
Dragon Monarch Systemchapter 473: the auction continues

The realization hit the crowd like a thunderbolt. A murmur swept through the room, growing louder and louder as the truth sank in. The purple-haired woman sitting next to the Dragon Monarch was none other than the famous Goddess of Alchemy. People's faces turned pale, their eyes wide with shock, as they connected the dots.

'How could we not see it before?' They thought, feeling a mix of awe and embarrassment. 'The famous Goddess of Alchemy herself is here, right before our eyes.'

The room was abuzz with whispers, everyone's attention now fixed on Julia, the Goddess of Alchemy, and the equally beautiful woman sitting on Aditya's other side. The air was electric, filled with a mix of excitement and reverence.

Sakura herself was not immune to the enchantment of the moment. She looked at Julia with admiration in her eyes, knowing that she was in the presence of greatness. Her voice, when she spoke, was filled with genuine respect.

"Ladies and gentlemen," she said, her voice filled with a touch of wonder, "we are truly blessed tonight to have in our midst not only the Dragon Monarch but also the Goddess of Alchemy herself. This is a night to remember."

Meanwhile, in the next room, Thomas was coming to a terrifying realization. His face was ashen, his hands trembling, as the full weight of his foolishness crashed down on him. He had been harboring thoughts of taking the Dragon Monarch's women, and now he knew that he had been playing with fire.


Drops of cold sweat rolled down his face, each one a testament to his fear. He knew that he had almost made a fatal mistake. If he had dared to act on his desires, he would have not only lost his life but also ignited a war with the Istarin Empire. A war that his Empire had no chance of winning.

His mind was filled with visions of destruction, his family slaughtered, his Empire in ruins, all because of his reckless desire. He looked at Aditya again, his eyes filled with a new understanding of the man's power and the danger he represented.

'I was a fool,' he thought, his heart pounding in his chest. 'I almost messed with the wrong person. The Dragon Monarch... the Graveyard of Empires... How could I have been so blind?'

He slumped back in his chair, feeling weak and defeated. His dreams of glory and conquest had turned to ashes, and he knew that he had narrowly escaped a disaster. The room seemed to close in on him, the voices of the other guests fading into the background as he was consumed by his fear and shame.

He knew that he would never forget this night, a night when he had come face to face with his own folly and had been given a stark reminder of the true power of the Dragon Monarch. A night when he had learned a lesson that he would carry with him for the rest of his life. A night when he had seen the Goddess of Alchemy herself and had been humbled by her beauty and grace. A night when he had realized how small and insignificant he truly was in the grand scheme of things.

The sudden closing of the curtains caught everyone's attention, a silent but firm statement from Aditya that he wished for privacy. A murmur of understanding went through the room, accompanied by a few knowing smiles. Aditya had proven not only his power and wealth but also his possessiveness over the beautiful women by his side.

Inside the VIP room, Aditya glanced at Julia and Lara, his eyes softening. The women smiled back at him, their eyes sparkling with trust and warmth. They appreciated his protectiveness, feeling safe and cherished by his actions.

On the stage, Sakura sensed the shift in the atmosphere. Her professional instincts kicked in, and she knew that she had to redirect the attention of the guests. Her eyes twinkled with a mischievous glint as she decided to use her charm and allure to her advantage.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," she purred, her voice dripping with seduction. Her body swayed gracefully as she turned to present the next item, her curves accentuated by her tight-fitting dress. "I know that you are all intrigued by our previous item and the presence of such distinguished guests, but I assure you, the excitement is far from over."

She paused for a moment, her eyes sweeping over the audience, her smile promising pleasure and delight. "The next treasure I have for you is something extraordinary, something that can bring you closer to the very essence of power and pleasure."

Her hand reached into a glass box, her fingers lingering on the pillow as she caressed it, teasing the audience with her deliberate movements. "Behold the Spiritual Essence Pool." She took out the vial, her eyes fixed on it, her voice filled with longing. "A source of condensed spiritual energy, a nectar that can enhance your cultivation base, and elevate your pleasure to new heights."

She looked up, her eyes locking with the guests, her smile wicked and inviting. "Who among you dares to embrace this power? Who is brave enough to taste this forbidden pleasure? Who will claim this treasure and unlock the secrets of the universe?"

Her words hung in the air, heavy with promise and desire. The room was silent, the guests caught in her spell, their minds filled with images of power and ecstasy.

