
Dragon Monarch Systemchapter 435: "have you fallen for her?"

There was a sudden knock on the door, pulling them out of their lighthearted chatter. "My lady, is everything alright?" The voice belonged to the actual Kate. She had detected an unfamiliar presence in the room momentarily before it vanished, and in her concern for Laura's safety, had hurried over.

Both Laura and Aditya turned their heads in the direction of the voice, their lips curling into amused smiles. Laura, holding back a chuckle, addressed her concerned maid, "Rest assured, Kate, nothing out of the ordinary happened. You can return to your duties." She had decided there was no need to burden Kate with the knowledge of the brief encounter. The maid was already overly concerned about Laura's safety. She even went so far as to hire an additional army of 10,000 mermen for her protection, despite Laura's protests that it was unnecessary.

Kate's voice came again from behind the door, a note of reluctant acceptance in her tone. "Alright. But please, do let me know if anything occurs." With that, she withdrew, leaving Aditya and Laura once more in the comfortable solitude of their room. The silence seemed to deepen around them, wrapping them in an intimate hush as they returned to their previous conversation.

Hours turned into a full day as Aditya whiled away the time, his boredom eventually propelling him to draw a book from his storage ring. It was a captivating volume that delved deep into diverse cultivation theories and posed intriguing questions about the nature of their world and its history. The pages held his attention, offering a brief respite from the monotony. However, he never allowed himself to fully lose focus. A part of his mind was constantly alert, ever vigilant to any potential threat Sasha could pose to Laura.

Before they knew it, another day had rolled by. The long-awaited tournament was drawing nearer with every tick of the clock. Tomorrow was the day when the competition would unfurl, beckoning them into a whirlwind of battles and strategies.

Meanwhile, news of a recent audacious assault was making the rounds, igniting a flurry of whispers throughout the Capital. The information that one of the top contenders for the Throne Succession tournament had been openly attacked by forty humans had spread like wildfire. Everyone was abuzz with this sensational news, gossiping and speculating about the unfolding drama.

Throughout all this, Laura remained steadfast in her cultivation, letting the world outside dissolve into an inconsequential buzz. She carefully plotted out her strategies for the formidable opponents she would face in the tournament that was slated to last for seven grueling days. The thought of Sasha finding a way to assassinate her during the tournament was a lingering concern. Without Aditya by her side, she would have to rely entirely on her own abilities. And truth be told, she knew deep down that she was no match for Sasha. Despite the gap between their strengths being just one minor realm, Laura felt as vulnerable as an ordinary human in front of the deadly assassin. She clung to the hope that Sasha would abandon her lethal pursuit, providing her the chance to participate in the tournament unimpeded.

Laura found herself cornered, stuck in a dilemma with no clear path to resolution. She knew, given Aditya's past encounters and convoluted history with Sasha, that he would never resort to ending her life, even to protect Laura. The possibility of negotiation crossed Laura's mind. She was ready to offer Sasha an extravagant sum, millions, in fact, if she would just walk away from her mission. But even this seemed improbable. Sasha prided herself on maintaining a perfect elimination rate as an assassin. There was also the organization's stringent rule, dictating that once a mission was accepted, it couldn't be abandoned or discarded.

Lost in her troubling thoughts, Laura suddenly snapped open her eyes, her gaze meeting Aditya's. "I need to step out," she said, her voice firm. "I have some errands to attend to."

With a nod, Aditya replied, "Alright. I'll accompany you."

Laura took note of his response, of the seriousness in his tone, the unwavering determination to ensure her safety. It stirred a warm feeling in her heart. He had come to her aid multiple times, becoming an unwavering pillar of support. Even though their alliance could have permitted him to step back, he didn't. Instead, he went above and beyond, donning the role of a bodyguard, steadfastly protecting her day and night. The realization of the debt she owed him was not lost on Laura. She knew she had much to repay him for his unyielding dedication.

The moment Laura and Aditya stepped out of the mansion's protective threshold, the townspeople recognized Laura almost instantly. Their curious eyes followed the duo, dissecting their every move. The townsfolk hadn't seen Laura since the ominous incident, so her reappearance in public was certainly worth their attention.

Aditya, meanwhile, was not indulging in the local curiosity. His eyes were busy scanning their surroundings, staying vigilant to any potential danger lurking around. "So, where are we headed?" he inquired, his eyes never ceasing their thorough surveillance.

"We're going to visit my adoptive grandfather," Laura answered, her voice carrying a note of anticipation. She wanted to seek his blessings before the onset of the looming tournament, especially since he would not be attending the event himself. In the wake of her grandmother's death, her grandfather had become quite the homebody, seldom leaving the confines of his house.

