
Affinity:Chaoschapter 1062: overbearing friends

In the forest, the necromancers hideout.

Grey and the others arrived within five minutes, the mark had completely faded off, luckily, Void found the place earlier on.

Sensing the amount of people inside, they couldn't help but exchange glances.

"Do we really have to kill all of them?" Reynolds couldn't help but ask.

"Some might not have the intention of joining from the start, but since they are already part of it there's no way we would know what thoughts they have." Klaus said.

He also thought of the possibility that there might be some people who didn't want to become necromancers, only joining in hopes of getting some benefits. Not every necromancer had a puppet.

"We can't take any chances, that would be too dangerous. Kill all." Gilbert said.

Grey nodded, he was more inclined with killing all of them than leaving behind some problems.

"Bunch of evil people, we'll kill them then." Klaus made up his mind.

"Or, should we send their location to my Faction?" Alice suggested.

There are possibilities of them not being able to kill all of them. If some escaped, they would feel regretful.

"With Void here, who can escape?" Grey didn't bother with anyone trying to escape.

Only now did the others realize that Void was with them and he seemed to have a special ability that could help them trap their enemies. That means they wouldn't have to worry about anyone fleeing and focus on killing.

They made some preparations and soon set off.

Just when they were about to enter, Grey's expression changed slightly and he retreated.


A loud explosion rang out.

The others moved just as quickly as Grey. The place where they were previously standing exploded with a powerful burst of energy.

"What was that?" Klaus looked at the place with apprehension.

"A trap array. I can't believe I didn't sense it." Grey's face was dark.

Among all of them, he was the one who had some achievements when it came to arrays, and given his high level, he felt he should've sensed it. Although he sensed it at the time the explosion was about to set off, it was still shocking to him.

"Even Void didn't sense it." Alice commented when she saw Grey's face.

Grey took a glance at Void before saying, "We should be careful. They already know we're here. Use the air, there's no need sneaking around any more."

Void vanished and appeared some meters away, he was not going to partake in the battle, so he wanted to watch from a good place.

When the five of them flew up, the people from the cave had sensed the commotion and rushed out as well.

"Who dares to come here?" A furious roar was heard.

Grey could not be bothered with this person, the reason for that was because he had almost been blasted by an attack that appeared all of a sudden. Just like the first array, this one was hidden in space as well.

"Be careful, once you sense any spatial fluctuations, retreat." He said to the others.

These attacks were hidden in small space pockets all around the place, if they were not careful, they might not be able to even fight against these necromancers before they met their end.

Klaus and the others nodded and were extra careful.

While they were heading over carefully, those from the cave had come out. In front of them was a middle-aged man who was at the Peak of the Sage Plane.

Seeing Grey and the others, he looked at them oddly.

"Who are you people, and what are you doing here?" He didn't feel threatened after sensing their auras, so he wanted to confirm their identities and what they were doing there.

"It's none of your business. Just stand there and wait, we're coming." Klaus just finished speaking when an explosion rang out.

He retreated with a dark expression on his face. He was in the middle of trash talking his opponents but he was silenced by a hidden array.

"F*ck! If you know you're powerful, remove these things and watch me beat you up." He cursed in annoyance.

Grey felt a headache, their situation was a bit comical. They wanted to kill the people in front of them, but they couldn't carelessly charge forward or they would be attacked and probably suffer sever injuries if they didn't die.

Void was on the side laughing his heart out.

Grey and the others could clearly hear him laughing, and this made them feel even more embarrassed.

"What should we do with them?" One of the men by the side of the middle-aged man asked coldly.

Klaus was rude, and they would naturally want to kill him.

"Kill them, they are not important people. I thought they were people worth taking seriously." The middle-aged man said.

The others nodded and coffins appeared on the side of five people. Each person had two coffins. These five people were all in the Late stages of the Sage Plane.

They sent their puppets at Grey and his friends. Since they were in such a position, fighting back was difficult, retreating was even harder since they didn't know where the next hidden array was located.

The puppets didn't bother with the arrays and attacked.

Boom! Boom! Bam!

Grey wanted to block the attack, but he was forced back.

Looking at how the faces of his group changed, he used his darkness element to create small tendrils that shot into the body of the puppets.

Originally, he didn't want to use more elements in front of Gilbert, but at this time, he didn't have a choice.

The small tendrils dug into the body of the puppets and before long, the painful screams of the five people who owned each puppet was heard. Blood started to drip from their nose, ears, and eyes.

Grey had forcefully cut off their connection with the puppets, directly injuring their spiritual senses.

Of the five, two of them showed dullness in their eyes, it was clear that they were more affected. It was only after some time did their eyes regain their old glow.

"Who's that?" One of the three who was still conscious asked in fear.

They could tell what the other party did, and they found it unbelievable. Forcibly cutting off their links with their puppets was not something an ordinary person could do. Only those proficient in necromancy could do it.

Even those Emissaries couldn't.

Grey didn't say a word, he didn't want to expose himself. What he wanted to do right now was the leave this place.

The distance between them and the necromancers in front was barely five hundred meters, from his calculations when the puppets barged in, the end of this trap was around one hundred meters more or so.

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth and decided to move faster. He used the wind and lightning element to boost his strength and shot out.

His body was covered in layers of earth armor. He would try to see if he could run past before the explosions

When the others saw Grey, they stilled their hearts and followed suit.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Explosions rang out one after another.

The middle-aged man leading the group still didn't leave, he was staring at Grey and his group like they were already dead. There was no way five people in the Sage Plane could threaten him. With their current numbers, even twenty Peak Sage Plane Elementalists wouldn't dare to attack them.

Some seconds later.

The explosion died down and Grey appeared in front of them. His earth armor was almost destroyed, and there were signs of blood on his body.

Behind him, the others appeared as well. Of all of them, Klaus was the one who was most well off. His defensive ability was above the others, but it didn't mean he was unscathed.

"Haha, we're out. You bunch of evil maggots, prepare for retribution!" Klaus yelled with all sense of righteousness.

Grey, Alice and Reynolds couldn't help but take a glance at him. Yes, they also hated necromancers and their methods, but they felt like Klaus was being a little too dramatic.

Thinking about it, this was his natural character, so they stopped thinking about it and attacked.

Gilbert on the other hand was amazed by Klaus' righteousness and attacked with a vigorous yell as well. Even Klaus who was only in the Eighth stage dared to initiate the battle, then why was he still standing.

When he saw the crowd, he wasn't confident that they would be able to beat them. He originally thought that the group was delusional. But thinking of Grey's strength, and the fact that there was a cat in the Elemental Venerable Plane, he felt they still had a chance to at least escape.

They would kill the few they could and let Void take care of the rest.

Only after the battle started did his expression change.

Reynolds' Elemental Warrior appeared and attacked those in the Mid stages, killing over ten people with a single attack.

Alice's Seelie also appeared and attacked as well.

Grey's act was even more shocking, he directly switched places with the middle-aged man and attacked the three Peak Sage Plane Elementalists close to him, two died on the spot.

'A group of overbearing friends.' This was the thought in his head.