
Tyranny of Steelchapter 695: lt is about retribution

Adela sat across from Berengar in his study. The man was dressed in his Imperial Regalia as he poured fortified wine into a pair of two gilded chalices before handing one off to Adela. At the moment, he had pulled out the old skull chalice and gazed into the golden eye slots of his brother's cranium. With a heavy sigh on his lips, he revealed the news to his little wife.

"I will execute Wolfgang for his crimes, and your sister will move into the old castle with her children."

It shocked Adela to hear this. There was a look of disbelief on her pretty face as she struggled to come to terms with his news. The young woman no longer tied her hair up into her signature twintails and instead allowed it to flow across the right side of her face like a river of molten gold.

Adela had matured over the years and had become even more beautiful as she entered her early twenties. She decided there was no reason to keep up the youth like appearance she had with her old hairstyle. Though she was the most slim and petite among Berengar's wives, she had become among the most pretty.

The woman was dressed in a lavish blue gown that accompanied her sapphire eyes perfectly. Her moderate sized bosom displayed a certain degree of cleavage that was enticing to all who witnessed it. Berengar could hardly believe the change in appearance that accompanied a simple difference in hairstyle.

It took the young woman several moments to come up with a response to her husband's words. She was more worried about the impact this would have on the Empire, then it would on her sister's well being.

"When Adelbrand finds out that you have executed his brother, he will be furious. Remember, he is among your most important Generals and has command over the troops in the Iberian Theatre. He has earned the loyalty of the men deployed there. You could be looking at a full scale rebellion because of this..."

Berengar merely sighed as he grabbed hold of his wife's hand and confided in her about the truth of the matter. He took a sip from his skull chalice before revealing the extent of the feud between the two brothers.

"Adelbrand has been informed of his brother's imprisonment, and the trial that is set to take place next week. He does not care about the man's fate, and has stated if Wolfgang is guilty, then he deserves to die. There is no love lost between the two brothers. Hence why Adelbrand has never lifted a hand to help Wolfgang. You can rest assured; this trial will not have any effect on the Empire's stability. If anything, it will show the absolute strength of our dynasty to the people."

Adela could only sigh and nod her head as she heard this. She quickly took a drink from her chalice before speaking about the consequences this would have on her sister.

"I know what Wolfgang did was wrong, but Ava will become the widow of a traitor. It will ruin what little reputation she has left and stain that of her children. She will probably never find another husband, and will live out the rest of her days in the Castle. Is that really the best outcome for the woman?"

Berengar took another sip from his chalice before gazing into the pool of red liquid. He could only think back on the past in times like this and reflect on his actions. Ultimately, he said the same words to Adela that he did to her sister.

"She made her choice a long time ago. While I have some sympathy for her, she chose to marry Wolfgang. She could have married me in her youth, and she would have lived a prosperous and joyful life. After all, she does not have your natural jealousy. I think the woman would have gotten along well with Linde from the start. Unfortunately, she chose poorly, and now must pay the consequences for her actions.

I have no love for your sister in my heart. I already told you this. I will not take care of her, nor be the father that her children need. The most I can do is provide a place for her and her children to thrive in. She has no skills, and therefore does not have the ability to work, therefore I can not give her a job to sustain herself with.

She is a burden, and one I do not want to take care of, but I will do so anyway because we are family, both by blood and law. The fact that I am willing to let her and her children stay in my ancestral home is proof enough of my generosity. If you so desire, you can visit the woman, and help her out with her children. Yet, I will have no part in it."

After hearing Berengar's speech Adela nodded her head. She understood his words were valid, and thanked him for the generosity he had already shown.

"Thank you Berengar, truly, I mean it. You have already done more for my sister than most would. I still can not believe Wolfgang was foolish enough to strike Hans. Why would he do such a thing?"

Berengar scoffed when he heard these words before scolding his child.

"That little brat had it coming, unfortunately he is the prince, and just because the slap was warranted, doesn't mean it can go unpunished. Truthfully, I'd rather just have Wolfgang beaten and tossed into a labor camp for a few months. However, the laws are the laws, and any attack on the Royal Family is considered a capital offense, and an act of treason. However, I have made sure that the little bastard is properly punished for his schemes."

