
Chokryong explained her request.

Then, Yeom Junyeol came to us as if he were looking for me.

“Euishin-ah, so you were talking to my grandmother.”

“Junyeol-ah! Happy birthday. You’ve grown up so well, my grandson.”

“I’m happy you’re here to greet me, Grandma. Thank you for always teaching me well.”

Chokryong greeted him warmly, and Yeom Junyeol responded politely with joy.

Yeom Junyeol must be busy, but he’s still trying to take care of me.

His consideration warmed my heart.

After talking to Chokryong, Yeom Junyeol spoke to me again.

“You came and went quickly when you were here last time because you were so busy, Euishin-ah. There are a lot of people I want to introduce.”

Starting with that, Yeom Junyeol introduced all the attendees in the venue.

There must have been a lot of people who he really wanted to introduce.

From famous dragons to leading players of Red Lion, by the time Yeom Junyeol went around the hall, many big names were added to my device code address book.

‘I understand those people who risked their lives to get invited to this party.’

The attendees were very friendly to me even though they didn’t know me.

Although I’m an Eungwang High student, I was nothing compared to the members of the world’s leading professional player team and the Dragon Clan.

Those who knew of the broadcasting station incident regarded me as a benefactor, but that story wasn’t spread wide according to my intention.

In other words, most of the attendees are being kind just because I’m a close junior of Yeom Junyeol.

‘Yeom Junyeol is very loved.’

I realized again what I had already known.

This suddenly occurred to me because I experienced a similar situation in the past, but something completely different.

‘The son of a famous family invited me, and like that time, I have nothing.’

Cheon Sungheon invited me to tea parties before.

I didn’t really like nor hate tea, and I wasn’t very willing to build connections with those that Cheon Sungheon would invite.

Still, I accepted his invitation.

‘Sungheon doesn’t usually ask for anything. But he looked so down and tired when he invited me so I just went.’

The social gathering and tea party hosted by Cheon Sungheon felt like sitting on a thorny sofa and swallowing poison.

I was very noticeable because most of the attendees were acquainted with each other.

If I hadn’t taught myself proper etiquette, I would’ve been humiliated and disgraced Cheon Sungheon.

— Jo Euishin? That’s the name of the chess prodigy who retired a few years ago.

— You look the same. Hello, I’m a fan. I didn’t recognize you at first because you feel different.

— Did that Jo Euishin have a connection with Chairman Cheon? I don’t think he was on the sponsor list.

I was invited because I was a close university senior of Cheon Sungheon.

I had no background other than that, so I couldn't be warmly accepted by the children of business and political circles.

Some recognized me as a chess player and expressed favor, but others despised me because they knew I could no longer play.

Cheon Sungheon apologized because there was someone who openly expressed hostility and vitriol.

— I’m sorry, Euishin hyung. I’ll make sure you never see him again.

Cheon Sungheon personally called out the person who crossed a line.

He said a few words with a gentle smile, and the man’s face turned blue and hurriedly left.

Cheon Sungheon didn’t invite anyone else who would ruin the atmosphere.

A few of them disappeared like that, but I couldn’t fit in well until the end.

I was never relaxed.

Unlike now.

“Maybe it’s because he’s Junyeol’s junior, but he’s so polite. How’s your school life going? Junyeol is the student representative so we’re sure he’s doing well. Are you studying hard?”

“Of course, Euishin was the same rank as me last year.”

“An academic achiever! I thought you’d be good at studying because you seemed smart. Why don’t you aim for the top spot with Junyeol this time? It would be nice if you were at the top of your classes.”

“I’ll be happy if that happens.”

It was a remark expected from a broad-minded old man who cared about young people’s grades, but the atmosphere and conversation weren’t unpleasant at all.

It feels like I’m in between close relatives giving holiday blessings and I didn’t know where to put myself.

Yeom Junyeol offered me some orange ade that I was drinking well, different from Cheon Sungheon’s tea parties.

And I’m sorry for the expectation, but I won’t get first place in our class until I graduate.

How can I beat the geniuses Joo Soohyuk and Ahn Dain?

“Euishin-ah, I’ll beat Dongha and be top of my class next year.”

YEom Junyeol spoke with a motivated expression.

I marveled at his improvement.

He looked different from me, who already decided my position.

“Everyone’s excited that Junyeol brought a nice, smart, and polite junior.”

A few steps away, Yong Jegun spoke.

I think he waited to talk to me after the introductions.

Cheongryong was also with him, but his expression seemed complicated.

‘Is it because he knows that I’m also Yeom Junyeol’s teacher?’

I seemed to be wrong though as Cheongryong said something useless.

“I think he’ll get along well if he becomes a member of the Dragon Clan.”