The auction continued, but the mood had changed. The excitement was now tinged with a hint of danger and sensuality, the boundaries between power and pleasure blurred. Sakura had succeeded in her mission, captivating the guests with her charm and skill, proving once again why she was considered one of the best hosts in the business.

Inside the VIP room, Aditya, Julia, and Lara watched the proceedings with interest, aware of the change in the atmosphere but unaffected by it.

With a glint in her eye and a mischievous smile, Sakura leaned forward, her voice dripping with allure as she spoke. "Ladies and gentlemen, what we have next is not just a treasure but a tantalizing delight. The bidding for this seductive Spiritual Essence Pool shall begin at half a million royal gold coins." Her voice lowered, almost to a whisper, "But don't hold back; your bid must be nothing less than 50,000 royal gold coins. Who among you is brave enough to take this pleasure home?"

Her words were like a caress, touching the ears of the audience and leaving a trail of longing. A wave of excitement swept the room, and the bids began.

"1 million," came a voice, almost trembling with anticipation.

"2 million," another chimed in, the tension building.

"2.5 million," a bolder voice joined the fray.

The VIP guests on the third floor, too, were drawn into the allure of the item. Their voices mingled with the rest, each bid an unspoken promise of pleasure.

Noah and Aditya, however, remained silent, content to watch the drama unfold. The scene was electrifying, and they were captivated by the dance of desire playing out before them.

Thomas, the crown prince, could no longer contain himself, his voice filled with a heady mix of excitement and need, "10 million..."

Sakura's eyes met his, and her voice was like silk as she acknowledged his bid. "Oh, Your Highness, such a generous offer for such an exquisite pleasure. Does anyone dare to go higher?"

The room was alive with tension, the bids climbing, each one a sweet torture, a dance of longing and fulfillment.

Finally, the bidding reached its peak at 19.9 million royal gold coins. The item was won by a noble from the second floor. Sakura's eyes locked with his, her words a promise, "Congratulations, Your Grace, on winning the Spiritual Essence Pool."

Aditya lounged comfortably in his seat, casting an indifferent eye at the Spiritual Essence Pool that had just been auctioned off. Julia, his fiancée and future wife, sat elegantly beside him. The goddess of alchemy herself, she carried a knowing smile, well aware of the reason behind Aditya's lack of interest in the item. She could easily replicate the effects of this treasure, and her cultivation pills were far more valuable and potent. Why would he bother with something so trivial?

Lara, seated on Aditya's other side, also seemed unimpressed. She shared a knowing glance with Julia, her eyes reflecting the same understanding. They were all well beyond the need for such items.

The auction continued, and Sakura, the host, brought out more and more exciting treasures and rare items, each one accompanied by her seductive descriptions and alluring voice. Yet, Aditya remained unmoved.

He leaned over to Julia, his voice low and casual, "What do you think of that 3-star blood earring artifact?"

Julia's eyes sparkled with amusement as she replied, "Darling, you can make a 4-star artifact in your sleep. Why would you even glance at something like that?"

Aditya chuckled, "Exactly, my love. I just wanted to hear you say it."

Lara joined in the laughter, her eyes dancing with delight. "And what about that golden scale of a Dragon? I thought you might roll your eyes right out of your head at that one!"

Aditya's face broke into a broad grin, and he pretended to examine his own arm, "Well, you know, my own Crimson red scales are about 100,000 times better and rarer. A mere dragon scale is like a pebble on the road to me."

They all laughed together, their shared understanding creating a bond that made them feel like the only people in the room. Around them, the auction continued, bids were placed, treasures were won, but for Aditya and his companions, it was all just background noise.

The items paraded before them were indeed rare and valuable to most people present. But for Aditya, they were insignificant.

I did not expect this auction arc to be this long. Originally it was going to end with just 2 or three chapters but it ended up becoming almost 10 chapters long arc. Sorry if this arc is making you lose interest or boring you. This arc should end with one or two more chapters or maybe three chapters depending on the number of words that I write per chapter. This is a 1800+ words chapter. I will try to make them 2000+ words long chapter.

Bonus chpater!

The plan was to release 5 chapters today but my internet went on a vacation. I was busy fixing the cables. Tomorrow, let's see if I can release 5 chapters. Hopefully I can. [Fingers crossed]

Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!