Adela gazed at her husband with a look of curiosity on her face before questioning the man.

"You knew?"

When Berengar heard this, he took a sip from his drink before feigning offense.

"What do you mean by that? You think I am capable of being outwitted by a seven-year-old child? Hans may be a genius beyond my limited understanding, but his mind is still young and underdeveloped. I had suspected for some time that the little brat was plotting to get me and his aunt together. I just thought it was a bit too ridiculous to be reality. Clearly Linde breastfed the boy for too long, because all he thinks about when it comes to women is tits and milk."

This last remark made Adela giggle, ultimately forcing her to make an off handed comment at her husband's expense.

"So he's just like his father, is he?"

Berengar was actually genuinely offended by this remark and immediately protested his wife's statement.

"Hey, I'm not only into tits and milk, there are other valuable assets that a woman must have to be a true beauty. Aside from a pretty face, she needs to have an ample ass and a tight cunt. You may be a small, and thin little thing, but even you have the perfect proportions for a woman your size. If a woman has a large bust, but a flat ass, she can't truly be considered a top tier beauty!"

Adela scowled when she heard her husband's shameless statement before teasing him about his choice of words.

"And here I thought you were a man who cared about a woman's personality. I never knew that all you cared about was our looks!"

Berengar instantly realized his folly and slapped his forehead with the palm of his hand. This woman who was normally so docile and standoffish had just lured him into making a mistake. He could only respond by rejecting the notion.

"Of course, a woman's character is important. In fact, is the most important part of her being. What kind of man would marry a woman who has opened her legs for the entire town? Obviously, the content of her character is the most important thing in determining whether a woman is wife material. I was simply stating out the fact that I don't only take tits and milk into consideration when it comes to physical assets."

Adela could see that Berengar was desperately trying to defend himself and decided to give him an out. She could have gone on about her perceived hypocrisy in this statement, judging the fact that he had four wives and one lover, but she ultimately decided not to.

"Oh, so you care about a woman's character most of all? Is that why you did not sleep with my sister when given the chance?"

Berengar nodded his head in agreement, believing he had won this argument, and quickly voiced his opinions on ava.

"Your sister annoys the crap out of me. If I were to take her as a lover, she would provide more pain, then pleasure. Sure, she is beautiful, and has remarkably maintained her figure quite well after having four children. Yet her character is rotten, she is a spoiled, entitled brat, who makes the life difficult for whoever she is with. She may not be a slut, but she is certainly a nuisance."

Adela could not help but laugh after hearing this. She was so worried for so long that Berengar would be seduced by Ava, and it turned out he thought so poorly of her all this time. Berengar sat in disbelief at his wife's humorous state and immediately questioned her sanity.

"What is so funny?"

Adela wiped the tears from her eyes, and wore a pretty smile, as she leaned over onto Berengar's desk and whispered in his ear.

"Nothing, I just think I should properly show my thanks for not cheating on me with my sister."

After saying this Adela rounded the table and unzipped her husband's trousers, where she began to take the length of his shaft into her mouth. Berengar was stunned by the woman's actions, but did not question it, and merely enjoyed the experiencing. After finishing inside, Adela revealed the massive spunk that covered her tongue before swallowing it all. She then flicked the man on the nose before whispering something else in his ears.

"You will have to wait for the rest later tonight…"

With this said, the woman walked out of the room with a sexy stride. Berengar was astonished by this sudden change of character and merely commented on the whole thing in disbelief. Though Adela was already too far gone to hear his words.

"Who are you, and what have you done with my wife?"

Unknowingly, Linde's training on Adela had more effect than Berengar realized. The girl had finally gotten over her petty jealousy and embraced her position in the harem. She was now willing to fight to be a more useful part of his life, and a more capable lover. She was also far less prudish than she was before, willing to take initiative and engage in an intimate activity of her own accord. These changes would become more apparent as time went on.