
Zenith Online: Rebirth of the Strongest Playerchapter 265: a weighted question, the outcome of an answer

Hekaina's question was heavy, forcing Kieran to look deeply into himself.

Was he ready to completely discard his humanity?

If he did so, would it change anything with the War Deity Council or alter his relationship with Scar and Agrianos?

The allure of this question came with many mysteries. It wasn't a decision Kieran could make without considering the possible fallout.

"If I discard my humanity, how will that affect the power I hold now?"

"Affect? Young Aatrox, what makes you think I'll be offering you a power that conflicts with your current abilities? Rather than affect it negatively, it would be safer to say it'd augment your powers…." Hekaina smiled faintly. "Eventually, if I may add."

Before Kieran could respond to Hekaina's somewhat whimsical behavior, he felt a supple finger touch the middle of his chest. "You seemed worried about losing your humanity, yet you bear the blood of something inhuman inside you. Is this not contradictory?"

"I…" Kieran stammered, looking down at Hekaina's finger pressed against his chest. Against his will, he could feel Argexes' Blood bubbling. Such a strong reaction was something unprecedented.

It didn't become this agitated even when feeding on Kieran's purely negative emotions.

"I see it still doesn't like me," Hekaina giggled, noticing the change in Kieran's body, which remained imperceptible to the naked eyes.

"Argexes' Blood doesn't like you?" Kieran questioned.

"Of course not. Why would anything related to Argexes like me? Who do you think helped Agrianos become the First True Berserker? Actually… I suppose that is incorrect. Agrianos isn't a simple True Berserker, but that's beside the point. I'm one who has lasted through many millennia. I have seen much, but I know a little," Hekaina responded.

A moment of silence ensued between Hekaina and Kieran as she maintained her elegant smile. "Would… you like me to help you restrain some of Argexes' dark tendencies? Based on its riled state, you should have triggered its desire on more than one occasion."

"Restrain?" Kieran murmured absentmindedly.

The confidence in Hekaina's tone awed Kieran to a certain extent.

"Considering the condition of your soul, I advise you to take my offer. The restraints will be temporary, but they'll stop the dormant blood from seeping into the current weakness in your soul. So, what will it be?"

"I'll take you up on your offer," Kieran answered resolutely.

The moment he agreed, Hekaina swiftly moved her finger, tapping Kieran's forehead, chest, lips, and finally, his navel. A wave of pain flooded Kieran's body as large veins writhed under his skin momentarily.

The pain was comparable to his initial transformation, but it was fleeting compared to how long he had to endure the feeling inside the Volcanic Ichor.

〈System: A temporary seal has been placed on «Argexes' Blood». The likelihood of it running rampant has been reduced for the time being. [Duration: Unknown (Too many variables.)]〉

Kieran breathed a sigh of relief once the pain subsided and the system confirmed the pain.

"You handle pain well. I suppose that's why Agrianos' sole successor chose you," Hekaina said, slowly removing her finger and glancing at it. After considering it, she sucked her finger and drew a symbol composed of her unusual saliva.

It sparkled but soon lost its luster and dissipated.

Kieran didn't feel much of a change, but he reckoned Hekaina's last actions performed something that would ultimately help him in the future.

"Have you decided? Will you cease being a normal human?" Hekaina asked once more.

"If I stop being a normal human, what will I become?" Kieran questioned.

"You'll walk the path of an Ascendant. A human that aims to become one with its ancient self. At that point, one could no longer be considered human, at least not by our current standards."

Slowly, Hekaina raised one finger to the ceiling of her humble abode. "Your aim will be that, to puncture above and change Xenith at its core. What I desire of you… is to make Xenith glorious."


〈System: Hekaina's suggestion has triggered a Hidden Realm Quest. Should you agree, you'll cause a string of inevitable World Quest centered around your existence. These World Quests are linked to a lost era, and your presence will herald unspeakable events.〉

Kieran was too stunned to speak.

A Realm Quest was above a World Quest and wasn't confined to normal quest parameters. It could directly destroy Xenith, wiping its existence from history, but it would similarly mark the beginning of events outside Kieran's knowledge.

In other words, accepting this quest would lead Kieran into a tomorrow he was utterly unfamiliar with. Kieran had no idea visiting the Wykins on Isadora's behalf would ultimately mark the beginning of a genuinely unknown future.

