
Zenith Online: Rebirth of the Strongest Playerchapter 226: a hunch, overdue purpose

Once Azahara decided to take the sensible route, Kieran extended his hand with a friendly expression. Since it was his win, he absorbed all her points, and his placement changed considerably.

With the initial points in his possession, Kieran's total points ballooned to 189,205.

His rank shot up from 5th all the way to first, but that was understandable, considering Ronan didn't participate in any of the fights. Furthermore, as the first concluded battle, Kieran gained additional time for his Stamina to recuperate.

Despite how great his current Stamina Regeneration was, he couldn't ignore how tiring dual release-type skills were. While Predatory Bloodlust was active, the immense expenditure left him in a Stamina deficit rather than a surplus.

Not to mention, the lack of respite between this round and the last one gave Kieran little time to refill his Stamina. Because of that, his current Stamina barely approached the 70% threshold. Fortunately, it was recovering quickly.

Azahara continued to stare at Kieran despite their arena's walls descending. "You… are still hiding something, aren't you? I can feel an air of confidence from you despite the strength of the remaining contenders."

Kieran smiled faintly and crossed his arms. "If I said no, would you believe me?"

"Not at all," Azahara answered with a deadpan expression. Where would the confidence to go against Bracca or Ronan come from if he didn't have any ace up his sleeve?

"I refuse to believe that you have nothing prepared to surprise or even awe the competition. I sensed it back inside our temple—there is something unusual about you, and it isn't the power of Commander Scar. I can't describe it, but it transcends the power of an Intermediate Being," Azahara stated.

As an Intermediate Being herself, one who stood at the threshold of an Intermediate Being and an Advanced Being, Azahara couldn't pinpoint what made Kieran so special. It was a principle foreign to her.

Azahara had taken time on numerous occasions to deepen her knowledge. This included using the detailed books inside the War Deity Council Library and asking Captain Liam for guidance when available.

However, the subject that made Kieran special never came up, which was understandable. Why? Because most people wouldn't approach that subject until it was time for an individual to face an Awakening.

'Her eyes—no, her senses are sharp. I suppose that bird being her Mana Manifestation wasn't a coincidence. It must possess traits matching Azhara's innate aspects,' Kieran thought.

Kieran neither confirmed nor denied Azahara's speculations.

Due to the presence of his stream, Kieran decided it was best if he didn't expose any sensitive information regarding his secrets or advantages that players could stumble across if he were too loose with his words.

All he could muster was a simple phrase.

"Wait and see. Ultimately, whether or not I claim the top spot will be up to fate. However, as fate is my mistress, I won't stop trying to guide her until my last breath. My pursuit will remain unrelenting—I eye that top spot with a shadow of a doubt."

Azahara felt Kieran's confidence firsthand before looking toward General Zieg and Ronan. One felt like an insurmountable mountain, while the other felt nonexistent. A nonexistent presence symbolized death with no source.

If General Zieg were to act, Azahara would never know how her soul departed from this world. Such a level of power was something Azahara aspired to achieve. But, she understood it was a level of ability cultivated after centuries or perhaps millennia of honing his ability.

One shouldn't use General Zieg's middle-aged appearance as a tool to gauge his age. The effects of transcending through the ranks of power not only bestowed strength but longevity as well. After reaching General Zeig's stage, which was just below an Enlightened Being, time became a diluted concept.

Ten years to him could feel like one year.

"This is where we part ways. I'll be rooting for you, Aatrox. I hope you give them a good show. And… I'll be analyzing for that hidden power of yours. You can't fool me. Try as you might, but everything hidden in the dark shall soon become part of the light," Azahara said with a faint wave of her hand.

Kieran helplessly shook his head, for he felt Azahara was the type to remain faithful to her words. Forget the rest of the competitors; her attention may very well stay on him for the remainder of the competition.

