
Tyranny of Steelchapter 588: a living hell

Deep within the Tyrolean Alps, the light of dawn shone down onto the fields of the Austrian Landscape. Located within a specific corner of the great German Kingdom lies a large timber industry. If one were to gaze upon this particular forestry camp, they would immediately realize the extensive fortifications that surrounded it. Where heavily armed guards acted as sentries, keeping the prisoners within under lock and key.

The Kingdom of Austria did not tolerate crime in any form, and aside from those most heinous of criminal acts that were dealt with via execution, the overwhelming majority of convicted criminals served a lengthy sentence within a labor camp. After all, the Austrian King was a man of brutal efficiency, and he refused to pay for criminals to sit on their ass and do nothing productive for years on end.

In a way, this harsh justice not only acted as a deterrent to crime in general but also aided in rehabilitation as the many criminals would gain valuable trade skills during their sentence, and could be employed in that field should they have no other options.

However, there were many criminals within these Labor Camps who came from a background of some significance, none more so than the Princess of France Sibilla de Valois. For the past year or so, she had been imprisoned against her will for offending the Austrian Royal Family, where she engaged in backbreaking work as a lumberjack.

Thus, as the sunlight shone down upon this camp, the Princess of France lie asleep in her cell. However, she was not alone. There was a big and burly man spooning with her. Unfortunately for this man, his time with the young beauty ended rather abruptly as the bells rang in the air, signalling that it was time for the prisoners to awaken.

With a groggy expression on her face, Sibilla rose to a seated position on her bed mat and slapped the man upside the head, instantly waking him up. Where the first thing he witnesses was a sour expression on the French Beauty's otherwise exquisite face.

"You spent the night with me, so that will be twenty-five scrip! If you cannot pay, I swear to god I will get Heinz to cut your balls off!"

The bald and burly man was still half asleep as he heard this, however the last part of the whore's threat immediately sent chills down his spine, and the man quickly nodded his head before handing over the requested currency.

As with any prison, there was a local hierarchy and a currency that went with it. A single gang had formed within the confines of this labor camp, and the man who led it was known as Heinz. The guards used Heinz and his gang to keep the order of the prisoners while enjoying the benefits of their localized economy.

This shot caller was a smuggler by trade who had been arrested and sentenced to twenty-five years in this labor camp. His crime? One of his buyers had used his product in a murder. As the man responsible for bringing such a thing into the country, the courts found him guilty as an accomplice, along with half a dozen other charges.

Since he was going to be spending the rest of his life in this Labor Camp, the man had used his skills to bring in certain items that helped keep the prisoners alive, all while charging a premium for access. Often times this contraband was the difference between a prisoner living through their sentence or dying miserably. This was especially true during the harsh winters of the Tyrolean Alps.

However, Heinz also dealt in other products, such as prostitutes, and being one of the few female prisoners in the camp, Sibilla was a well sought after product. Of course, nobody knew she was the Princess of France, or else Heinz would have kept the bitch to himself.

Though Sibilla had initially refused the prospect of whoring herself out for access to Heinz contraband, after a particularly brutal gang rape, she soon found herself spending all of her free time servicing the men imprisoned within this encampment. After all, at least with prostitution, she had a say in how she was treated.

Because of this degrading side profession, the Princess of France could survive her imprisonment, but the cost to her mental well being was far too great. However, there was hope in her heart, as her sentence would end in another few weeks, and she could finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Thus, she quickly collected the prison currency used to buy her body for the night and kicked the burly man out of her cell. She needed to prepare for the long day of backbreaking labor ahead of her. Eventually, she left her cell and proceeded to the showers, where she bathed alongside the men.

They all gazed lustfully at her curvy body, and if not for the protection that Heinz provided her, would surely gang rape her then and there. Luckily Heinz had a fierce reputation in how he handled those who cheated him, and he would allow no one to lay a hand on his hookers without paying a price.

Thus, Sibilla was able to bathe in peace before beginning her journey into the timberlands. With an axe in her hands, she chopped away at the tree. A lifeless glint existed in her eyes. For too long she had suffered under the horrific conditions of this labor camp and had lost a substantial amount of weight doing so. If not for Heinz's contraband, she surely would have starved long ago.

Just a few more weeks, and she would be out of here. Those were the thoughts that plagued her mind as she tirelessly worked in the woodlands, chopping wood from dawn until dusk. When she finally returned to the camp, she met up with Heinz and handed him the currency she had collected in the morning.

"Here's the payout from last night. Now give it to me!"

The man named Heinz had a particularly lavish cell with an actual mattress, a personal shower, and a stove. Such were the perks of being the man at the top of the prison hierarchy. With a shit-eating grin on his face, Heinz counted the tin currency before nodding his head.

"Very well, as always, you get a choice. Would you rather have a nice hot meal, or do you want a hit?"

Sibilla hastily answered the man's question with an impatient expression on her lips.

"Give me the hit! I'll suck someone's cock later tonight for the meal..."

Heinz nodded his head before pulling out a small glass pipe which was already loaded with a bowl filled with cannabis. Smuggling drugs into the prison was difficult, but for those who could afford it, it offered the only release they could gain from their living hell within this labor camp. Thus, Sibilla quickly took the pipe to her mouth, and smoked its contents with much enthusiasm. After doing so, she exhaled a large plume before lying back on the man's sofa and dazing out.

Heinz gazed at the French Princess with a lust filled gaze as he quickly disrobed himself, and the girl in front of him before having his way with her. As for Sibilla, she was too stoned to care and had long since grown accustomed to being fucked multiple times a day. After their session was over, and the French Princess started coming back to reality, she asked the question on her mind.

"Alright, who do you have lined up for me tonight?"

Heinz was in the process of putting on his trousers as he heard this and smiled wickedly before giving the info to the woman about her next clients.

"A group of guys have pooled together their scrip and have decided to have an orgy with you. One of their boys is getting out tomorrow, and they want him to have fun with the most beautiful girl in this prison on his last night behind bars. Make it worth their while and not only will I give you a hot meal, I will also throw in an extra hit free of charge."

Sibilla frowned when she heard this news, but ultimately sighed in defeat. She quickly got dressed in her clothes and nodded her head in agreement to the terms.

"I understand. Tell them to come to my cell right before we go into lockdown and I'll drain every last ounce of cum in their balls. When I'm through with them, you better pay up!"

Heinz immediately feigned offense as he responded to his most profitable hooker.

"Hey... you know me, I'm a man of my word."

In response to this, Sibilla merely snarled in disgust before getting back to her job. This was a random day in the prison life of the Princess of France. When she finally returned to her homeland, she would have a body count in the thousands, and would have changed for the worse. Whether she could ever recover from such harsh imprisonment, only time would tell.