
Zenith Online: Rebirth of the Strongest Playerchapter 286: a promise, two rays of light

Hekaina and Agatha didn't expect Kieran to request a meeting with Mystic Guardian Illiad.

One, they weren't close and two, Illiad didn't necessarily like people she wasn't familiar with. Kieran could relate to this attitude, but he truly wished to meet with her.

"If you must meet with her, then you can find her within the Mysteria Citadel's courtyard. She tends to like the serene atmosphere of that place," Hekaina said after closing her eyes.

She used the surrounding mystic energy to peer into the whereabouts of everyone within the Mysteria Citadel and as she assumed, Mystic Guardian Illiad rested in a silk-like hammock located between two trees.

After receiving her location, Kieran requested that he approach alone even if Mystic Guardian Illiad wasn't receptive to unfamiliar company.

Due to his status as their Mystic Light, Hekaina and Agatha obliged his request, remaining inside the Chasmic Mystum Abode to discuss a few matters amongst themselves.

Meanwhile, Kieran walked the halls of the Mysteria Citadel, gliding his fingers against the wards without activating them.

As a Mystic Runemaster, the wards viewed him as kin, thereby allowing him to come in contact with them without consequences.

'If this was a few days before, these wards would have undoubtled ripped me apart and that would be my fault,' Kieran inwardly noted.

Despite sparing the wards a cursory glance, he found himself becoming invested in the structure the point even he felt it was excessive.

This was not a result of his desires.

It was the Archaic Verity Compendium manifesting its desire to complete itself. Like the Ancient Rune Oasis, the Archaic Verity Compendium could be considered incomplete.

In addition to requiring an absurd amount of mystic energy, Kieran learned the item fed on Arcane Energy as well.

However, given its presence in his mind and soul and the fact Eni's avatar seemed like it existed beyond the physical, the Archaic Verity Compendium requiring Arcane Energy was conceivable.

Unfortunately, he couldn't supply it in his current state.

After sauntering through the Mysteria Citadel's halls for some time, Kieran located the courtyard Hekaina referred to and found Illiad laying on a hammock with a serene expression.

Though her expression was predominantly placid, her brows would knit at times, leaving one to question if she was currently dreaming.

'Am I… disturbing her rest? If so, my timing is absolutely terrible,' Kieran thought with a faint grimace.

Given Illiad's personality, Kieran felt she wouldn't take kindly to someone interrupting her rest, so Kieran could only stand bitterly in silence.

At least, that's what he expected would take place.

Seconds after he arrived in this courtyard filled with a few benches and many shrubs that paved out several pathways, Illiad opened her eyes and glanced in Kieran's direction.

The movement of her head made a few whitish-blue hairs glide across her face.

"Harbinger… No. I suppose it's more fitting to call you Mystic Light now," Illiad said. After bestowing this title upon Kieran, Hekaina simultaneously notified the Mystic Guardians and the Keepers of Serenity, so Illiad possessed prior knowledge of this change.

Kieran breathed a sigh of relief, thanking Hekaina for her thoughtfulness. His status as the Mystic Light put him on par with Agatha in terms of deserving respect, but Kieran didn't intend to rely upon this title for everything.

The effects were great and Kieran appreciated them, but he felt one should also do their best to earn respect through his character.

"Mystic Guardian Illiad," Kieran replied respectfully.

Illiad was unmoved by his respectful attitude but she wasn't repulsed. Above all other emotions, she was curious. "Why have you come here to find me? I only ask that because I'm the only person that likes to come here and relax."

"First, I would like to thank you for permitting me entry into the Mysteria Citadel. Without your lenience, becoming the Mystic Light would have been improbable," Kieran voiced.

However, Illiad disagreed, shaking her head. "It wasn't my lenience, per se. The Enchantress directed me to guide you inside. I… was more or less indifferent on the matter."

"Are you sure you were indifferent?" Kieran questioned.

Illiad's eyebrow arched after receiving this question. Kieran's current tone implied that he knew more about her personality than she did. "Oh? Are you insinuating that you know me better than I know myself?"

"Not at all, but I do know that you're not whole," Kieran answered.

After his reply, Illiad grew quiet and looked at Kieran strangely.

