
Dragon Monarch Systemchapter 472: nine tailed fox core [ii]

The intensity of the auction continued to build as the price of the core soared to 15 million royal gold coins. The rapid escalation of bids created a fervent atmosphere, making the heart race and the blood boil with anticipation. Once the price hit that staggering mark, equivalent to 150 million gold coins, the fervor from the first floor died down, and the room fell into a more hushed state of excitement.

The hopes of the rogue cultivators, the business owners, and individuals without royal backing were dashed. They could only watch, their dreams slipping through their fingers as the price moved out of their reach.

The battle was now between the more affluent nobles of the second floor and the exalted VIP guests of the third floor, who remained resolute in their determination.

A nobleman from the second floor, his heart pounding with excitement and fear, bravely raised his bid. "20 Million royal gold coins," he called out, his voice trembling slightly. The sum represented his entire year's earnings, but he could see the potential, the opportunity that the core could bring to his strongest Kitsune subordinate.

His mind was filled with visions of triumph and success, imagining his subordinate's rise to power and mastery. He pictured the awe and respect that would come with such a transformation, the prestige it would bring to him and his household. The gamble was enormous, but the rewards were tantalizing.

But the dream was short-lived.

"25 million royal gold coins," a calm voice declared from the 3rd floor, shattering the nobleman's hope like fragile glass.

The nobleman's face turned ashen, his hands clenched into tight fists, his nails digging into his palms. He could feel the weight of despair settling over him, a feeling of helplessness that twisted his stomach into knots. His eyes, once filled with determination, now held a forlorn look, the realization that he could never compete with the Emperors of the third floor.

Around him, the room had fallen into a hushed silence, the tension palpable as everyone waited to see what would happen next. The other nobles looked on, sympathy and understanding in their eyes. They, too, knew the bitter taste of defeat, the cruel reality of dreams left unfulfilled.

The auction was more than just a competition; it was a dance, a delicate balance between ambition and reality, where hopes soared high and dreams were crushed. And in this dance, not everyone could be a winner.

Sakura, sensing the mood shift, looked down at the nobleman, her eyes soft but unyielding. She knew the game well, understood the risks and rewards, the passions and disappointments. She waited, her expression a blend of sympathy and challenge, knowing that the auction was not over, that the dance must continue. But for some, the music had already stopped, leaving only the echo of what might have been.

The drama of the auction reached a new crescendo as the Emperor of the Mupia Empire, a well-known figure among the elites, declared his bid and intention. "30 million royal gold coins. Dear fellow Emperors, I am the Emperor of the Mupia Empire. I hope you all will show me some face and would allow me to get this item. I really need this treasure."

The room went still for a moment, the weight of his identity and his request for deference hanging heavy in the air. Aditya, watching the scene unfold, raised an eyebrow. The Mupia Emperor's play was an interesting one, but he couldn't help but think it was naive. After all, the 3rd floor was filled with Emperors and Crown Princes, each with their own pride and ambitions. His name and title may carry weight elsewhere, but in this auction house, they were all equals.

The silence was broken by a scornful snort from another Emperor, his voice dripping with disdain. "In this auction house, there is no such thing as showing face. If you don't have enough money to place your bid then back off. Don't use your name to pressure others. 40 Million royal gold coins."

The room seemed to collectively hold its breath as all eyes turned to the Mupia Emperor, waiting for his response. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation and tension, each person keenly aware of the battle of wills taking place.

The Mupia Emperor's face turned red, and he looked like he had been slapped. His eyes narrowed, and for a moment, it seemed as if he might lash out in anger. But he held himself in check, the understanding that he was in a room full of equals settling over him like a cold, hard truth. Screaming or lashing out would only make him look like a fool, and he knew it.

Aditya could see the struggle in the Mupia Emperor's eyes, the clash of pride and pragmatism. The auction was a game of sorts, but it was also a test of character, a measure of one's mettle. In that room, surrounded by the most powerful figures of the land, one's reputation and honor were on the line. One wrong move, one ill-considered outburst, and you could lose more than just a bidding war; you could lose face, respect, dignity.

Sakura, sensing the intensity of the moment, kept her expression neutral, though her eyes gleamed with an unspoken understanding of the dynamics at play. She knew how to navigate these treacherous waters, how to maintain the delicate balance of power and desire.

Julia, who had been observing Aditya closely, was keenly aware that he hadn't made a single move in the bidding war. Anxious curiosity took hold of her, and she leaned in closer, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "Aditya, are you not going to bid for this item? I thought you wanted this for Amber."

Aditya turned to her, a calm smile playing on his lips. He looked back at the Nine-Tailed Fox's Core, his eyes thoughtful, his mind clearly working through the situation. "I waited till now because I kind of knew that this bidding war would become a race among the VIP guests of the 3rd floor. So there was no need to get involved in this bidding war from the beginning. Now I am going to..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he raised his voice, the words firm and clear, resounding through the auction house. "50 Million Royal Gold coins."

A ripple of surprise swept through the room. The Emperors on the 3rd floor exchanged shocked glances, their faces reflecting a mixture of awe and disbelief. Last year, even the most precious and grandest item of the auction had sold for something around 49 million, and here was Aditya, casually outbidding them all for 50 million.

