
Zenith Online: Rebirth of the Strongest Playerchapter 222: a battle of two destroyers

Kieran held his hand in line with Zerim's incoming attack and gathered the required energy to unleash a Blood Pulse.

After gauging Zerim's attack, Kieran understood what skill would prove effective and ineffective against the strong flame attack.

Blood Pulse, while not lauded for its damage, possessed a convenient ability—the ability to deflect and disorient the intended target.

Granted, the extent of the disorientation varied depending on the target's mental fortitude.

However, Kieran wasn't interested in disorienting Zerim. He wanted to disorient the incoming attack. The principles of Blood Pulse extended beyond only affecting humanoid targets.

As a power birthed from a chaotic place, it was an effectual deterrent against ranged attacks.


The discolored blood sphere preceding Blood Pulse's activation released a growing ring that moved toward the incoming Razing Torrent.

As the two attacks clashed, violent Mana fluctuations whipped across the stage, but Kieran and Zerim stood unperturbed, watching as their two attacks canceled each other out.

"Don't let false hope cloud your mind; this is only the beginning. Our fight will continue and end with my victory. If you continue to hold back, you will only suffer a defeat without understanding how it happened," Zerim remarked indifferently.

A second later, Zerim exhaled and closed his eyes with an expression of bliss. The air surrounding his body increased in temperature until many heat waves manifested.

The ground beneath Zerim's feet began turning a different color as if Zerim's flames were superheating it.

Once this happened, Zerim opened his eyes, which were filled with raging flames.

"Mana Manifestation: Ignis Dragoon," Zermin spoke.

A draconic figure, seeming to be a cross between a dragon and a mutant creature, appeared behind Zerim with an immense wingspan. After emerging, the Ignis Dragoon let out an ear-piercing shriek.

However, Zerim's actions didn't stop there.

"Source Assimilation: Ignis' Inferno!"

The Ignis Dragoon merged with Zerim's body and birthed a pair of fiery wings with a reptilian texture. Once the wings appeared, Zerim's hands and neck experienced a change, gaining scales matching his broadsword.

Kieran's eyes narrowed after witnessing the change in Zerim. Unlike Dusvim, who merely equipped his Mana Manifestation in the shape of armor and gained increased Defense, Zerim performed a complete Assimilation with the Source his Mana Manifestation was based on.

Achieving this feat required deep knowledge of one's Source and an innate affinity. Otherwise, the assimilation would result in failure, or it would be incomplete.

Based on Zerim's current appearance, it was clear his assimilation with his Source reached a high level. While the grading of his Source was unknown, even if it was low, accomplishing this feat at such a young age was a testament to his talent.

Above in the stands…

Ezrath revealed an incredibly proud smile as he shot Scar a smug look. "You see that? My grandchild is of a talent unseen within the Ignis Family for many generations."

Scar frowned after a golden glow erupted from his narrowed eyes. It only took a second, but he received all the needed information. "Your grandchild has purposely delayed his Advancement to comprehend his Source on a deeper level, hasn't he?"

"Correct. Despite my suggestion, Young Zerim insisted on ignoring his Advancement," Ezrath nodded.

"In other words, your grandchild seeks a path of extraordinary strength. But doesn't he know that the more he comprehends his Source, the more difficult his Advancement will become?"

"Both his father and I have raised this point, but he understands the risks. He said it well himself—one can't expect great power if they're unwilling to brave grave circumstances. The flames of our tribulations are what temper us."

Scar cracked a faint smile and sighed. "Tell me, Ezrath, are you the grandson and Zerim the grandfather? Why was he blessed with knowledge that you yourself do not possess?"

"That's just how the world works," Ezrath shrugged, ignoring Scar's comment.

As the silence between the two grew, Scar crossed his arms and awaited Kieran's counter. What would he do against Zerim's Source Assimilation?

Kieran examined Zerim and understood the change wasn't as simple as wielding a Mana Technique to interact with a Mana Manifestation. This sudden assimilation heightened several aspects of Zerim's power.

Sadly, Kieran couldn't ponder the extent of this increase.

"!!" Kieran's pupils contracted as he dodged a condensed beam of flames that pierced through the air, leaving a trail of flickering embers.


Although he dodged it, Kieran felt a burning sensation on his cheek, revealing that his attempts to evade it weren't as perfect as he thought. No, perhaps that was wrong. He misjudged how far the beam's heat could spread.

Kieran touched his cheek but didn't grimace from the pain. Due to the effects of Torment's Beliefs: Dull, Kieran's perception of pain was remarkably low.

Before Kieran could spend more time assessing the change in Zerim's strength, another change occurred.

Zerim lifted his unoccupied hand toward Kieran and uttered one word. "Raze."

Five condensed beams of incredible heat discharged from Zerim's draconic fingertips.

"Sacrificial Barrier!"

