
Affinity:Chaoschapter 504: fighting against a speedster

The next person was also a young lady, but she was a Dual Elementalist, having the fire and wind elements which are greatly beneficial to each other.


Swoosh! Bang! Crack!

The young lady darted forward and attacked immediately, destroying the ice bridge Grey made.

Grey jumped down from the bridge to dodge the attack. But just before his leg could touch the ground.

Boom! Bang!

The young lady attacked again, forcing him to defend.

He was pushed back, sliding almost five meters before he stopped.

He raised his head to look at the young lady, but she was nowhere to be seen. Without even thinking, he set up an ice wall around himself to block any unsuspecting attack.


An attack slammed into the ice wall on his right, and he quickly looked in that direction.


As Grey was turning to look to his right, a figure appeared in the sky, just above him.

'Crap!' He suddenly realized the attack to the wall was a feint.


The young lady who was just around four meters above him attacked with full power.

Bang! Crack!

The ice walls in all corners shattered, and Grey's figure could be seen shooting out of the place where the explosion occurred. The young lady followed swiftly, not waiting to give him a chance to recuperate.

She was far stronger than Clara who he fought against back at the Gayle family. Assisted by her dual elements, she wasn't an easy opponent. Her attack power was on the level of Harry, and her speed was surprisingly above Grey's.

Swoosh! Boom! Bang!

She continued attacking relentlessly, with Grey doing his best to make sure he wasn't hit by any of the attacks. He was dodging the attacks by a hair's breadth, making sure to minimize the space essence he uses.

Without the space element, she would've hit him by now.


An attack which was about to hit him solidly on the back was block by a timely fire orb he sent out. The impact of the attack though forced him back once again.

As soon as his foot touched the ground, even before he could regain his footing, he hurriedly made an inscription in the sky.

The young lady shot past the place of the explosion which still had smoke around, attempting to attack Grey once again. But she suddenly halted, before dodging to the right.


Grey's inscription attacked slammed into the ground, missing it's target.

Grey used the small time he got to organize himself before trying to attack the young lady.

When the young lady saw Grey's attack coming towards her, she created a wind screen that blocked the attack, before sending out an attack.

They soon started exchanging moves, with the young lady dodging most of Grey's attacks while also blocking some.

Grey decided to play it safe, dodging as much as he can. He noticed from the start that his defense was not strong enough to block the young lady's attacks, so whenever he tries to block it, he only creates opportunities for his opponent to suppress him.

Since the introduction of his inscription, the battle has been slightly balanced, although, the young lady is clearly on top in terms of power and defense.


The crowd cheered on happily while watching the back and forth battle between both fighters. This has been one of the most even battles since the battles started, and for the first time even, Grey was on the back foot. This made the crowd cheer even more.

Although they had been enjoying the battles all this while, it was still somewhat embarrassing to see the geniuses from your city being wiped out by an unknown individual who isn't even on the same Plane as them.

"Hahaha, although Phoebe is ranked lower than Petra, she has her advantages as well. With insane speed and power, she is dominating this brat. Hahaha, I can feel my blood boiling, quick, hold me before I jump onto the platform," An excited laughter came from the crowd.

"Hahaha, me too. Unfortunately, we are already too old. I would've loved to teach this brat a thing or two,"

The crowd was very lively in this battle. Some were commending the efforts of Phoebe who was suppressing Grey, while a stark few were unexpectedly rooting for Grey. The reason for this? They didn't want to battles to end soon.

In the special area.

"Hmm, Phoebe made the best decision, ceaseless attacks will always suppress your opponents," The Faction Leader commented.

Phoebe was a member of the Pyro Faction as well, so he felt quite proud of her. The Pyro Faction only took in Elementalists who had the fire element.

"Not against an opponent as cool headed as Grey. Yes, it will place him in a slightly difficult position, but he will find a way to get through this. Don't forget he's making minimum use of the space element. And I do believe that he has a few tricks up his sleeves as well," The lady who came with Grey said.

The Faction Leader nodded, he too noticed Grey's amazing composure. Most people his age wouldn't be this composed when they're being forced back or suppressed, but he was not only keeping calm, but people could see that he seems to be planning something.


Back on the platform.

Grey has been dodging in a certain movement, moving all over the platform as he dodged and attacked.

There was a reason for this though, he was making an array. Not just any array, but a small scale teleportation array.

While he was training with the lady on essence consumption, he tried to implement it on his arrays as well, and he managed to come up with something a little unique. Making a small scale teleportation array around a certain region, it would not only make him teleport faster, but the essence consumption rate would be at least forty percent lower.

Against a fast opponent like Phoebe, this was the best move. How do you defeat a speedster? By being faster!

There's no way a Wind Elementalist would be able to dominate a Space Elementalist in terms of speed, and Grey was about to show Phoebe exactly this.