
Dragon Monarch Systemchapter 436: beginning of long awaited tournament

Aditya spoke with a gravity in his tone, his eyes boring into Sasha's. "I need you to stop, Sasha," he pleaded.

Her response was firm and resolute. "No." Aditya had learned enough about Sasha by now to understand that beneath her chilly exterior lay an unyielding stubbornness. Once she set her mind on something, she would not be swayed. In this case, she was determined to eliminate Laura, and she wouldn't stop until she had achieved her goal.

"Why?" Aditya probed, trying to understand her motives.

"Because I don't want to." She replied nonchalantly, the hint of a playful smile tugging at her lips.

He asked again, an attempt to discern her desires. "What is it that you want, Sasha?"

Her answer was swift and unanticipated. "I want you," she confessed, her gaze unflinchingly holding his.

Caught off guard, he managed to stammer a response. "That's... impossible. I can't be yours."

A frown creased her forehead at his statement. "Why not?" she inquired, her voice a touch softer.

"Because," Aditya paused, choosing his words carefully, "I have four fiancées already. And I am fully committed to them." His lips curled into a teasing grin as he continued, "Besides, didn't a certain stubborn woman tell me just last week that she had no interest in marriage or in me, for that matter?"

As the weight of his words sunk in, Sasha's face flushed a bright shade of embarrassment. Feelings of frustration swelled within her, threatening to bubble over. This man, Aditya, he had a way of stirring up emotions within her, unearthing parts of her that she hadn't been aware of until now. Each encounter with him left her heart in a tumultuous state.

Pushing down the surge of emotion, Sasha clenched her teeth, her gaze fiery. "Fine. Have it your way, Aditya. But from this point forward, don't ever seek me out again," she fumed, her voice trembling slightly from the intensity of her anger.

Her eyes took on a steely glint as she continued, "Our organization has a rule. If the contractor dies, we have to cancel the contract. The contractor of this bounty is the four powerful Dukes of the Deep Sea Palace Empire."

Her icy gaze locked onto his, and the frigid words left her lips, "You have seven days. If you fail to eliminate all four of them within that time, I will kill Laura. This is goodbye, Aditya."

Aditya reached out to halt her, "Wai...Wait!" But it was too late, Sasha had already dissolved into the shadows and vanished from his sight.

Exhaling a deep sigh, Aditya collected his thoughts. 'I'll find her after all of this,' he resolved. But for now, it was time for him to unleash a wave of chaos within the Deep Sea Palace Empire.

Scene change______

Today was a day unlike any other in the capital of the Deep Sea Palace. The city was teeming with a rich tapestry of different races, its usually quiet avenues and public spaces now vibrant and full of life. Among the millions that flocked to the city were humans, myriad mermen, aquatic elves, and countless other races of oceanic beings. The atmosphere was electric, the city, known as Seastar City, was buzzing with activity.

Every corner of Seastar City was adorned with a dazzling display of colorful vine plants. These plants, known for their ability to emit a soft, radiant glow, illuminated the city under the sea's depths, creating an almost ethereal feel. Today, the city had a heightened sense of alertness. Security was ramped up five-fold, an unusual occurrence that underscored the importance of the day's events. Dignitaries, including the heads of noble houses, knights, and generals, made their presence felt. The whole Deep Sea Palace had their eyes trained on the capital.

Why was this day so significant, you ask? Today was the commencement of a much-anticipated tournament, a grand spectacle that would span seven whole days. The reward at stake was monumental - the winner of this rigorous competition would claim the title of Ruler of the Deep Sea Palace, a coveted position of immense power and respect.

In the city's bustling center, a colossal crowd of over a million people had congregated. The venue for this grand tournament was an awe-inspiring stadium capable of accommodating half a million spectators. The sheer magnitude of the structure could rival that of an average-sized city on land. The colossal stadium stood as a testament to the importance of the event it was about to host, a symbol of the anticipation that had swept across the whole Deep Sea Palace.

In a bustling corner of the Seastar City, a diverse group of sea races had gathered. They were sharing tales, laughter, and above all, the palpable excitement for the upcoming tournament.