The words "you're not whole" made it feel as if her world was shaking. Her breathing hitched as she blinked rapidly. "Where… did you hear those words?"

Her reaction was not excessive for those simple words. Why? Because those three words held a simple meaning. It was the words she uttered when kneeling before her dying love.

"Xenasio," Kieran answered truthfully.

This was the request that Xenasio's had for him inside the Ancient Rune Oasis. He asked that Kieran relay a message and convey that he is not in pain nor has he forgotten the two joys of his life.

A stream of crystalline, warm tears flowed down Illiad's cheeks as she cupped her mouth to stifle the sorrowful sobs. Her knees buckled but Kieran gently extended his hand and continued to speak while somehow adopting the presence and cadence of Xenasio.

"Illiad, don't be saddened."

By enlisting the help of the Archaic Verity Compendium which possessed a deeper link to the Ancient Rune Oasis, Kieran found a shred of Xenasio's revenant. The essence within was sparse, but it was enough to at least provide Illiad with some consolation.

At one point in time, Illiad was a joyful presence within the Mystic Rune Colony, seen as a caretaker of all.

Sadly, that all changed when her world turned bleak. Her one remaining joy was her daughter but the unconditional love she provided her child couldn't be compared to the love for a soulmate.

The love she received from Xenasio was fulfilling, embracing, and wholesome, which made her feel complete. Motherly love and intimacy couldn't be equated to one another.

As Illiad looked up, she saw the faint silhouette of Xenasio enshrouding Kieran's presence.

"Xenasio…" Illiad said in a choked voice.

"My love," Xenasio's sparse phantom replied, reaching out to caress Illiad's cheek. But it passed through leading Illiad to feel a void.

Noticing the effect of this, Kieran closed his eyes and focused, which made the Archaic Verity Compendium thrum subtly. 'As a True Relic, you should be capable of unimaginable things. In that case, help one of your children heal.'

As if responding to Kieran's suggestion, a bizarre type of energy punctured Xenasio's intangible revenant, making it feel almost realistic to the point it managed to clutch Illiad's cheek.

Happiness masking deep pain sprouted within Illiad's eyes.

In contrast, Xenasio seemed concerned. "My love, why do you look so thin? Have you not been caring for yourself?"

"I do, but the reflection of the heart is not something that can be masked. If my heart is not well, then I won't be well," Illiad replied, melting against Xenasio's touch.

Kieran watched the scene from a few steps away to keep the empowering connection stable but remained silent.

"This won't do. You must take care of your heart and ensure your life blossoms. Mine has come to an end but yours doesn't have to. Live on and thrive and know that I have returned to paradise with you forever within my heart," Xenasio expressed, leaning forward to kiss Illiad's forehead.

Warmth passed through their touch, resulting in tears streaming down Illiad's cheek in greater volume.

"Both you and Illiueta are the source of brilliance within my life, so you two will shine radiantly. This young man behind me is one you can trust and rely upon to help the Wykins because he is a person who keeps their word. No… I suppose it's better to say they go beyond what they promise."

Xenasio asked Kieran to relay a message, yet he accomplished something much better—allowing his soul one final manifestation to give closure.

During his time in the Ancient Rune Oasis, Kieran had learned that Xenasio's death was a result of a few human powers that the Wykin failed to protect themselves against.

As one of the protectors of the race, Xenasio gave his all to ensure the safety of countless Wykins.

In exchange for his valiant efforts, he lost his life.

"I miss you every day, Xenasio," Illiad muttered.

At that moment, Xenasio's presence began to grow faint. "As do I, my love. But, I will live on in your memory. Move forward without resentments, become the protector you once were, and I… I will become your embracing light composed of undying love. Goodbye, Illiad."

Illiad looked up with tear-filled eyes as a mystical wind blew, casting a cascading surreality in this dreamlike moment. The lonely beauty seemed sad yet content. "Goodbye… Xenasio."

"Thank you… Mystic Light," Illiad muttered turning toward Kieran with a grateful expression.

Kieran simply nodded in return without saying too much. 'Everyone deserves closure. I understand what it feels like to never say goodbye. Such a terrible feeling is enough to change a person.'