
Kieran could feel Jezabelle's burning gaze fall upon him, a medley of emotions and intentions swimming within her amber eyes. Clear and unobstructed, shining with the cunning of a trained media agent.

He wasn't the only focus of Jezabelle's attention; however, Soulless was also greeted with the same gaze, albeit in a somewhat muted intensity. The connection between Soulless and Wendell Specter was not unknown to her, so caution was paramount in this situation.

"Ahem… I'm sure introductions are not needed for either of you, same as Daedric, but would you do us the honor of introducing yourselves to those watching with expectant, fervent gazes," Jezabelle suggested.

Calmly, she gestured for the cameras to pan to Kieran and zoom in.

"Mr. Silver. I wouldn't be mistaken if I said your presence is the highlight of this segment. After all, you were the original focus of this small endeavor. That said, competition is the basis of a setting like Zenith Online, is it not?"

Kieran responded with a faint nod, giving his stance on the matter. Zenith Online was indeed built upon the skeleton of competition. Otherwise, dungeon loot, resources, and admittedly scarce dungeon availability wouldn't exist in the format it did.

More than that, though, many of the features in Zenith Online incentivized and promoted competition. The Timed Run features, the Leaderboard aspect, and Challenges were all tools to announce one's name and grandeur at any given moment.

"So, as we understand, you have claimed to be the undisputed champion of the GamerHub entertainment platform. Does that mean you believe there can never be someone to surpass you in that regard?"

Again, Jezabelle employed her wit to craft a question that, if answered wrong, could paint Kieran or any recipient of her direct interrogation, for that matter, in a disingenuous light.

Still, Kieran only prepared a faint smile and exhaled before replying.

"Nothing is set in stone. To say that something can never happen is foolish. I'm sure there are many with talents beyond the realm of common sense that have yet to surface. All I've done is take advantage of the current entertainment vacuum to announce my name."

A diplomatic answer, no doubt, and Jezabelle understood that because, from the look she gave, her mental gears were in overdrive, concocting another slippery prison in the guise of a sentence.

"Correct. The transition into Zenith Online did leave a vacuum in the entertainment regard. But is it not true that you announced yourself as the King of that platform?"

"Did I announce myself? Or did I adopt the moniker that many viewers felt was befitting of me at the time? All I did was assume the mantle that my supporters desired me to. Wouldn't I be too arrogant if I didn't recognize and respond to their wishes? They are a pillar of my feats, after all."

Kieran met Jezabelle's gaze, sipping a cup of the water available to everyone. "Wouldn't you agree? I'm not in a position to deny them of that satisfaction."

Jezabelle coughed, crossing her legs with a lifted brow. A slight concession was awarded.

"I would have to agree. Yes."

She may have answered in that manner, but a pregnant pause ensued before a somewhat vicious gleam radiated from her gaze. "But although I agree, I feel a few disputable matters exist. For example, your claims to Mr. Soulless sitting across from you."

And so the hot topic had gained a platform to flourish.

"Go on," Kieran noncommittally answered.

From the day he uttered those words to Soulless, Kieran had expected this kind of blowback. It was unavoidable, but that didn't mean the aftereffects were inescapable. In the eye of the public, everything was malleable. Words controlled the mindset, and repeated utterances swayed views.

Kieran's words only needed to have enough truth and enough view-altering momentum to influence the viewers.

"Well, allow me. Be mindful, these were your exact words as they left your tongue: 'All of my accolades are not just for show. Use your heads, people. If I obtain the achievement first, naturally, I'm better than you.' Is it safe to assume that you look down on everyone else, that they are insignificant, and you are incomparable? So then… if those are your genuine feelings, maybe you also think those that watch and support you are incompetent."

A vindictive, devious, and exceptionally manipulative shot through and through because those were the exact words Kieran spoke seconds after utterly decimating Soulless.

Perhaps it was a moment of inflated pride or a confluence of exhaustion and irritation at the fact guilds kept looking down on him.

Whatever the reasoning, this wording served as a fault in Kieran's reputation, a vulnerability Jezabelle could easily exploit.

"Oh, make no mistake. Those exact words came out of my mouth. But I do not intend to recant my statement nor do I regret having said that. But I think you're purposely misconstruing my words. Accomplishments call for jealousy and when that jealousy sprouts from the competition of a higher station, it morphs into malicious intimidation."

"As nice as that sounds, Mr. Kieran, that didn't answer my direct question."

Kieran sighed heavily and shook his head. Not at Jezabelle, but at Bastion, whose expression contorted with rage, his hands digging into the armrest of his chair. He didn't appreciate this attack on Kieran's reputation to turn him into a pariah.

Unfortunately, this was not a situation for a reckless outburst.

Thus, Kieran inserted a comment. "Allow me to finish, and you'll have my answer."

As she answered, a duplicitous grin disguised as genuine intrigue graced Jezabelle's face. "Then please, exercise a shred of eloquence. We have viewers waiting for the nectar of your admission."

"Eloquence…" Kieran muttered.

After sharing a chuckle, he continued. "Then the answer is yes and no. Yes, I look down upon my competition to incite a feverish drive in them. Am I not an avatar of entertainment? This is what they seek. An entertaining, attention-grasping struggle of power."

Now, a smile genuinely formed upon Kieran's face. "No, I don't act because I think those that support me are incompetent. I think they're bored with the stagnant hierarchy of power. There needs to be a ripple in the rigid solidity of the elite. I am that disturbance, but there will be others that arise."

"How can you be so sure of this? Aren't you coming off as the same arrogant individual I portrayed you as and you claimed to not be?" Jezabelle questioned.

But Kieran remained unperturbed by it because he had already expected Jezabelle to play upon the tone of his words.

"No, because I think now will suffice. I assume you all know me, Aatrox, someone of unbound conviction, hellbent on shaking up Zenith Online, and perhaps more. But my late introduction isn't what important. I announce that Sanguis Requiem will formally commence its first official guild recruitment. For now, it will only occur with Zenith Online, but soon, once I have gathered and solidified everything I need, we will branch out to recruitment in the real world."

"How skillful of you. Using this platform to weave in self-promotion. While impolite on one front, I must commend your bravery," Wendell subtly praised. But in his praise was a warning.

This method opened him up to a different type of targeting. But Kieran didn't believe people to be so foolishly blind that they couldn't recognize that Sanguis Requiem was his guild.

After all, the fledgling organization came into existence shortly after Kieran's name had shaken Zenith Online again.

Mere seconds after his official announcement, the ratings of the segment began to soar, as did the number of incoming calls hoping to connect with the host. The calls were almost identical; everyone was seeking the recruitment criteria.

What level of talent was needed?

What character level was required?

A violent riptide of curiosity surged into a sea of inquiries.

Kieran judged the change in the staff's expression and looked toward Jezabelle. "I think some form of gratitude should be expressed, no? Or are you not authorized to express geniality with newcomers?"

Jezabelle tensed at Kieran's comment.

His tone and comments insinuated his awareness of her situation. As it stood, many should not be aware of Extreme Magnate Families because, in a sense, they were ancient.

Also, because of their operative methods, they faded into the background, absent from the understanding of ordinary people.

While Kieran couldn't hope to expose the breadth of that circle's reach completely, his word could arouse suspicion, and a snowball effect would soon occur.

Whether there would be horrible events to silence the curious, like disappearances disguised as a mass exodus, was unknown.

But not unthinkable.

And so, the tone of the entire meeting began to take a change, but… some didn't appreciate that.

Namely, Soulless and Daedric. He had stolen everything from them with his official and highly sought-after recruitment notice!