
Affinity:Chaoschapter 893: separating the duo


Nathan and Foudre were sent crashing to the ground, destroying a large boulder by the side.

Grey appeared beside them and attacked once again. He struck Foudre with a light sword that sent him flying.

Nathan was about to move but his legs were sealed to the ground with the earth that came out of the ground.

He destroyed it with fire but was sent flying after receiving a blow from Grey. Given the disparity in terms of physique, the punch was something that hurt him.

Foudre rushed back into the scene but was met with Grey's attacks. He was holding off Grey when Nathan attacked with his domain once again.

Grey had to use his inscriptions to fight against Foudre while he turned to Nathan.

Foudre refused to give him the opportunity he wanted, quickly dealing with the inscriptions and rushing into the fray.

Nathan, with the help of his domain, had managed to block two lightning attacks, but he was hit by a large earth pillar that smacked him into the ground.

Foudre saw two large palms made from earth attempting to clap, with him in the middle. He exploded out with a powerful sea of flames that stopped the hands, only for a few seconds, giving him the opportunity he needed to escape from the attack range.

Unfortunately for him, after dodging that, Grey welcomed him with a large lightning hand that smacked him to the ground.

He landed close to Nathan.

Grey, currently covered in lightning fell to the ground with full force. When he landed on the ground, the entire area was covered with lightning and both Nathan and Foudre were thrown up by the lightning that zapped them from the ground.

Grey's figure blurred and he moved once again.

Nathan hurriedly used his domain while Foudre brought out a talisman, placing it on his body, he felt lighter and moved with incredible speed.

It was a Peak Sage Plane Light Elementalist talisman that boosted the speed of its user.

Grey didn't want to let any of them escape, so he chased after Foudre who was fleeing, Nathan tried to use the opportunity to attack Grey from behind, only to realize Grey saw through their plans when Grey turned to look at him with his current pale blue eyes.

Nathan froze, and ice started to surface on his body, he was freezing.

Grey's mental attack has the ability to freeze his victims thanks to the superior ability of the pale blue flame. Of course there are ice users that had a better freezing ability, but Grey's ability with the pale blue freezing flame was among the top-notch ice users, and he wasn't even using ice.

Nathan's eyes glowed red and the ice surrounding him started to melt off.

Grey continued chasing after Foudre, he knew this attack was not going to stop Nathan, and he didn't do it to stop him he only needed to make sure his surprise attack didn't work.

Foudre took a sharp turn and attacked Grey.

Grey was already expecting something like this, his body was covered with earth armor. When Foudre's attack struck him, it forced him back, and he swayed in the air.

Nathan had broken free at this time, so he joined in on the attack as well.

When their attacks were about to reach Grey, they seemingly vanished into thin air.

Grey smirked and moved forward.

Nathan and Foudre know better than to let him near them after experiencing his gravitational force field for the first time, they didn't dare to let him get close to them nor within a hundred meters from them.

They didn't know the limitations of the gravitational force field, so they had to be extra cautious.

Eva watched the battle from the side, hoping to recover quickly so she could stop them.

Just when she was about to recover, she noticed all her elemental essence vanished once again.

She looked around only to see Void waving at her.

"Stay put. If you move, I'll kill you." Void said.

His small stature and voice were a complete contrast to what just came out of his mouth. He was threatening Eva, and from the terrifying killing intent he was releasing, she knew he wasn't bluffing.

Void knew Grey wouldn't kill Eva, but he didn't mind. Unlike Grey, he didn't have any pity for her.

"You're the one doing this to me?" Eva asked.

Void didn't bother to reply, but his stance was clear, he would not allow anyone else to interfere in the battle.

He raised a brow to look in the direction of Kangs City, some powerful auras were rushing over from that direction.


'Already sensed them. I'm taking the fight elsewhere, take the girl somewhere else.'

Void nodded and jumped on Eva's shoulder, before she could say anything, they vanished.

Nathan and Foudre were on the attack, Grey decided to use this to his advantage and rushed in another direction, however, the duo refused to follow him.

He came back and realized the duo were trying to stall him so that the experts from Kangs City could arrive.

He smiled and with a blink, he exchanged positions with Nathan, placing his hands on the shoulder of Foudre who didn't expect him to appear beside him, they vanished.

However, before leaving, he tagged Nathan.

'I'll deal with this one first.'

Nathan was stunned when he saw this. He suddenly recalled Grey used this ability when fighting with the experts from Kangs City. Before he could react, Grey and Foudre were gone.

His greatest fear was coming to pass, as long as they were not together, then Grey would be able to easily kill them off.

"It's better he picked him, he's in for some surprises. I should leave, Foudre should be able to keep him busy." Nathan muttered before rushing off.

Foudre had some powerful figures in the Faction, so he had multiple top-tier talismans and techniques to use whenever he was in danger.

Nathan's plan right now was to leave the Lutra realm and hide in the Faction. No matter how talented Grey was, there was no way he would be able to kill him in the Faction.