
I said that I recently stayed at Hwang Jiho’s mansion for training, but Moon Saeron’s response was lukewarm.

“I think the Class Zero crazyhead-nim would’ve bought a building if he needed a training camp. Not inviting people over to his house.”

Moon Saeron’s questions followed.

I answered only with facts that would one day be known, except for the Tiger Clan’s secrets and Ahn Dain’s honor.

“But how does the Suspicious VP know all that?”

“I had a chance to see Ahn Dain’s adoptive parents. It’s hard to say what happened.”

I only told the truth, but I tried my best to appeal so that Joo Soohyuk wouldn’t misunderstand anything.

However, throughout the conversation with Moon Saeron, it seems like time stopped around Joo Soohyuk.

He stood there without even blinking.

It seemed like he was thinking about something, but at the same time looked thoughtless.

I thought of what to do, but Joo Soohyuk’s lack of response rendered me helpless.

‘Did Joo Soohyuk hear what I said?’

This is all because of that stupid old man’s words.

Hwang Jiho may have deliberately sought to destroy Joo Soohyuk’s menstrual state.

He wasn’t being tactless.

Anyway, it’s all Hwang Jiho’s fault.

“Euishin-ah, I just got back from greeting people. We can go now.”

While I was stuck, Yeom Junyeol came to me.

Moon Saeron was puzzled by his words.

Everyone knows that Yeom Junyeol has a last surprise party with his family every year.

Even Yeom Junyeol, the recipient of the surprise, knows it.

To go with Yeom Junyeol on a day like this obviously meant that I was being invited to a family party.

“Sir, is your appointment to go to Yeom Junyeol’s house?”

Moon Saeron asked to confirm.

Before I could say anything, Yeom Junyeol replied.

“Yes, Professor Yong Jegun— No, he’s submitted his resignation so I should call him “hyung.” Jegun hyung invited Euishin to dinner. That’s why we’re leaving together.”


Although Yong Jegun is a teacher that students are wary of, he’s technically the son of the Dragon King.

On this evening, receiving an invitation from an influential dragon among the Dragon Clan meant that I was being treated considerably.

Moon Saeron spoke with dismay.

“Other than being Class Zero crazyhead-nim’s family, you’re also Yeom Junyeol’s family?”

“Haha, I hope Euishin will be our family. I’ll welcome him anytime. Ah, Jegun hyung is here.”

Yeom Junyeol took Moon Saeron’s exaggeration lightly as if it were a joke.

Yong Jegun found us, turning his blindfolded face from Joo Soohyuk to me.

Don’t tell me he’s watched the whole thing.

It’s said that one’s vision widens when their divinity increases.

I imagined Yong Jegun ecstatically smiling while observing the chaotic scene.

“I’m here, Junyeol-ah, Euishin-ah.”

Yong Jegun strangely emphasized my name.

Did he want people to know that I was invited by the Dragon Clan?

Moon Saeron let out a “Heol.” and again did something in the middle of a sigh and a gasp.

Several misunderstandings stacked up, but they moved unresolved.

Joo Soohyuk’s expression still looked hardened as if he was paused.

When I greeted him goodbye, something like an automated response came from him.

“Get on first, Euishin-ah.”


I had mixed feelings even after getting on the Red Lion limousine.

On the other hand, the dragons seemed to be in a good mood.

So I hid my complicated feelings and chatted with Yeom Junyeol.

‘It’s not my place to go, but I’m invited on a good day so I shouldn’t ruin the mood.’

Yeom Junyeol has three parties, and somehow I was invited to the second and third.

The last surprise party is for family so I tried to reject the invitation, but I couldn’t refuse it.

Yong Jegun handed over the invitation himself and he persuaded me seriously when I refused.

— Junyeol will be looking forward to seeing his junior and teacher, and he’ll be very disappointed if you don’t come. Please attend the surprise party.

— I’ll make sure to attend the party at school.

I tried to refuse again, saying that the party was only for Yeom Junyeol’s family.

Then, Yong Jegun said with a sentimental expression.

— It’s my last time celebrating Junyeol’s birthday here, but it seems like I’m a Cintamani who can’t grant Junyeol’s wish.

The moment Yong Jegun spoke forlornly, I didn’t realize that I was caught.

There was no way that Yong Jegun would ascend before our appointment or Yeom Junyeol’s birthday, but he made it sound like he would leave Earth without regret right at that moment.

When I came to my senses, my attendance was confirmed.

I belatedly realized that I was played by the mischievous dragon.

We arrived at the parking lot of the Red Lion.

“This is the second time you’re coming to my house, Euishin. You weren’t well last time, so I hope you have fun today.”

