
Affinity:Chaoschapter 951: phantom

"You're quite sharp, kid, but it's too late for you." The old man said calmly.

He put up a relaxed expression as he looked at Grey, this was a secret technique that he had used to win countless battles, there were even times when he would be on the verge of death, but once he uses this technique, he would be able to turn the tides of the battle and defeat his opponent.

As long as that energy was inside Grey's body, it would continuously corrode Grey's essence, and the moment Grey get within a few meters of him, he would be able to even absorb the essence directly from Grey's body.

While the old man wore a calm expression, he suddenly noticed that nothing was happening to Grey. All the things he expected to happen weren't happening.

"Huh?" He looked at Grey weirdly.

'One of the things these two dominant things in my body hates the most is intruders.' Grey thought to himself, not too worried about the foreign energy in his body.

As soon as he noticed the foreign energy, the blue flames in his body, as well as the orb he got his powers from started to react to it. It was already a miracle that the orb tolerated the flicker of blue flame, now that another one wanted to enter, and it wasn't even beneficial to Grey, it was incensed!

Within a second, the energy was wiped out without a trace.

Grey chuckled at the overbearing nature of the orb, then he turned to the old man.

"What other tricks do you have?"

His question shocked the old man. It was obvious that his special technique had no effect on Grey whatsoever.

'It entered his body. How come he is able to deal with it so easily?' The old man was confused.

He had grown to become confident in this technique, hence seeing how easy it was for Grey to deal with it, he couldn't accept it.

However, he didn't let this change his mindset, he still knew that he had to take the battle seriously. Especially now that Grey was able to deal with his special technique.

He charged at Grey once again, using his darkness element with every attack.

Grey defended himself while his inscriptions lit up in the air. He created two inscriptions, one made from the fire element, while the other was made from the lightning element.

The two inscriptions attacked the old man, making him retreat from Grey's area. This gave Grey the chance he needed to get himself back before attacking him once again.

Grey wasn't one to shy away from a physical battle, even though the old man seemed to be stronger, it didn't mean that he would not face him head-on.

He drew closer to the old man, and just as the old man was prepared to attack, the gravity in the area suddenly increased and he found it difficult to move as fast as he was previously moving.

Grey being the creator of the gravitational force field didn't feel any and his speed remained the same. With a blink, he was standing beside the man and he unleashed an attack.

The old man hastily tried to dodge, but after realizing it was impossible, he could only struggle to block it.

Grey's fist which gave off the aura of the fire and the lightning element struck the man, sending him flying.

The old man slammed into the wall and bounced off, just as his body was falling to the ground, he felt his body being dragged by a mysterious force.

When he raised his head, he saw Grey's outstretched hand, and he realized he was being drawn in Grey's direction, with no way to control his body.

With a powerful roar, he exploded out with a black substance that covered his entire body. Tentacles shot out from the black substance and shot at Grey.

Grey evaded the attacks, but he lost the chance of dragging the old man to himself.

However, he wasn't pressured by this. He used his dimensional slash, while already preparing a lightning bolt that shot behind the space elemental attack.

When the attack hit the black substance, it easily created an opening, showing Grey a glimpse of the old man.

The lightning bolt shot through the opening and struck the man.

The old man screamed from pain, but gritting his teeth, he used the darkness element to remove the rest of the lightning bolt, trying to recover.

However, his pupils shrunk when he suddenly saw an orb inside the small space he created with the darkness element to protect himself from Grey's attacks.

The orb exploded in the confined space, making the power stronger than normal.

Grey watched all this with cold eyes. Even though the old man was powerful and experienced, in front of Grey who had too many tricks, it was still not enough to have these. The only hope for the old man was if he broke through and became an Elemental Venerable.

The explosion soon died down and Grey saw the body of the old man, standing in the same position, but his shorts were burnt in some places and there were burn marks all over his body. It was evident that the attack hit him cleanly.

The old man spat out a mouthful of blood before looking at Grey coldly, he wasn't even in the mood to say anything this time.

Grey also prepared for the old man's attacks. He knew that this time, the attack power would go to its peak.

A dark shadow appeared behind the old man, with bright golden eyes.

Seeing this, Grey was taken aback.

'What the hell is that?' He felt chills run down his spine.

He could sense a deadly aura coming from the body of the shadow. If he was touched by it, it wouldn't be a good experience.

The shadow seemed to sense Grey's fear and looked into Grey's eyes. The second their eyes made contact, Grey froze.
