
Affinity:Chaoschapter 1134: divine luck

After letting the duo do as they pleased for a few minutes, he brought their attention back to the matter at hand, finding out how to leave this place.

Void wasn't happy being interrupted, but Grey promised to make a place filled with snow for him when they left this place so he was contended. The bunny leader didn't have any issues with this as well.

They started to explore the place, searching for the opportunity to leave. They walked for over an hour before they saw what they were searching for. In front of them was a large crystal building. They could hear the sounds of people inside the building.

Grey looked at the duo, especially at Void.

Already knowing Grey's intent, Void replied, "There are no treasures inside."

Grey was a little disappointed when he heard this, but he didn't give up, he knew there was something to be gained from each stage, he just had to make sure he did his best to get them.

Take the last stage for instance, teleporting at will wasn't the benefit he gained from there, rather, it was an elemental technique. Since he didn't have light elemental techniques, he asked for this. The lady impacted him with a light elemental attack technique. From what he read about it, he knew this technique would be fearsome.

He continued walking and stepped on the crystal building. There were rows of tables, and on the side were shelves filled with books.

The moment he stepped in, he saw a familiar figure on one of the tables with a frustrated expression. The person saw him as well.

"Buddy, you're here. Come quick, decode this thing." Klaus didn't give him the chance to say anything and tossed a book at him.

Grey instinctively caught the book and took a glance. He felt his world crumbling when he saw the book. There was a special power in it that threw him off guard.

When Klaus saw the change in his expression, he gave an embarrassed smile before saying, "I forgot to tell you to prepare yourself."

He was in a haste and forgot about the rules before reading this book. Ones mind must be at ease, and they must cover their eyes with their spiritual consciousness. Grey didn't do any of that and he was almost fainted from the pressure he felt from it.

"What are these books?" Grey regained his calm and asked.

This was the first time he was seeing a book like this, and to be honest, he was quite intrigued by it.

"These are questions you will know from the pages."

The projection of the old man appeared once again. He had been keeping track of Grey's progress and saw everything that happened in the previous round. The fact that Grey was able to kill the lady was a shocking feat. He was just as shocked as when Grey managed to defeat that young man.

While the lady was still alive, she was known to be almost invisible among her peers. While growing up, she didn't suffer any defeats until she got to the Peak where she encountered a few frightening figures, the young man included. She lost to them, but it would be difficult if they wanted to kill her.

Grey on the other hand killed her while being distracted by others, it was a shocking feat.

"It's you again." Grey said when he saw the old man.

The old man smiled but didn't speak any further.

"Isn't there anything you'd like to tell me?" Grey asked.

"Your friend already told you what you need to know. To leave this place, you must understand how it was built. And all those are in the books." The old man said, before taking his seat.

Grey looked at the old man, wondering if he would gain anything if he killed him.

As if seeing through Grey's thoughts, the old man said, "I can't die."

Klaus, who was by the side, was taken aback when he heard this. He didn't understand why the old man was telling Grey he can't die.

This was the third round and he had been stuck here for a while. He blitzed through the previous stages and felt like he wouldn't have any problems with the others. Unfortunately, he was stuck here.

Grey didn't bother with the old man any longer and took a seat close to Klaus, glancing through the words in the book. This time, he wasn't hit with an oppressive wave, rather, he saw some obscure words.

"Have you been able to read them?" He turned to Klaus.

Klaus had been here for a while, so he felt he should know some things about it.

"Nope. I've tried for hours, but nothing. I think they have to do with arrays." Klaus replied.

Grey nodded and focused on the book.

While Grey was reading, the old man was staring at him with a strange look. When Klaus tossed the book at Grey, he could've stopped it, but he didn't. He was quite curious about Grey and wanted to know how he would react. To be honest, he didn't expect Grey to snap out of it within such a short time.

'This kid is special. Let's see if he can get to the last stage.' He thought to himself before glancing at Klaus.

'To think they are friends.'

He didn't know what to think about Klaus' situation. If Grey hadn't come, it was clear as day that there was no way Klaus would've been able to get through this stage. But Grey came at the time he was getting close to giving up.

'Is it coincidence? Or is his luck just that good?'

He had seen Klaus' cases, and unlike Grey who worked hard for it, Klaus doesn't seem to do anything special but he gets rewarded. Even in this stage. Others were teleported a far distance away from this place, but he appeared in the building directly.

Klaus' luck was divine.