Deep Sea Embers

658Chapters1653Views1Total ReviewsOngoingStatus

List of most recent chapters published for Deep Sea Embers novel. A total of 658 chapters have been translated and the release date of the last chapter is May 27, 2024

Latest Release:
chapter 658: sudden change?


Amidst the thick fog, everything vanished on that fateful day. In its wake, he found himself at the helm of a ghost ship, sailing into a world that had been completely upended and fractured. The once familiar order had disintegrated, giving rise to bizarre phenomena that now ruled the boundless seas beyond the reaches of civilized society.

Isolated island city-states and fleets of ships emerged as challengers in the vast sea, now the last flicker of light for the once sophisticated world. Meanwhile, remnants of the past lurked in the deep sea shadows, poised to consume this dying world. Yet, for the new captain of the ghost ship Vanished, a singular question took precedence—Who possesses the knowledge to navigate this enigmatic vessel?