
Zenith Online: Rebirth of the Strongest Playerchapter 322: returning door of scorched wails, midnight revenant

After laying his eyes upon the World Announcement message, even Kieran was taken aback by what he read.

Although he had claimed several World Announcements before thanks to his trailblazing feats, none of them had ever spurred a message that urged other players to take inspiration from him and aspire to achieve his level of skill.

When it came to messages like this, it was all about perception. With that in mind, some people were undoubtedly bound to have a twisted perception of t his message.

For example, one could construe this message as the system revealing that they were all inferior to Kieran and his team.

A perception like this would naturally result in many players looking at not just Kieran, but even his team members in a hostile light. While the challenge wasn't feared, that could undoubtedly lead to unwarranted stress and needless headaches.

'This system… why does it feel as if it's instigating issues? I've never once witnessed it reveal a message like this. Not even in my past, where people had completed some unprecedented challenges. Could it be because my name is attached to an abnormal amount of them?' Kieran wondered.

Until now, Kieran's in-game name was the most frequented moniker in the notifications. While there were some others here and there, they weren't worth mentioning. On top of that, most of them happened on a completely different continent.

"Is it just me… or does it seem like the system is kind of being a gigachad asshole?" Bastion muttered, gazing absentmindedly at the notification screen before his eyes.

"You're not wrong. This message at the end is really kind of fucked up if you think about it. Like… Aatrox, didn't you mention we were being followed? If that's true… couldn't they have arranged to make some issues for us?" Nemean voiced, recalling when Kieran suddenly urged them to speed up and reach the dungeon entrance with great haste.

"Correct," Kieran admitted with a nod.

However, after giving the matter some more thought, he disseminated even more information. "To be precise, the trusted followers of my stream have confirmed that an ocean of players awaits us outside these walls. Unfortunately, this gathering was at the behest of someone who leaked the dungeon's location."

"Ah—" Khaos's expression suddenly darkened with a bitter grimace when he heard that. "Perhaps that is the fault of my Advent guild. It seems information on our actions is leaking more frequently these days."

"While I don't doubt the issues of your guild, this is not because of you. If I'm not mistaken, this situation is the offspring of a mentally-defunct dimwit that can't let bygones be bygones. But no worries… I intend to send a clear message," Kieran replied, his expression indifferent and his eyes cold.

When he killed the individual earlier with a single Seethe Burst, the system revealed in the battle logs that the person he killed was none other than Despot.

Though, considering Kieran felt that the aura of the people chasing him was much more powerful, Kieran could only recall the warning Ezra delivered to him.

'The Midnight Revenant, is it? To think Soulless would appear here,' Kieran thought, cracking his neck side to side. The crimson glint of his eyes brightened as Kieran recalled the Soulless within his knowledge.

'If the current Soulless is anything like the past, then he would have already stumbled across the Bladed Ghostmancer Class. A truly superior class compared to its somewhat inferior Spellblade and Ghostblade counterparts,' Kieran thought.

When it came to experts, Kieran's knowledge of their classes and affiliations ran deep. And while he wasn't intimately familiar with every player above the level of an elite, Kieran made it his prerogative to at least become acquainted with the Titled Rankers he competed against.

'My return to my former strength is happening faster than I anticipated. If I'm not mistaken, if I were to act in the real world right now, my body should already compare to someone considered to be a middle-ranking Titled Ranker in the Exemplar Records. Then again… my use of Techniques allows me to falsely emulate the ability of a Luminary,' Kieran thought.

"If that's the case, what do you suppose we do? Bastion is in no condition to fight. And most of Khaos' members are exhausted. Not to mention, I'm similarly spent as well," Alice voiced.

Though somewhat alarmed, she remained calm as Kieran gave her a lighthearted smile, which somehow managed to reassure her with ease.

"I understand the condition of our party better than anyone. But… when did I ever say I was counting on you all to fight? When it comes to the target of these guilds, there is only one person—me," Kieran replied.

With that, he lifted Crimson Ashrune and swung it over his shoulder while nonchalantly glancing at the doorway that appeared in the center of the room.

It was dark and resembled a doorway to a realm of death, but Kieran understood that was just how the Hell Mode's return point appeared.

Nevertheless, looking at the doorway reminded Kieran of that unforgettable quest.

'Whereas it was a source of despair for pretty much every player before… why do I feel anticipation and excitement? Maybe it's because I never got to try my hand in the matter. Or maybe it's because I subconsciously understand that the person responsible for it was Impulse. Either way, I know one thing… I await the day of the chasm's eruption.'

After looking at the passageway for quite some time, Kieran ignored it for a moment. Instead, he collected the sheets strewn across a stone bench and retrieved most of the items in the surroundings.

'If the journal leads to a Hidden Quest, then everything in this place that relates to Bundal could be of grave importance. I will not leave a single stone unturned.'