“I think that would be fun, but I think we need to break the alliance with the Tiger Clan if we want to do that.”

“That’s a problem. How about being a Dragon Clan and a Tiger Clan at the same time? Then the alliance between the two will become stronger.”

“That sounds fun, Cheongryong. Push ahead until I ascend.”

Yong Jegun encouraged Cheongryong’s nonsense, finding great fun in it.

Perhaps he’s too elated since we’re celebrating Yeom Junyeol’s birthday.

I decided to ignore the dragons’ strange words.

Yeom Junyeol kept looking around as if he were looking for someone.

Considering that Yong Jegun talked to us already, I don’t think there’s anyone to introduce anymore though.

Who is he looking for?

“Father, is mother still resting?”

“Yes. There are more people than expected. I told her to go in and rest. I’m sorry.”

Yeom Bangyeol said with a face full of regret and apology.

According to him, Yeom Junyeol’s mother was set to attend the party.

However, the invitees suddenly increased, and Yeom Junyeol’s mother was torn.

Yeom Bangyeol recommended that she rest instead.

“She didn’t attend, but she helped a lot in the preparations. You can go greet her later.”

“Yes, father.”

I felt Yeom Bangyeol’s strong affection for his wife.

He was famously a fool for his son, but he’s also known as a lover.

Yeom Bangyeol fell in love at first sight with the Dragon Clan descendant back in Eungwang High, and they married after graduation.

When Yeom Bangyeol was in high school, there was a story of his heroic courtship drama that’s still being talked about at school.

‘Their love was so intense that the Dragon Clan, who had little interaction with the outside world, accepted Yeom Bangyeol and the Red Lion.’

At first, the Dragon Clan didn’t look at Yeom Bangyeol well with their descendant, and Cheongryong even tested his skills a few times.

However, even if he was beaten by Cheongryong’s flames, Yeom Bangyeol didn’t change his mind.

Yeom Bangyeol is considered one of the strongest human players so he would’ve been so good to not have been shaken by the Dragon Clan.

As a result, Yeom Bangyeol’s love paid off, and his excellent, humble, and friendly son was born.

‘I thought I might be able to see her this time. What a shame.’

I wonder why Yeom Junyeol’s mother doesn’t like crowds.

I don’t think there was a problem when she was a teenager considering the number of people who attend Eungwang High.

Was there a traumatic incident after she graduated?

It would’ve been a huge incident if something happened despite the protection of the Dragon Clan and Yeom Bangyeol.

And if something happened to her, the Dragon Clan and Yeom Bangyeol would have gone crazy.

‘If it’s not external, then is it an internal problem?’

I don’t know the details, but I decided to keep it in my head for now.

“Euishin-ah, I’ll introduce you to my mother next time.”

Yeom Junyeol looked apologetic.

He must’ve wanted me to meet her, but her mother seems a little reluctant to strangers.

What’s the point of digging into Yeom Junyeol’s family history anyway?

I didn’t ask anymore and enjoyed the birthday party instead.

At the peak of the party, Yeom Junyeol’s Hongryong was unveiled.

Several attendees shed tears upon seeing his improvement.

“My goodness, that small and cute dragon is now…”

“Our Junyeol-ie and Hongryong are growing day by day! They’re all grown up!”

When Yeom Junyeol de-summoned Hongryong, the night was already deep.

It was time to go back.

And as Hwang Jiho said, a tiger came to meet me.

He was the same tiger who came to pick me up last time but failed.

“…Hello. Happy birthday, Yeom Junyeol-gun.”

“Professor, thank you for your greetings.”

Yeom Junyeol spoke with a gentle smile at Kim Shinrok’s stiff greeting.

Thanks to several training sessions, I didn’t think it was strange that he knew Kim Shinrok’s sincerity despite the latter’s shyness.

Meanwhile, those who recognized Kim Shinrok talked to him.

“Yong Jegun’s tiger friend is here.”

“It’s been a while. Come visit often!”

“I’m sure he’s not coming over because of Yong Jegun.”

The dragons who welcomed Kim Shinrok glanced at Yong Jegun.

Yong Jegun smiled at the attention.

Then, the dragons looked away.

Even though he’s about to ascend, Yong Jegun is still someone to be avoided.

“Shinrok-ah, did you come to pick up Euishin? You’re already here, why don’t you stay the night? The party is still going.”


“I even cleaned your room, Shinrok-ie.”

“I said no.”

What if Kim Shinrok and I get caught again?

Before trying to intervene, another tiger appeared.

“Did you make my son sleep here like that last time?”

It was Jeokho.

Hwang Jiho didn’t let Kim Shinrok get caught this time.

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