'Unfortunately, I'm approaching a difficulty where Dread Culling can no longer be kept secret. Furthermore…'

While awaiting the end of the other battles, Kieran's Predatory Form dissipated, leaving Kieran to revert to his natural state. Because of his actions, he could no longer use three trump cards—Deranged Spirit, Abhorrent Paroxysm, or Predator Hunt.

Under optimal circumstances, Kieran would have preferred to keep these three abilities hidden until he crossed paths with opponents of great strength. But, not everything could go his way. Strong opponents appeared outside of his expectations.

After learning that even Titled Rare NPCs were accepted, Kieran felt only the top contenders remained a threat. But opponents like Yashua, Azahara, and Zerim proved they were worthy of this extraordinary opportunity.

"It's fine. My circumstances may not be the best, but if there is a possibility of success, I will vie for it," Kieran muttered to himself.

A few seconds later…

Ezrath returned beside Scar after he ensured his grandson received proper care. "It is as you said. Your pupil is truly one of esteemed honor. Even if we bicker and fight, I feel it is imperative that I reveal my respect for the young boy."

However, Ezrath's expression darkened a few seconds later. "He… hasn't entered the Trial of Inheritors yet, has he?"

"He has not," Scar admitted. He glimpsed Ezrath's expression and sighed. "Don't give me that look. Why does it seem like he has grown upon you when he is my twerp? You have your grandson, don't eye my inheritor."

"Eye him?!" Ezrath exasperatedly shouted. "I would never conduct such a fraudulent act. I only speak of this topic because we know the mortality rate of your Trial of Inheritor—100%. Not a single soul has survived in the past 144 years of you testing them. And, we know it is because of these failures that the duties of the Mythical Heroes have gone unfulfilled."

Scar sighed and felt a headache coming on because Ezrath was right. The duties of the Mythical Heroes hadn't been attended to for the last 144 years, which meant their task was long overdue.

Unfortunately, the current Mythical Heroes' hands were tied in the matter. They had outgrown the acceptable range to step into that place. If they tried to enter that place with their current strength, they would only invite a calamity upon themselves.

The barrier placed upon the gate's entry point would undoubtedly begin eating away at them. Hence, they could only leave the solution up to a capable inheritor.

However, the other Mythical Heroes vowed they wouldn't accept an inheritor until Scar found one he was confident in.

So while Scar had supposedly gone through 69 potential inheritors, the others went through one each. But, their initial inheritors had all surpassed the entry threshold, leading them to reinstate their search for another generation of Mythical Heroes.

Ezrath noticed Scar's helpless expression and sighed. "Have you told the boy about those two instances?"

The mention of two instances drew an intense reaction from Scar. His expression grew solemn as he shook his head. "I haven't, but I intend to tell him once he's ready. After all, there is a small risk that he may meet with those two during his trial."

"Very well. It is not my place to mention anything regarding the Mythical Heroes. However, I feel you at least owe him that right. If you don't want a repeat of those years of crises, I suggest you inform your boy," Ezrath said, stressing his last sentence.

After receiving Scar's promise, Ezrath changed the subject. "Also, have you decided on a type of Tier V Gem? As I said before, it is my loss."

"Darkness. I'll take a Tier V Gem of the Darkness attribute."

"But don't you already have-"

"I've decided. It will be darkness. Don't try to convince me otherwise," Scar interjected.

Ezrath sighed and refrained from trying to convince Scar.

His collection of dark attribute gems was inferior compared to his supply of Tier V Gems of the fire attribute. If he gave one away, he'd be left with a gaping hole in his

However, Ezrath's word is something he cherished because he felt a man's word was worth its weight in gold.

After waving his hand, a pristine amethyst-colored gem appeared in Ezrath's palm. The gem's shape was irregular due to it being crude and unrefined, appearing in the shape of an icosahedron.

Scar casually wafted his hand, creating a few blood tendrils that claimed the gem. The tendrils and the blood disappeared a few seconds later, leaving Scar with a content smirk.

"Pleasure doing business with you, Ezrath. Would you like to bet on the winner of the competition?"

"Hell no," Ezrath scoffed. He may be foolish, but he was no fool.