
Affinity:Chaoschapter 950: intense battle

Grey stared at the old man, and he noticed he was staring back at him. He could also sense that there was a bit of surprise in the eyes of the old man.

"Kid, you have four elements?" The old man asked.

When they started fighting, Grey used three elements and he already thought that was impressive. However, the last attack Grey used contained lightning, and even though he managed to suppress it in the end, it was still a little troublesome. The lightning element and the light element were the natural counter to the darkness element.

Grey didn't reply, but he let lightning flash across his body.

When the old man saw this, his expression changed a little. Even though he sensed it already, he was still a little surprised. It was not every day he got the chance to see an Elementalist with four elements.

"I'll take you more seriously now, kid." He said with a serious expression.

Grey was a little taken aback, they had been fighting for some time now, and the old man said he would take him more seriously now.

Does that mean that he had been holding back all this while?

Just thinking about it amused Grey. Of course he had been doing the same as well, but hearing the old man say it sounded funny to him.

If he were to use all his elements, as well as the other things he had in his arsenal, he was almost certain that the old man wouldn't last more than five minutes against him.

The old man's body suddenly buffed up, and the loose clothing he was wearing started to tear up. He was left with only his shorts.

Seeing the well-built body of such an old man, Grey was a little envious. He also trained his body, but compared to the physique of this old man, he was a little lacking.

The old man planted his feet on the ground, and…


He shot at Grey.

He was so fast that a sonic boom resounded when he made a move.


His fists clashed with Grey's fist.

Grey took some steps back to recover as he stared at the man. There was suddenly almost a thirty percent increase in the strength of the old man. Now he understood what the old man meant when he said he wanted to take him seriously.

He didn't think too much about this, since the old man was stronger physically, then he would use his elements to increase his own strength and attack the old man

with it.

He threw a punch, and lightning and fire flashed in front of his fist as it roared in the air, heading towards the old man.

The speed of their attacks was insane that the air made sounds as their fists broke through it.

The old man threw a fist, meeting Grey's first with his own. Seeing Grey using his elements, he also did the same as well.

A dark veil appeared in front of his fist as it descended on Grey.


Their fists collided and sent sparks in the air.

They started throwing punches after punches at each other.

Grey would use the lightning element, as well as the fire element on some occasions, while the old man only used the darkness element.

Their battle shook the entire cave to the extent that even the array was having a hard time keeping the illusion stable.

Some of the people who entered the main cave could hear the sounds of the battle and also the rumbling in the cave. It was an intense battle, but it was one Grey was enjoying to the max.

This was the first time he was fighting against an Elementalists who specialized in physical battles, so he started to learn some things from the old man.

One thing he couldn't deny was the vast experience of the old man. If not for his overpowered abilities, he was a hundred percent certain that he would be defeated by this old man.

As the battle continued, the old man was left dumbstruck by Grey's abilities.

Honestly, he didn't think Grey would have so many tricks up his sleeves. Whenever he felt he had gotten the chance to suppress Grey, the other party would use a move that would repel him.


Grey's figure crashed into the wall by the side, causing an almost ten meters deep crater.

He crawled out of it easily and attacked the incoming old man who was already prepared for another attack.

Grey didn't dare to take the old man lightly. His eyes glowed with a blue light and he shot out a mental attack.

The old man who was coming his way flinched, although it didn't take up to a second before he regained himself, that was more than enough time for Grey to attack him.

Grey punched the unprotected body of the old man with lightning covering his fists.

When the attack hit the body of the old man, Grey's eyes changed, and he saw the cold eyes of the old man staring down at him.

This was the first time he was getting the chance to get a clean hit, however, things were not as he thought.

The body of the old man seemed to start to absorb the essence of Grey's attack. Not just that, but it went on to absorb the essence in his body as well.

Grey was alarmed and backed up quickly.

"Foolish child, you think that a mental attack would work on me? Even though I didn't see it coming, I've trained my consciousness long enough to resist these attacks." The old man said with a smile.

Only now did Grey realize the small time the old man flinched was only an act.

Looking at the old man, he was about to speak when he suddenly noticed a foreign movement inside his body.

"What did you do?" He asked coldly.

This was not something he could feel before, so he knew it was after coming in contact with the old man that it enter his body.