Cursed Immortality

654Chapters1338Views1Total ReviewsOngoingStatus

List of most recent chapters published for Cursed Immortality novel. A total of 654 chapters have been translated and the release date of the last chapter is May 27, 2024

Latest Release:
chapter 654: cursed bone marrow amalgamation (1)


Jacob Steve, an elderly man, passed away at the age of 116 after a full and eventful life. Throughout his existence, Jacob harbored a concealed dark side, carefully suppressing it from the prying eyes of others. As he confronted the inevitability of death in his later years, he came to the realization that amassing wealth, knowledge, and desires held little meaning if one couldn't savor life. Fueled by an obsession with the elusive concept of immortality, Jacob dedicated his remaining years to extending his fleeting lifespan, only to meet with failure like many before him.

In a mysterious twist of fate, Jacob was granted another chance at life and discovered a path to the fabled immortality he had sought for so long. However, a forewarning accompanied this newfound opportunity, cautioning him that the way to immortality was fraught with blood and darkness. Undeterred, Jacob chose this perilous path, fully aware that there was no turning back. Thus began his harrowing and brutal journey toward the 'Immortality' he desired so fervently.