Though the uncertainty of this path was great, Kieran couldn't ignore how well it aligned with his desire to travel a route unique from everyone else. However, it would also set him upon a path that not even Agrianos could prepare him for.

"Humans are corrupt, but they are not the scourge of the many realms. There was a time when this world was greater than its current form. It will be difficult and cause you pain, but that stone in your hand is why I brought up this suggestion."

Kieran listened to Hekaina's words and looked at the Ancient Rune Shard in his hand before falling into deep thought. 'The description said it was rumored to be a form of ancient writing. So… it's linked to what humans once were?'

After pondering Hekaina's words, Kieran glanced in Agatha's direction. "What did you mean by my status here will be different?"

"I will bestow a special title upon you. One that will welcome you here and with the Elves. Our relationship with the Elves, particularly the Emplenan Few, is transactional but amicable as well. If you succeed, you'll naturally be sent to uphold this round of ward strengthening alongside Agatha," Hekaina answered.

"And this will begin my path to Ascendancy?" Kieran's expression was dubious, but he didn't doubt Hekaina's claims after listening to the Hecate speak.

Hekaina's eyes lowered, and she nodded her head. "Yes. The journey will be arduous, but it begins here. When the time comes, and I recover the ability to speak with the Hecate, we will ask a new set of questions that shed more light upon Ascendancy."

It was evident that Hekaina wasn't completely familiar with the process, but that was understandable, considering it was a path untraveled for countless eras. Hekaina was only privy to its existence due to her mystical connections that transcended this realm.

"If that's the case, I accept. What is the process of bestowal?"

This question earned Hekaina's mischievous smile. "I will only bestow you with a title. The rest will rely upon your talent."

Afterward, Hekaina shifted her gaze. "Aside from Agatha, you all are free to go."

"Understood," Illiad said respectfully.

It didn't take a genius to understand that a sensitive event was about to occur, and it could even relate to the source of Hekaina's powers. As the Enchantress of the Wykins, she couldn't allow all her secrets to be exposed.

As the pinnacle of the Wykins, she had to maintain some semblance of supremacy to uphold her current position until she felt Agatha was ready to ascend the throne.

The others vacated the premises quickly, leaving Hekaina, Agatha, and Kieran alone.

Once alone, Hekaina shifted to more intimate questions, mainly involving Agatha's opinion on the matter. "Are you opposed to the idea of there being another person that will ultimately bear a power similar to yours? It may not be exactly the same, but you won't be unique within your generation like I once was. Does the stolen opportunity frustrate you at all?"

"Being your sole Heiress was fun, but I won't let my desires interfere with your aspirations, master. Besides, I can tell from Aatrox's disposition that ruling the Wykins is not something he desires. Even if our status becomes similar, I doubt it'll even become identical," Agatha answered, conveying her honest opinion.

"Very well. As long as you ensure there will be no conflict between you two, then it is fine."

Afterward, Hekaina turned toward Kieran. "Please follow me. We must step elsewhere if we're to test your fate with mysticism."

Hekaina wafted her hand through the air, creating a portal similar to what the Gatekeeper of Teleportations mustered, but it was even more frightening, leading Kieran to question what principles Hekaina comprehended.

Once he stepped through the portal alongside Agatha and Hekaina, Kieran found himself standing before an ancient-looking torii gate with a strange symbol in the center. One Kieran couldn't comprehend.

〈System: You have come across the «Veiled Arcadia Gateway»!〉

"Before crossing over that gate, drink this."

Hekaina extended her hand, holding a cup of deep black liquid with numerous white speckles floating about.

Kieran felt odd gazing into the cup, as if his mind was being expanded and locked onto something intangible. The feeling far surpassed the Enriched Mystic Tea Agatha had him consume.

After consuming the drink and stepping before the torii gate, Kieran was alerted with a message that he didn't expect to come across here.


«Trial of Ancient Mysticism» -

Secret Trial

Difficulty: ★☆

Realm Name: Ancient Rune Oasis

Requirement(s): «Acquiescent Mind» «Rooted Mystic Tether»

Description: A unique trial belonging to Wykins, which can only be accessed with the permission of the Enchantress. The «Ancient Rune Oasis» is a place of great importance, and it must be completed to obtain knowledge cached from most Wykins. Those fortunate enough to overcome this trial will receive a fitting legacy.

Note: The legacy may vary depending on the task completion inside the trial. This trial is a one-time opportunity. It will not appear again if the user fails to succeed.
