
Tyranny of Steelchapter 472: diplomacy at its finest

Kahwihta lay naked on the bed next to Berengar; as she thought about what had just occurred, her life's memories flashed within her mind. She was born the eldest daughter of the local Mohawk Chieftain and had spent the last eighteen years of her life learning the various languages of the native peoples across the Eastern Seaboard; with age and experience, she began to act as a diplomat for her father.

She had established ties to many of the tribes in the region, and yet despite her beautiful appearance, had never been pursued by a suitor. Why is that? Because her father was a greatly feared man among all of the local tribes. An excellent warrior in his youth, he had waged war against the Algonquin and other tribal confederations for decades to much success.

This man doted on his daughters, and it was because of this that no man, whether they be Mohawk or any of the other indigenous tribes, dared to get close to her. Despite this History, she had just lain with a man for the first time, and it was no mere mortal but a god who could command thunder and smite those who dared to trespass against him as if it were as easy as breathing.

Even now, she could vividly remember the explosive blasts that the golden-haired gods had conjured onto their enemies. There was only one thing she had ever witnessed that was capable of such devastating power, and that was the force of nature itself. As such, she had an anxious expression on her face as Berengar latched himself around her beneath the fur covers.

If Honoria were here, he would have probably slept with her after the battle; after all, from his perspective, there was nothing better than making love after a good fight. However, she had been dispatched to ferry supplies and men from the Fatherland to this new military outpost.

Though the Pirate Queen had expressly forbidden him from lying with this woman or any other in her absence, he honestly did not care in the slightest. After all, he was the King, and he could do as he pleased. Just what did the Princess expect him to do when there was a beautiful young woman who knelt before him and worshipped him as if he were a god?

Granted, It was most likely caused by some superstitious misunderstanding but was he going to sit by and fail to take advantage of such a thing? He chuckled to himself as he realized he had managed to sleep with a beautiful woman without even being able to communicate with her.

The change in his personality from his past life and this current one was substantial. He supposed it was the confidence of having a handsome appearance and being a conqueror that allowed him to do something so shameless, such as taking a native girl's first time after killing a bunch of other indigenous people in a one-sided massacre.

He could only imagine the screeching that would resound across America's universities if this event had been recorded in the History of his past life. All of the pink-haired landwhales would be screaming about the Austrian Monarch's so-called "crimes against humanity" and any other form of nonsense that their instructors fed to their vacant minds.


If anything, he considered this a grand achievement; this event would become the first recorded battle in the North American Continent—a testament to the glory of the Kingdom of Austria and the future German Empire. History will tell how the virgin Mohawk beauty knelt before her German conquerors as gods and presented herself to their King for his pleasure.

Or at least that was the History that Berengar would make sure to tell. After all, it wasn't exactly far from the truth, and sometimes History needed some embellishment to entertain the younger generations. He had no plans to bring this woman back to the Fatherland as one of his wives, but that did not mean he wouldn't enjoy her company while he was still in the New World.

This achievement gave the young King a brilliant idea; while he may be limited to five legal wives as per the Austrian laws, that did not mean that he could not take a variety of Colonial Concubines. The beautiful woman he encountered in his future travels across the globe would sooner or later bend to his will, or so he thought.

Unknowingly, Kahwihta had awoken Berengar's desire to conquer many foreign lands and imprint his mark on the world. Thus, while the two lay together in each other's warm embrace, Berengar thought about his plans for Global Hegemony.

Eventually, the two would awaken in the early morning, specifically when Berengar crawled out of bed to prepare for the day's work. Governing a small military outpost on the far fringes of the world was oddly relaxing, at least when compared to his normal job which was running an entire Kingdom. The marines stationed in this outpost were pretty self-sufficient, as they knew everything that needed to happen to maintain their presence and secure their location.

Thus without even needing to utter commands, the outpost continued to function. Ultimately when Berengar finally got dressed, he noticed that Kahwihta was awake beside him, where she got dressed in her clothing. The young woman latched onto him from behind before saying something in her native tongue.

"I don't want to go..."

Unfortunately, not enough time had passed to be able to effectively communicate, and though Bernegar had learned some of the Iroquois languages, and Kahwihta had learned some German, there was still a large gap between the young couple before they could actually understand each other.

Because of this, Berengar mistook her words, for a longing to return home, after all, she had stubbornly stayed behind despite the Algonquin attack, which had caused a rift between her and her brother. He did not know what words were shared between the two siblings, but it was apparently enough to ensure that she wanted to stay in the outpost with the golden-haired gods.