Yeom Junyeol’s words were like thorns.

There was an accident before when I came here, so there was no choice.

“I had a good rest because you treated me last time.”

“I remember what your energy wave was like that day. You weren’t in a relaxed mood.”

“Junyeol is right. I remember that. I also remember how much blood you shed when you were injured, Euishin-ah.”

Yong Jegun interjected as if he had been waiting.

Although Yong Jegun is my playable character, I understood how Kim Shinrok felt whenever he wanted to throw tacks at this dragon.

Why is he bringing up blood and stuff on this good day?

The story of my last visit kept coming up, so I was caught between the two dragons while I looked away as we walked.

‘I can’t wait to get there.’

Once we arrive at the party, they won’t be able to pay attention to me.

The elevator finally reached its destination.

‘It’s dark.’

When the elevator door opened, the surroundings became dark as if someone covered our eyes.

Even the lights inside the elevator turned off.

Although the view was blocked, I had a rough sense of what structure the hall had and how many people were inside.

They’re stifling their presence, but a player with a keen sense can grasp them.

It was appropriate because stifling their presence too much would make us think that it was an enemy attack.


Then, a dragon with blue flames appeared in the air.

Cheongryong stood under the blue flames.

Although it’s in the shape of a dragon, it wasn’t like Hongryong.

It was a fire display made by Cheongryong.

‘How can he shape a flame like this?’

The flame technique can usually only control the degree or intensity of a fire.

While I was lost in admiration, the blue-flame dragon circled the hall wide, flying over the wall and scattering.

As the blue dragon’s afterimage scattered like a firework, something red rose from the floor and covered the hall.

It was the Red King Yeom Bangyeol, Yeom Junyeol’s father.


Flames covered the walls.

From a distance, it looked like a red screen with an image projected on it.

Then, a video really appeared.

The content was Yeom Junyeol’s past year.

‘When he came back from studying abroad, the day he threw the first pitch at the Jamsil Baseball Stadium, the time when Playlist was on air, the student council election campaign…’

I was amazed to see Yeom Junyeol’s year.

He was faithful to his school life even though he had a lot of extracurriculars.

In the meantime, considering that he was training with me as that word, I felt my student’s efforts.

Some scenes were taken at family events.

I took a mental note to ask about them later, and the video ended with the message “Happy Birthday, Junyeol-ah!”

Fwaa! Pop!

Party poppers were heard and the lights went on.

The Dragon Clan and Red Lion were wearing Hongryong-shaped hats.

At the front were Cheongryong and Yeom Bangyeol.

“Happy birthday son!”

“Thank you. When did you prepare this video? I was surprised.”

Yeom Junyeol smiled affectionately and began to say thank you.

I don’t think he was really surprised, but everyone liked his words anyway.

Yeom Junyeol was the youngest among them, but he seemed the most mature.

‘The walls and rugs are all Hongryong’s color. The decorations too.’

Not only the light, but the windows, tables, chairs, and dinnerware were all related to Hongryong.

Considering that they weren’t here when I came last time, they must’ve prepared it for Yeom Junyeol’s birthday.

They paid great attention to detail to not be too burdensome for Yeom Junyeol.

While they greeted Yeom Junyeol, I tried to go to a corner.

However, I was caught by another dragon.

“The Dragon Clan’s benefactor is here!”

Yeom Junyeol’s grandmother and teacher, Chokryong, found me and came my way.

I thought she would leave after Christmas as the wanderlust dragon, but I guess she stayed to celebrate Yeom Junyeol’s birthday.


“The Dragon Clan’s benefactor is ever so polite. Here, this one’s your responsibility.”

Chokryong handed me a Hongryong hat.

I thought I wouldn’t have one, but I accepted it with pleasure.

I put on the hat and Chokryong fixed it for me.

I got a little embarrassed being treated like a grandchild.

“I’ll keep the hat well. Thank you.”

“No, thank you for accepting the invitation to my grandchild’s birthday party,”

Chokryong spoke fondly.

I see some of Yeom Junyeol’s kindness in her.

When more people gathered, Chokryong spoke quietly.

“I heard that you’re going to the Dragon Palace, benefactor.”

“Yes, I am set to visit.”

Is she planning to go there too?

I thought at first, but it didn’t seem like it.

“I’ve decided to stay here in place of Cheongryong. This place can’t be left unguarded.”

Someone must remain to lead while Cheongryong is away.

When the Dragon Clan advanced to the National Assembly in PMH, it was Chokryong who remained.

She spoke with an apologetic face.

“I have a favor to ask of you before you go.”

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