
Affinity:Chaoschapter 1061: necromancers camp

Grey chuckled when he saw how Klaus was dealing with the young lady. He raised his brow and looked at the side, he could sense a few auras quickly approaching this area.

'Necromancers, there's something they know that we don't.' He thought to himself.

He knew there were secrets that were being kept from them, most likely because they were not strong enough now. If a Sage Plane Elementalist found out about a top secret, what could they do about it? Even those at the Peak haven't been able to solve the issue, what could weaklings like them do.

It's just as Klaus said, he hadn't gotten to that level yet, so he didn't want to bother with it. Those at the top will think of it, only when he gets there would he think of it.

Grey's eyes flashed with a cold light and he flashed through the dark forest. Before long, three people appeared in sight, they were all rushing in the direction where Klaus and the others were fighting.

He didn't block them, carefully hiding his aura, he waited for them to get past where he was and sneak attacked them.

With his strength, even if he couldn't kill them with one move, he could injure them. If he focused on just one person, he had at least seventy percent confidence in killing the person, but against three people, he wasn't confident. He wanted to severely injure them first and then slowly kill them off.


Some minutes later.

The young lady fighting against Klaus and the others finally got to her limit and without saying a word, she exploded.

The moment she exploded, Grey appeared as well, and he did a grabbing motion. A small hand made of the darkness element shot out and caught a black light that shot at Klaus.

Although the thing moved fast, Grey moved faster.

The young lady wanted to mark Klaus, he was the one she hated the most, so she wanted to make sure necromancers around would be able to kill him when he encountered them.

Klaus' expression was ugly when he saw this, he wanted to kick at the body of the young lady, but since she exploded, there was nothing left.

Grey looked at the small thing that seemed to have a mind of its own with curiosity. This was the thing that put him in danger some time ago, now it was reappearing again, wanting to mark Klaus.

He sensed the energy in the body of the young lady gathering and guessed what she wanted to do, so he reacted abruptly.

He was someone who could be said to have some experience with it, and after coming in contact with necromancers and Gnomes, he had devised a few things to defend against it in the future.

"She wanted to mark me?!" Klaus felt a bit fearful.

He knew how dangerous it was, especially when they were chased by that necromancer. If not for the talismans with him, Grey might've been captured and killed.

"It's nothing, I know how to deal with it." Grey shrugged it off.

"Now that you mention it, how did you figure it out?" Klaus asked curiously.

He had forgotten to ask about this, now that Grey brought the topic up, he was quite curious.

"This thing has to do with life force. Those old guys who had not been able to remove had been using the wrong method. They all feel that it uses spiritual energy, but they were wrong…" Grey explained to them.

When the necromancer decides to self-destruct, they would gather a large amount of elemental energy, as well as spiritual energy. The use for that was to hide the life force that was hidden in the middle. With the speed or the attack, it was almost impossible for the target to dodge it. Klaus wouldn't have been able to dodge it had Grey not come in time.

"So it's like that." Klaus nodded.

"You have to know that I've studied their practices for some time. Although it's quite detestable, with my situation at that time, I had no choice. I also have an inside man in their ranks." Grey said with a laugh.

He suddenly recalled the man he managed to fool into believing he was a Gnome.

When he told the others of it, they couldn't help but laugh out loud. They didn't know that Grey was this deceitful.

"Come on, we have what we want, we should go." Grey said to the others.

"You got it?" Alice asked.

"No, we'll continue as we leave." Grey wanted to leave this place soon, there might be hopes in finding the location of the necromancers camp with that thing in hand.

The others followed. Grey was like their leader so they didn't object.

Alice tossed the lotus at the Seelie, after swallowing the lotus, the Seelie flew into her body and disappeared. They could tell within such a short time that its strength had started to improve.


Outside the small world.

In a cave hidden in a forest.

"Did you sense that?" A voice asked, before continuing, "Their life force disappeared almost at the same time."

"Not just theirs, but your student seemed to have self-destructed, however, she couldn't mark the person who killed her." Another eerie voice said.

"Hmm, what do you think we should do?" The first voice who spoke asked.

"Only a Peak Elemental Venerable can achieve the feat of stopping the mark from hitting its target. We're no match for such a figure." The other voice said.

"These people?" The first voice asked.

"Abandon them. We can always gather more people. The good seeds have been sent back to the headquarters, these ones are of no use anyway."

With that the place fell silent.

Other than the place where these two people were speaking, there was a large hall that had over a hundred people of different strength. The strongest was at the Peak of the Sage Plane, while the weakest only had the strength of an Arcane Plane Elementalist.

They had no idea that they had been abandoned by the emissaries.


Grey and his group left the small world.

Grey squinted his eyes and turned to Void, "I can't pinpoint it, what about you?"

"It's not far from here. Hehe, the strong guys are running away. Looks like I'll sit and watch once again." Void laughed when he sensed the aura of the two Emissaries leaving.

The Emissaries left at the same time they came out, so although he sensed it, he didn't really know if they were part of the necromancers. Only after he tracked the mark to the place did he know.

"We should go then, this thing is starting to fade. Since it can't find a host, it's useless." Grey looked at the fading entity in his hand.

Unlike Gnomes, he couldn't track necromancers, but with the help of this thing, he could, but only for a short time and if they were close to him.

"Then let's go. We'll wipe them out today." Grey laughed.

"It's you!" A surprised voice came from their front.

"Huh?" Grey looked over in confusion, only after looking did he recognize the person. It was Gilbert.

"I thought you left." He said.

"I was waiting for you." Gilbert replied.

"Why?" Grey asked, his tone a bit distant.

"I couldn't thank you for your help the last time." Gilbert shook his head. Grey's tone wasn't welcoming, and he knew he should leave soon.

"Thank?" Klaus raised a brow, staring at Grey.

"He was the one who had the item I wanted." Grey explained.

"Oh, he's the one." Klaus recalled what Grey told them when they were leaving.

"Hi, I'm Klaus, he's Grey, that meathead over there is Reynolds, and that's Alice." He introduced everyone in a welcoming manner.

He could tell that Gilbert didn't have any ill intent towards them, so there was no use in chasing him away. Besides, he could tell the other party was at the Peak of the Sage Plane, and they were a bit short on manpower right now.

Although Grey was powerful, they didn't know how many people they would have to fight.

"I'm Gilbert." Gilbert replied, since the other party didn't say their last names, he felt it was best to stay that way.

"Klaus, we don't have time for this." Grey said.

"Are you going somewhere?" Gilbert asked, curious.

"Yes, you see…" Klaus spilled everything.

Grey and the others were stunned.

'He didn't even think of the possibility that he might be a necromancer himself?' Grey was lost for words.

Klaus just told him about how they were going to wipe out a necromancers camp. What if Gilbert was a necromancer and he decided to inform them? Wouldn't they be in trouble then?

"I'll help you." Gilbert's eyes showed ferocity when he heard of necromancers.

From the looks of it, it seemed like he has had some dealings with them in the past.