
Affinity:Chaoschapter 1133: gnomes?

The young man fought Grey with all he had, his inflated body was starting to shrink after two minutes, and his strength deteriorating as well. Still, he didn't stop attacking Grey. He wanted Grey to pay, even if he couldn't kill him, he wanted to make sure Grey would be wounded and unable to advance.

Grey was like a fish in the water, easily dodging all his attacks. With Grey's space element, it was almost impossible for the young man to even touch his clothes, much less harm him.

Knowing the attack power of the young man was at its peak, Grey didn't want to take any attack from him.

The young man started to fall into a desperate state as he attacked in a frenzy. No matter how he attacked, he would always miss Grey by a little bit. He knew this was all due to his inferior speed and he couldn't help but feel helpless. Grey was too fast.

Darkness Elementalists are not known to be the fastest, they might have deadly attack powers, but they were not on the same level as Lightning, Wind, Space, and Light Elementalists when it came to speed. Grey had all these elements, alongside his frightening physical speed as well. Not even a Light Elementalist could catch up to him, much less a Darkness Elementalist.

The time flew by and the young man returned to his previous state, well, a state worse than his previous state. He could barely stand after his inflated body dried up.

Grey shook his head when he saw the young man. He had already injured the young man when he attacked the first time.

"I guess it's time for you to try the challenge once again." He clicked his tongue and said.

The young man was not able to respond, he was bleeding from all seven orifices.

Grey used the space element to drop him on the platform. He didn't leave, he wanted to ensure the young man died before he left.

The others who were watching from the side didn't feel too much sympathy for the trio from the Syphilis Faction. All they felt at the moment was fear, fear of the human devil that was standing before them.

Grey was strong and cunning. Having these two characteristics made him even more formidable.

The lady on the platform appeared, seeing another near-death participant, she couldn't help but look at Grey. Grey acted as if he didn't see her, watching the young man's movement closely. He could see something wriggling in the young man's skin.

When they were fighting, he didn't take note of it, only now that the young man was unable to move did he notice it.

The lady repeated the same words and attacked.

As expected, the young man was unable to block it. However, just as he was about to die, something happened. His body seemed to come back to life and he shot at Grey.

Grey's pupils dilated when he saw this as a great sense of crisis arose in his heart, without waiting for anything else, he used the power of teleportation to leave the place. He could leave since he had already passed the stage.

The moment he was wrapped by the teleportation powers, the young man appeared before him, and with vicious laughter, he exploded.

Grey let out a muffled groan as blood sipped out from the side of his mouth. Even with the teleportation power covering him, he was still affected by the impact.

The others who didn't pass the stage were not as lucky as he was. They died from the explosion.

Grey's eyes were cold as he appeared on the next stage. A place covered with snow. He couldn't care about the beauty of the scenery before him, he could still recall the eyes of the young man.

"Gnomes." He said through gritted teeth.

Yes, the young man was controlled by a Gnome. He might not have been aware, but the moment his consciousness faded after the lady's attack, his body was controlled by something else. Grey was a hundred percent certain that it was a Gnome who controlled the young man. Gnomes had different abilities, and being able to control a dead person was one of the easier ones.

Seeing how determined the Gnome was to kill him, he was sure it was aware of his identity.

"Syphilis Faction." He muttered to himself.

The probability of them being members of necromancers was not low. They were a Darkness Elementalist Faction which had grown slowly with time. In general, all Darkness Elementalist Factions are suspected of being necromancers, but there was no way to clarify it so others left them alone.

There have been necromancers who had managed to sneak into even the top Factions, so all Factions were suspected of working with the Gnomes.

Grey was an individual these Gnomes wanted dead, at all costs. They saw him as a threat since he could neutralize their strongest abilities, even using them to his advantage. They didn't know why he hadn't taught this technique to others yet, and they were glad he hadn't. Now, they wanted to kill him before he did.

Grey knew these people wanted him dead, and given how many times he had almost been killed by them, he hated them to the core. Anyone affiliated with necromancers or the Gnomes was his enemy.

He threw that thought to the back of his head and looked around. The snow-white world was captivating to look at.

"I wonder what this trial could be." He muttered.

Since they were in a new place that needed some exploring, he brought out the bunny leader and Void to help out.

The duo started playing in the snow instead of helping out.

Grey couldn't help but facepalm when he saw this. The duo was clearly still young. Well, so was he, but he felt he was more mature than they were. At least, he didn't play in the snow the moment he saw it.