
Affinity:Chaoschapter 505: fighting against a speedster ii

'That took longer than expected,' Grey thought as he once again dodged Phoebe's attack.


The attack slammed into the side of the platform.

'Alright, time to counterattack,' Grey smiled before vanishing.

For the first time since their battle started, Grey used the space element when he was not under any attack.

Phoebe tensed up, waiting patiently for where Grey would appear.

"Left," She turned to her left quickly while sending out a powerful swirling flame.


The attack missed its target as there was no one there.

'Hmm, he's gone again. Heh! If he thinks he can defeat me this way then he's underestimating my capabilities,' Phoebe scoffed.

Grey's figure soon popped out from behind her, but she was ready once again, attacking quickly while retreating backward.


The attack hit empty air once again as Grey's figure was nowhere to be seen. Just before Phoebe was able to steady herself after retreating, Grey's figure popped up once again from her back.


Grey attacked as soon as he came out this time.

Phoebe turned around quickly with the help of the wind element, using her powerful flames to block the attack.

She was forced to take a single step back because of the impact.

Compared to Grey's fire attack, Phoebe's was more powerful. And it isn't really something surprising since she was more powerful. If not for Grey's array of elements, as well as his strong physical body, he wouldn't have been able to fight against her for this long.

Phoebe's expression turned serious, not expecting Grey's speed in teleporting to be this fast.


She managed to block another attack, but this time, she was forced back by two steps because she was slightly distracted.

Grey soon started an onslaught of attacks, not giving her any chance to try to counterattack, it's not that she didn't have any chances, it was just that before her attacks could get to Grey, he was already gone.

Grey started using the inscription that was mid-air in the battle as well, attacking with everything he got.

Phoebe was immediately placed in a passive state, barely able to defend properly, much less attacking. Grey's use of the inscription and timing of his attacks were ingenious.

He would attack with the inscription, and while Phoebe was focused on defending against the inscription, he would appear from her blind side and attack.

Phoebe might be strong, but fighting against someone like Grey who seems to be two because of the inscription was impossible for her.

Although she was fighting against one person, she was technically defending against two attacks from two different angles at the same time, with each attack sent out with unimaginable precision.

Boom! Bang! Bam!

Phoebe soon started to take hits from the attacks, although it was only the weakened version of the attacks, it was still starting to take a toll on her body.


The crowd was still watching the battle excitedly, those rooting for Phoebe clenched their fists in worry as they could see she was on the verge of losing.

Those who supported Grey were all happy, while the majority of them were just enjoying the beauty of the battle and the craftiness of Grey. With a simple solution, he reversed the situation of the battle, and from the looks of it, this was how the battle was going to end.

At the special area.

"*Sigh* He's won again," The Faction Leader shook his head dejectedly.

Although he wasn't too hopeful in Phoebe winning, he still had some hope when Grey was on the back foot.

Grey isn't as powerful as Phoebe, but he was more experienced in battling, knowing when to defend and attack. This was the true strength of a fighter. Battles aren't always about power, but brains. A smart opponent can easily wipe out an army if given resources and a chance to plan properly.

"Isn't it expected? He might be weaker than those left, but his battle experience is higher. Not just that, but having multiple elements and being smart enough to use it in the most ingenious ways makes him an opponent people wouldn't want to meet. If he were to be a stage or two lower than me, I wouldn't dare to fight against him," The lady said.

The Faction Leader nodded, he couldn't refute the fact that Grey was a tad above others his age when it came to battles. He was also very cool and collected when forced into a tough situation, making it difficult to force him to make wrong decisions.


The battle went on and Phoebe continued getting hit by Grey's attacks. After almost ten minutes of the constant barrage of attacks, Phoebe was forced to her knees.

"It's over. I win," Grey said, appearing before her.

"I guess so," Phoebe replied before standing up.

She gave Grey a deep look before turning around, heading back to the area those from the Pyro Faction were sitting. Since she had been defeated, she had turned to one of the audience watching the battle.

Grey heaved a sigh of relief, this battle was tougher than he expected, but he was happy with the result.

"Will you continue?" The head of the Gayle family asked.

To his surprise, Grey shook his head.

This battle took a lot from him, he wanted to take a fifteen minutes break to recover. The head of the Gayle family nodded, before taking his seat.

None of the people in the arena complained when Grey said he wanted to rest. He had been fighting for almost four hours now, alone, against a large group of people. Not many people could last this long. What was more exciting was that there would be more thrilling battles to come, and the possibility of Grey losing soon is very high. This can be seen in his battle against Phoebe.

Although he managed to win in the end, it wasn't as easy as it used to be. Not everyone in the Second stage was as powerful as Phoebe, there were two or three more just as strong if not stronger than her. Then, there's the group in the Third stage of the Overlord Plane.

If Grey manages to get to that point, then he would most certainly lose.

This was what everyone in the crowd was thinking, but they were all impressed by his performance nonetheless.