieg had left, Aslan was freed from the tentacles. He regenerated his limbs and smirked. Afterward, he whispered.

"Did you catch everything?"

A second later, a female voice from a distance echoed in his mind.

'Loud and clear. So, he's heading to that stupid Fate Stadium, right?'

"Yes, my son should be there at the moment."

'Roger. I'll go intercept him.'

"Please remember our promises, Lady Priscilla."

'Don't worry. I'm not like that greedy eyeball. I'll protect you and that boy. He has my bloodline, right?'

"Haha. Yes."

'Although I've never had a child, he's born from my blood. In a way, he's my child as well. Should I say that I'm his mother?'

"That will complicate things… I'm his father, you know. He will think that you and I are married or something."

'Pfft, hahahaha! Yeah, right. Anyway, we talk too much. I'll go now.'

The secret weapon that Aslan had prepared 'Overlord Priscilla' started to move. As for Aslan, he let out a long sigh of relief.

"All according to Keikaku."

A few seconds later, Leo's voice entered Aslan's mind. His son yelled at him.

"What should I do to be the true owner of a system!?"

Aslan was speechless for a moment. He then giggled. "Oh, boy. What a needy child. I guess I should give him hints again."