Kieran's frown deepened as soon as he activated Crimson Ashrune's protective ability. Based on the current situation, the Sacrificial Barrier wouldn't last more than an instant. So, Kieran took the initiative and moved toward the barrier's rear.

Once the barrier shattered, Kieran executed an Accel Shift to avoid the momentarily delayed beams.

"I have given you the honor of witnessing this ability of mine because I find both your power and background to be worthy. But if this sorry display is all you have to offer," Zerim's flame-filled eyes grew cold. "I will end this farce here and now."

"Ignis Art: Flame Devasation!"

Zerim lifted his broadsword over his head with a callous expression. Embers of destructive flames crackled and briefly released a presence exceeding that of a typical Intermediate Being.

Out of nowhere, the embers suddenly expanded into a massive orb of sweltering flames.

The dreadful technique caused panic among the contestants that recently lost. Although they weren't distraught, the nearby eliminated participants rushed to exit the coliseum's interior.

The coliseum possessed formations to protect the spectators, even if it was uncalled for, seeing as most of the spectators could vanquish an attack of these contestants as effortlessly as they breathed.

However, the coliseum's interior remained unprotected to provide a sense of urgency and threat when battling within the ring.

It was common knowledge that flames couldn't distinguish between friend or ally, so anything within its blast radius was free game.

Kieran looked up at the flaming orb with a comparably small bluish core and loured. 'A perfected S Rank Fire Affinity….'

Left with no other choice, Kieran dropped his head and ignored the presence of Zerim's Flame Devastation. He raised his hand and balled it into a fist before decisively pounding his chest.

Many people in the stands looked at Kieran oddly, wondering why he suddenly started beating his chest.

Did it have a reason? Not even his party members had seen such a matter before.

Unt! Unt! Unt!

The rhythm of Kieran's heartbeat changed, adopting the pace in which he beat on his chest. It began slowly, but Kieran continued until his heartbeat pulsated at three times its original rate.

A dreadful air rose around Kieran that mixed with his already bestial presence. It was the first time he activated a release-type skill during Predatory Form's duration.

He wasn't sure of the effects or aftereffects, but Kieran understood something.

As much as he wished to refrain from using this skill, Zerim proved that his claims weren't baseless. If Kieran didn't stop withholding at least one skill, he would lose this battle. That's how powerful Zerim's current form was.

"Deranged Spirit," Kieran uttered. His tone resembled a creature crawling from the depths of hell to commit untold atrocities.

〈System: Deranged Spirit has triggered your «Bloodlust».〉

〈System: A preexisting modification to your natural state has been detected.〉

〈System: The preexisting modification is compatible with «Bloodlust». Creating a temporary form…〉

〈System: You have gained the temporary state of «Predatory Bloodlust».〉

Despite the raging exterior, Kieran's mind was unusually calm after learning to somewhat control the riled emotions that ran rampant during Deranged Spirit's activation.

「 Deranged Spirit (Lv.2)

Skill Rank: S+ (Incomplete)

Skill Type: Active-Passive/Buff

Mastery (14.00%)

Description: The user stimulates their madness and enters «Bloodlust» by drawing upon the dormant Argexes' Blood. The deeper the activation of this skill, the more intense the effects become—negative and positive.

*New…«Bloodlust» -During this state's active period, the user's Lifesteal increases to 0.5% of the damage inflicted. The damage and effect of all blood skills are increased by 100%. Blood Mania's maximum Bleed stack increased to 60. All attacks gain 10% Defense Ignore.

Consumption: Sanity (Reduced)

Prerequisites: 100% «Blood Mania» «Tormented Beliefs» Phase III

Duration: 1 - 300 seconds (The aftereffects vary based on the active duration.)

Cooldown: 24 hours

Note: While strengthened, this skill remains incomplete, lacking in its effects. Complete the ability to unleash its true power. 」

〈System: In «Predatory Bloodlust», Defense Ignore increases to 20%.〉

Deranged Spirit's cooldown didn't change, but the Lifesteal properties were enhanced, along with Defense Ignore, which many players would kill to obtain.

After going through this change, a pool of viscous blood spread across the arena's breadth.

"Blood Bind!"

Twelves chain sprang out from the pool of viscous blood and rose to the sky, intending to entrap or at least diminish the descent of Zerim's Flame Devastation. The chains accomplished their purpose, but they revealed signs of breaking.

Zerim's attack was estimated to rival an S Rank Skill. Even when strengthened, Blood Bind fell short of an S Rank Skill in terms of effect.

"I have no intentions of losing," Kieran stated.

A thin blood film encased his palm as Crimson Ashrune levitated above it. Kieran applied the same principle employed to eject Senar from the ring, except this time, its purpose was propulsion.

"Seethe Burst!"


The backlash shattered the ground beneath Kieran's feet as he released an augmented Seethe Burst into the core of Zerim's Flame Devastation.

Several people in the stands could feel it—the battle between Zerim and Kieran had become a battle of two destroyers.