Once he finished collecting these items, Kieran led everyone to the passageway and placed his hand against it.

〈System: … Identity recognized as the «Team Leader» of the clearing team.〉

〈System: You have touched the «Returning Door of Scorched Wails»!〉

〈System: You have received a special gift for being the first to touch this doorway. The gift shall present itself when it is time.〉

〈System: Do you wish to return to the «Mad Alchemist's Hidden Laboratory» dungeon entrance? [ Y N ]〉

Kieran raised his head and arched his brow, surprised by the system notifying him of an unknown gift. Furthermore, he was similarly shocked by the fact the return door possessed a name.

Perhaps the sensation he felt and the uncanny resemblance to something Kieran remained unfamiliar with was not all in his mind.

Though it was faint, Kieran felt a subtle undulation in his mind and soul that was quickly quelled. Sadly, it dispersed before Kieran could even sense it properly and raise questions.

After a moment of falling completely still, Kieran commanded the prompt to begin the return process. Soon, a strange type of spatial energy, with a signature completely different from the one Zaragosa wielded, bloomed inside the doorway.

Although it was pitch black on the other side, the system revealed that it was ready for everyone to step through.

"Uh… why does it look like that?" Sora questioned, feeling an uneasy sensation in her gut.

Surely the system wouldn't misinform them, right?

Until now, there had never been an event where the system catapulted a player into a strange predicament despite ensuring their safety.

Then again, there was a first for everything. Having supreme trust in any one matter was foolish.

Nevertheless, Kieran stepped through the portal without hesitation. 'Even if it winds up being something ridiculous, I've already received an unknown gift. It'll simply come in handy later on.'


The portal rippled like pitch-black water from the abyss every time someone passed through it until finally, there was no one left. Though, once the last person passed through, a strange and ominous face attempted to push through the waters, but to no avail.

If one listened closely to the doorway, they'd hear the wails, bloodied wails that would only surface when one suffered excruciating torment.

Contrary to everyone's concern, Kieran and the others emerged from the portal safe and sound, oblivious to the phenomenon that took place seconds after they decided to depart from the dungeon.

However, as they expected, there was indeed a sea of players awaiting them, with the sea spanning farther than what Kieran's increased ocular range could fathom.

'Has the number of people that want to target me increased this far?' Kieran wondered, slight surprise flashing within his eyes.

As he considered this question, Kieran's attention shifted to the young man with dark blue hair and a detached gaze that approached him openly.

'Soulless… Much younger than I'm used to, but I can understand why he's regarded as the Midnight Revenant,' Kieran thought.

A short bout of silence ensued between the two, but Soulless was the first to speak.

"You should know why I'm here. Based on your attitude towards the Shadow Cartel and your words addressing the Underworld, you should be well aware of our existence."

"I am," Kieran indifferently replied.

"Yet you continue to act so brazenly? The Shadow Cartel might be a cancerous entity, but it's still a limb of our Umbra. Can I take it as you not caring about Umbra's retaliation?"

As Soulless spoke, seven individuals suddenly appeared behind him with soundless movement. All of the Seven Antumbra Agents were well-trained assassins in the real world put through hellish preparatory training.

Nevertheless, Kieran spared them a cursory glance and nothing else, soon shifting his sights back to Soulless. "You're free to construe my behavior as you please. However, if you choose to make the wrong move, I hope you can bear the consequences."

"Hoh? Threatening Umbra, are we? This is precisely the brazen behavior that has attracted our attention. Though… if I'm being honest, it's not all bad. If you're willing to forfeit a commanding share of this Union you hold… then Umbra will naturally overlook our differences."

Kieran chuckled, shaking his head at the gall of this guy before him.

"Let me stop you there. My Union will naturally remain how it is—mine. But if you're able, you're free to go create your own."

After listening to Kieran's words, Soulless frowned, his detached gaze growing cold. "We've done our research on you—asking if any of the veteran players knew anyone that went by the name of Aatrox. To our surprise, not a soul has ever heard of you. This means you're unconnected. I'd advise you to choose your opponents correctly without any allies to back you up. After all, what can a crumbling guild do for you?"

These words were directed at Khaos, who silently clenched his fist not too far away from Kieran. It wasn't a secret that Advent's logistics had become sloppy and their details exposed.

If they clashed with Umbra, Khaos wasn't sure what the fallout would be.

Nevertheless, Kieran implanted Crimson Ashrune in the ground before him and laughed. "A whole lot of talking is being done, but no action. If you're going to come at me, then come. There's no conflict to mediate or deals to be struck—one option for us remains and I'm ready for it at any time."

All of a sudden, another voice sounded not too far away. "Also, who told you Aatrox had no allies? What he lacks in quantity… is made up in quality. And as far as I know, none of you can match us."