"Can't believe it's finally here!" gushed Nala, a vibrant Sea Elf with shimmering emerald hair, her sea-green eyes twinkling with excitement. She fluttered around her companions, unable to contain her enthusiasm.

"I've been counting the days, Nala," replied Finn, a tall and sturdy Selkie, his seal-like skin shining under the sea's light. He beamed at Nala, sharing her joy.

A little away from them, a group of Nereids was engaged in a lively discussion. Their laughter echoed through the water as they playfully nudged each other. The leader of the group, a radiant Nereid named Thalassa, twirled in the water, her silvery scales glinting. "I'm placing my bets on the Mermen this year," she said, grinning at her friends, her voice bubbling with anticipation.

"Don't be so sure, Thalassa!" a voice rang out. All heads turned towards Krako, a towering figure with a human torso and lower body of an octopus. As a Kraken, he always commanded attention, and he wore a smug smile on his face. "I've heard the Krakens have been training like never before. We might just surprise you."

At a different corner of the vast city, a group of diverse sea creatures had congregated around a glowing blue coral formation. There, they were engaged in an enthusiastic debate over the upcoming tournament.

"We Sea Elves have been training tirelessly!" exclaimed Illyria, her usually calm blue eyes flashing with excitement. Her luminescent hair flowed around her in the water, reflecting her vibrant energy.

Beside her, a Selkie named Moray was nodding, his sleek seal-like skin glistening in the underwater glow. "Illyria, I've seen your warriors' dedication! I wouldn't be surprised if the winner's from your race this year," he said, his voice filled with admiration and anticipation.

A peal of melodious laughter came from a group of Nereids huddled together. Their sea nymph leader, Marina, flipped her shimmering tail with amusement. "Oh Moray, you've always had a soft spot for the Sea Elves," she teased, causing a ripple of giggles among her companions.

"Soft spot or not, the Selkies are no pushovers, Marina," Moray retorted with a playful wink.

The laughter was interrupted by a deep, resonating voice. All eyes turned to see the speaker - an imposing figure named Octavious, one of the Krakens. His upper body was humanoid, while his lower half consisted of writhing octopus tentacles. He wore a confident grin as he said, "We Krakens have a few tricks up our... well, tentacles. Don't count us out just yet!"

The casual banter, the hearty laughter, the shared excitement, all contributed to the festive air that enveloped Seastar City. The city was a riot of color, cheer, and anticipation, an atmosphere that would linger until the conclusion of the grand tournament.

In another vibrant part of Seastar City, clusters of diverse sea creatures added to the colorful medley of excitement and anticipation.

"Eh, look at all this hullabaloo," remarked Barnaby, a grizzled, old Sea Elf, his voice raspy yet filled with excitement. He was leaning against a coral outcropping, the fluorescent vine plants reflecting off his azure skin and the sea-pearls adorning his long white beard.

His friend, a Selkie named Sula with a glossy pelt, chuckled in agreement. "I haven't seen the city this excited since the last Great Coral Bloom," she said, her dark eyes sparkling with joy.

Nearby, a group of young Nereids was giggling and twirling in the water. "I've been practicing my cheering chants," said Eudora, the youngest among them, her sea-blue hair floating around her like a cloud. "The tournament will be so much fun!"

Just then, a ripple went through the crowd as Ichtaca, a muscular Kraken with a charismatic aura, swam through. His powerful tentacles propelled him forward, and his laughter boomed through the water. "Place your bets, friends," he called out jovially. "This year, the Krakens will steal the show!"

The city was abuzz with a spectrum of lively conversations, full of shared hopes and expectations for the impending tournament. Each individual, irrespective of their race, contributed to the lively atmosphere, bringing their unique energy to the grand event. It was a celebration of their unity in diversity, a unifying spirit that the tournament always kindled.

The city was alive with chatter and laughter, with the distinct personalities of the different sea races shining through. The conversations, casual and full of hope and excitement, perfectly encapsulated the festive atmosphere. The anticipation for the tournament was not just an event, but a celebration of their diverse community. It was the Deep Sea Palace at its liveliest, a spectacle to behold.

Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!