
Affinity:Chaoschapter 892: i don't do well with accepting apologies

"Who do you think you are?" Nathan asked, trying to contain his anger. He was visibly shaking from Grey's words.

"I'm Grey, and presently, your fate lies in my hands. I'm killing him, there's no way he's surviving. Normally, I'd kill you as well, but on account of my relationship with Eva, although we're not close, I'll give you a chance." Grey said with a calm expression.

He didn't wear his smile and his expression was once again bland.

Foudre was the one who exploded in anger when he saw Grey pointing at him and declaring his fate like some god.

"Come at me if you dare." He motioned at Grey, trying to get him to fight him.

"Do you really want that?" Grey tilted his head to the side and looked at Foudre in disdain. He didn't even hide the fact that he was looking down at him.

Foudre almost went mad when he saw Grey looking at him in this manner, he was about to charge out when Nathan grabbed his hand.

"Grey, I agree that what we did was wrong, but aren't you being a little too excessive?" Nathan tried to resolve the matter calmly.

"Excessive? I'm amazed such words can come out of your mouth. If I were dead, would you say that I am being excessive?" Grey scoffed at the hypocritical nature of Nathan. He was already used to this, so he wasn't surprised.

"I already apologized for it." Nathan said.

"Sorry, I don't do well with accepting apologies. Anyone who wants me dead will die." Grey said with an intimidating aura, he took a step forward and exploded out with a powerful aura.

He was done talking, since Nathan refused to cripple himself, then he would kill him as well. He only wanted to leave him alive because of Eva, but there was no need.

Nathan and Foudre prepared to attack while Eva stood between Grey and the duo, her intentions were clear, she wanted to protect them.

Grey paused when he saw her standing in front of him, "Move."

"Please, don't do this." Eva begged, tears already in her eyes.


A powerful fire attack exploded out from Grey and it sent Eva flying.

Nathan and Foudre didn't expect Grey would attack her, so they were unable to react quickly. Even Eva didn't think Grey would attack her, so she wasn't able to put up a defense, and was hit by the full force of the attack.

After sending Eva flying, Grey rushed at the duo.

Nathan and Foudre stood beside each other and attacked simultaneously.

Grey didn't even feel bothered by their attacks, with a wave, a brownish screen appeared in front of him. It was just like a wind or fire screen, but this one was made from the earth element.

The screen was hit by the two attacks and it shook, however, it didn't have any signs of cracks.

A fireball appeared above Nathan and Foudre and came crashing down.

The duo blocked the attack.

While blocking the attack, earth spikes sprouted out of the ground, sending the duo into the air.

They quickly balanced themselves, but they were met with Grey who appeared within a few meters of them.

Grey released his gravitational force field that sent the duo down. Just like most of Grey's victims, they weren't prepared for the sudden change and fell to the ground.

Grey used his lightning domain next, sending streaks of lightning to attack the duo.

They were zapped by the lightning at first, but they quickly created a fire dome to protect themselves from the lightning before sending out fire spears in Grey's direction.

Grey was still mid-air, moving from one side to another, he dodged and blocked the spears.

Nathan and Foudre jumped out from the range of the lightning domain and attacked Grey from two different angles.

Grey spread out his hands and he was covered by a sea of flames. The attacks of both Nathan and Foudre entered the sea of flames and vanished, becoming part of it.

This was an ability of Grey's fire domain, with it, he could swallow up any fire elemental attack sent at him, well, within his strength level that is, and add it to the power of the fire domain. Fighting against two Fire Elementalists, he had the absolute advantage, especially now that he had the higher cultivation stage.

Nathan and Foudre exchanged glances when they saw this, they didn't stop after the first try, and with a flash, they unleashed one of their strongest attacks.

Foudre sent out a stream of fire which seemed to have special flames mixed with it. There were some places that had different colors in the stream of fire.

Nathan on the other hand used something that amazed Grey, a fire domain.

The fire domain covered a large area and Foudre's attack power was increased with the help of Nathan's domain. The strength of this attack was presently at the Peak of the Sage Plane.

'Finally, I thought they would bore me all through.' Grey smiled internally and increased the intensity of his domain.

He turned it to his icy flame domain, trying to freeze the attack that was coming his way.

His domain and Nathan's domain clashed, before the stream of fire entered his domain. Like receiving a double attack, his domain wavered, and the impact forced him back some meters.

Nathan and Foudre continued their attack, not holding back.

Eva opened her eyes at this moment, when she saw the duo forcing Grey back, she tried to stand up and stop them from fighting, but she noticed that she was drained, it would take a few minutes before she would be able to recover.

This was thanks to Void using the darkness element to corrode her elemental essence. She was almost the same as a regular human at the moment, only far stronger.

Boom! Bang! Bam!

The fight started to intensify, Grey was using the lightning and fire element as his main attack options while using the space and earth elements to dodge and block most of the attacks.

The duo were pure Fire Elementalists, so unlike Grey, they couldn't use other elements, but they were holding their own against Grey at the moment.