Despite her true intention, Berengar pulled open a map and pointed towards a blank space, this action shocked Kahwihta, as she herself misunderstood Berengar's intent. She assumed that he was a cruel and unforgiving god, now that she had received his seed, he wanted nothing to do with her, and was thus exiling her back to her home. As such, she lowered her gaze in disappointment before obediently pointing to where her village was located.

Berengar nodded his head in response to this action, not noticing the look of dejection on her pretty face, and instead proudly announced his plan to return her home, in an attempt to speak her tongue.

"Good, I look forward to establishing trading ties to your village!"

However, most of what he said was gibberish, and thus the young woman looked at him with a forced smile as she nodded her head, pretending as if she knew what he was saying. With this plan established Berengar brought Kahwihta to the square of the outpost, where he gathered a small squad of men.

As these soldiers were gathered, standing at attention, they noticed the flushed cheeks on the native woman's appearance, and the reverent gaze she gave towards their King. This would result in various rumors appearing within the Colonial Outpost in the near future, however for now they remained silent as they received their orders.

"We are departing for the village that Kahwihta hails from. We have a simple goal, to establish trade with them, and see if we can further enhance our communication. I won't lie to you, we are severely lacking in intelligence, and at the moment, her tribe is the only friendly force we have encountered.

For all, we know we are surrounded by hostiles on all sides, and while we may have superior equipment and training, we are relying entirely on imports from the fatherland to maintain our presence here in Vinland. Some local support would go a long way towards our long-term goals.

Thus it is your duty to accompany me to the village, and provide the necessary protection to ensure that trade can be established between our two people. Remember, we are a long way from home, with only ourselves to rely on. So treat this mission, as seriously as you would any other. Do not let our victory yesterday cloud your judgment, we are still in a precarious position for the time being."

The soldiers threw up their roman salutes in unison before responding to their King in the affirmative.

"Hail victory!"

With this said Berengar threw up his own salute in response.

"Hail victory!"

Kahwihta gazed upon this strange gesture with curiosity in her deep brown eyes. She had no idea what a salute was, or what this gesture represented. Innocently enough she followed suit and threw up a Roman salute, while poorly pronouncing the words that the golden-haired gods had stated.

The Marines gazed upon the woman with a stern expression, while Berengar looked at her with affection. He did not know why, but seeing an indigenous woman, innocently throw up this symbol which was associated with German Racial Supremacy from his past life brought a smile to his face. Her naivety was endearing in many ways.

After saying this, Berengar whistled, and in doing so, a member of the Battalion brought forth a wagon pulled by two draft horses. While the mounts were brought with them from across the Atlantic, this wagon had been entirely constructed here in the new world by the engineers.

It closely resembled that used by the US Army during the 19th Century, complete with its canvas covering. Kahwihta gazed upon this magnificent device with awe in her eyes. Not only was she astounded by the existence of Horses, but the wheels attached to the large land canoe were also something she had never seen before.

To Berengar, this wagon was a simple tool, which his Army utilized for logistics. It was an utterly primitive design, and he greatly desired to replace it with trucks powered by diesel engines. Unfortunately, he was still lacking in the technology, and manufacturing capacity to mass-produce such vehicles.

However, to this indigenous woman, this wagon was the most magnificent feat of engineering she had ever laid eyes on. With the ability to conjure thunder and command the beasts of a foreign land, the young woman was more than ever convinced of the divine nature of the golden-haired invaders. Berengar noticed the awestruck expression in her deep brown eyes and chuckled to himself; it was entertaining to see such reverence for him and his people.

Berengar entered the back of the wagon and dragged the indigenous beauty up into it to sit alongside him. Afterward, his men began to pile into the wagon while two marines sat up front to pilot the device and protect it with a submachine gun.

After they were set to head out, the gates to the fortress opened, and the wagon departed, heading towards the Mohawk village. Berengar gazed upon the girl next to him with a complicated expression. Though it had not become apparent yet, he and his men brought diseases from the old world that the native populace lacked immunity to.

This would undoubtedly one day devastate the local population, which would, in turn, aid towards his colonization efforts. However, he would feel a bit regretful if this beautiful young woman who revered him as a god ended up passing away as a result.

Hopefully, such a scenario would not come to pass. Though his Kingdom may be relatively advanced in terms of medicine, it was still far from the ability to prevent such a natural disaster from befalling the native Americans.

Thus he observed this girl closely, who now carried his seed in her womb; he hoped that she would be able to endure what was now a certainty. Without knowing it, Kahwihta was about to bring a plague to her people that would one day spread from coast to coast killing millions in the process.