Sakura's eyes widened for just a moment before her professional composure returned. "50 million it is," she announced, her voice steady but with an undercurrent of excitement. "Do we have any other bids?"

The room went silent, the magnitude of Aditya's bid settling over the guests like a heavy blanket. It was a bold move, a statement of intent, and it had achieved its desired effect. The other bidders were momentarily stunned, their own calculations and strategies thrown into disarray.

Aditya leaned back, his face impassive, his eyes on the Nine-Tailed Fox's Core. But Julia could see the satisfaction in his eyes, the quiet confidence that comes from playing a game well. He had made his move, and now it was up to the others to respond.

The tension in the room was palpable, a taut wire of anticipation and uncertainty. The bid had been made, the challenge issued. The question now was, who would dare to meet it? Who would have the courage and the resources to go toe-to-toe with Aditya, a man who had just demonstrated his willingness to play the game at a level few could match?

The silence stretched, each second a testament to Aditya's mastery of the moment, each tick of the clock a reminder of the stakes and the risks, the rewards and the losses. And as the seconds turned into minutes, it became clear that Aditya's gamble had paid off. His bid, bold and decisive, had won the day.

The buzz in the auction house grew louder as everyone's eyes turned to Aditya, curiosity and wonder evident in their faces. Here was a man who had not only spent a staggering 50 million royal gold coins on the Nine-Tailed Fox's Core but had done so with an air of nonchalance that was both intriguing and mystifying. And all without revealing a hint of who he might be.

Surrounded by the two breathtaking beauties, Julia and Lara, Aditya was an enigma, a puzzle that begged to be solved. Everyone could see that he was sitting in a VIP suite, indicating his status as a person of considerable importance. Yet no one could place him, no one could identify him, and this only added to the allure.

In the VIP room next to Aditya's, the Crown Prince of the Terra Regency Empire, Thomas, was consumed by his own thoughts, his eyes fixed on Julia and Lara. Ever since he had first laid eyes on them, he had been obsessed, ensnared by their beauty and grace.

Thomas leaned back in his chair, his mind racing with possibilities and plans. He knew that Aditya must be someone of significant standing to command such a sum and to be accompanied by such exquisite women. But Thomas was a Crown Prince, and he was not easily deterred.

"It doesn't matter," he muttered to himself, his eyes narrowing with determination. "Even if he is the Emperor of an Empire, I will take these two Great Beauties away from him once this auction ends."

His bodyguard, leaned in, his voice low and cautious. "Your Highness, are you sure about this? We know nothing about this man. He could be more powerful than we realize."

Thomas waved his concerns away, his mind made up. "Powerful or not, he is just a man. And I am a Crown Prince. I always get what I want." Hearing this his two bodyguards once again felt helpless. Both of them exchanged a helpless look. Their Highness was really naive. Since childhood, he has been pampered almost by everyone, he grew up to be naive and very arrogant.

In another VIP room, Noah's eyes were fixed on Aditya through the transparent glass that separated them. A proud smile spread across his face as he whispered to himself, "That's my brother-in-law for you." His words were filled with admiration and respect, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at being connected to such an impressive figure.

Meanwhile, on the auction stage, Sakura had received the information about the identities of Aditya, Julia, and Lara. She was momentarily taken aback, her eyes widening in shock. The Dragon Monarch himself was here, and he had just made an extraordinary bid.

Sakura's heart raced, and a surge of excitement washed over her. This was a moment she would never forget. She knew that she had to handle this with grace and flair, and she allowed a sultry smile to play on her lips as she turned to address the crowd.

"Dear esteemed guests," she purred, her voice dripping with seduction, "it is my absolute pleasure to announce that the Nine-Tailed Fox Core has been won by none other than the illustrious Dragon Monarch." She paused for effect, letting her eyes linger on Aditya's VIP suite, her smile deepening. "Congratulations to the Emperor of the Istarin Empire."

The room erupted into chaos, a cacophony of gasps, whispers, and exclamations. The people on the first floor turned their heads so fast it was as if they were trying to catch a glimpse of a legend come to life. Through the transparent glass, they could see Aditya, and they were awestruck.

'I had no idea that this young man is the Dragon Monarch.' The thought echoed in the minds of everyone on the first floor. The nobles on the second floor were no less shocked, their faces pale with disbelief.

In the third-floor suites, the Emperors and Crown Princes of various Empires were staring at Aditya, their eyes wide with surprise. Some were envious, some were admiring, but all were captivated.

Sakura's voice, soft and sensual, cut through the noise. "I must say, your Highness, your presence here has added an extra touch of excitement to our humble auction. I hope this exquisite treasure serves you well, and that it brings you all the pleasure and power you desire."

Her words were charged with a tantalizing promise, her eyes locked on Aditya's, a look of invitation in her gaze. She was playing a dangerous game, flirting with the Dragon Monarch himself, but she was in her element, and she was enjoying every moment of it. Aditya just responded with a small nod.

In that moment, the auction was more than just a place to buy and sell treasures; it was a theater of dreams and fantasies, And at the center of it all was Aditya, the Dragon Monarch, a man who had captured the attention of everyone in the room.

Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!