Aditya, upon hearing this, expressed his surprise, "You're adopted?"

"Yes," Laura nodded, continuing to stroll without missing a beat. "My grandfather told me they found me unconscious and severely injured. I was on the verge of becoming a mega shark's meal when they rescued me and took me home."

Aditya softened his voice, "Your past must have been quite challenging."

Laura shrugged, "Truth be told, I don't remember anything about my past. I don't recall who my real parents are or where I was born. I'm pretty much in the dark about my origin." Her tone remained neutral, devoid of any discernible emotion as she shared this information.

"But don't you ever wonder about your roots?" Aditya couldn't help but ask.

Laura was quick to respond, her tone hardened with determination, "Not really. It's not something that particularly interests me. Right now, my primary focus is to ascend to the throne of Empress and rectify the discriminatory practices rampant in the Empire. My past can wait. It's not going anywhere. I'll deal with it when I can afford to divert my focus."

An abrupt, loud crash echoed through the streets, causing both Laura and Aditya to halt their steps instantly. A neighboring house beside Laura's mansion seemed to be spontaneously crumbling to the ground. Wide, splintering cracks were making their way through the solid stone walls, causing fragments to break off and litter the ground. The sight was peculiar and alarming, forcing both of them to pay attention.

Without any warning, a shadow detached itself from the chaos, hurtling toward Laura at a blinding speed. Aditya's eyes tracked the movement, his body instinctively responding. Just as the razor-sharp tip of a concealed dagger was inches away from piercing Laura's skin, Aditya's hand shot out, his fingers closing around a slender wrist, halting the attack in its tracks.

"I knew it," he growled, a note of triumph in his voice. This time, he did not let Sasha wriggle out of his grasp. His grip around her wrist tightened, ensuring she couldn't escape this time.

Turning to Laura, he instructed, "Laura, you should continue to your grandfather's place. I need to have a word with our friend here." With a firm grip on Sasha, he led her away from Laura, disappearing down a side street before she could protest. In the blink of an eye, both Aditya and Sasha were out of sight, leaving a stunned Laura behind.

In a desolate part of the city, far from the bustling center, Aditya and Sasha found themselves in the echoey vastness of a long-abandoned structure. The dilapidated building, stripped of its former grandeur, now served as their temporary meeting spot. Releasing Sasha's wrist, Aditya took a step back, his gaze steady upon her.

"When will you cease this incessant pursuit, Sasha?" He asked, his voice laced with a clear fatigue.

Her eyes glinted defiantly, and her lips curled into a determined scowl. "Until I've managed to finish what I set out to do: ending that woman's life."

Aditya sighed, his eyes softening slightly. "Your intentions have been painfully obvious, Sasha. Even today's attack was foreseeable the moment that family's house began to crumble. Your strategies have become predictable, where's the creativity? You can do better."

Her cheeks burned at his critique, her pride smarting from his words. And the worst part was that he was right. She'd been acting recklessly, her usual precision and finesse replaced by desperation and frustration.

"Quiet..." She muttered, her eyes cast downward, a rare show of embarrassment on her face. She bit her lip, her mind in turmoil.

'All of this is his fault. He's the reason why I'm behaving like this,' she thought, blaming Aditya for the change in her. Ever since she'd crossed paths with him, he'd stirred up a whirlwind of emotions within her, disrupting her focus and control. Her heart was thrown into disarray, leaving her to grapple with feelings she'd never had before.

"Perhaps I should rephrase my question," Aditya said, watching her with a thoughtful expression. "What could possibly convince you to spare Laura's life?"

Sasha's arms instinctively crossed under her chest as she turned her gaze back to him. A spark of curiosity - or was it jealousy - glinted in her eyes as she asked, "You seem to be particularly invested in this woman's safety. Have you fallen for her?"

Aditya immediately picked up on the jealous undertone of her question. His suspicions were confirmed - Sasha was indeed envious. A small smile played at the corners of his lips at this realization.

He stepped closer to Sasha, closing the distance between them. Reaching out, he gently tipped her chin upward with his fingers, forcing her to meet his gaze. His eyes twinkled with mischief as he asked, "Are you feeling jealous, Sasha?"

Her immediate denial came as no surprise. "I'm not jealous," she snapped, quickly averting her gaze from his. His intense stare was too overwhelming, too intrusive. "Whether you're in love with that woman or not doesn't concern me." Her voice wavered slightly, a subtle hint of her inner turmoil.

Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!