
Tyranny of Steelchapter 331: cat fight iv part i

With the remainder of the Imperial fleet demolished at the Battle of the Adriatic, privateers, and pirates had free reign of attacking Imperial shipping. Honoria and her crew of salty wenches had made quite the fortune in attacking Imperial vessels and pirate ships.

Currently, several large wooden chests were lying about within the master bedroom of the Castle in Kufstein. These wooden chests displayed the vast wealth that Honoria had personally accumulated during her travels.

These chests were filled with Austrian Thalers and Guldens, and a large amount of them had spilled onto the bed where two beautiful young women lie naked, cuddling up to one another surrounded by wealth. These women were Linde and Honoria.

The two girls had long since gotten used to the feel of each other's bodies due to the many nights they had spent engaging in nightly debauchery with Berengar. The King of Austria had more than once joked about how he would kill them if they cheated on him with another man, but entertaining each other was acceptable.

After months without the touch of their man, the two had finally given in to their base instincts and entertained the idea that had been embedded in their brains by Berengar's sick sense of humor. The two women had just finished their fun and were now relaxing on the bed together.

Eventually, Honoria got up and began to dress; she could not stay in Kufstein forever, there was plenty of other loot to be had, and she was too embarrassed to look at Linde in the eye at the moment. However, Linde had no problem staring at the princess's voluptuous body, as he did so Linde immediately noticed that Honoria was having difficulty dressing in her undergarments, especially the bra.

Eventually, Honoria ripped the straps on her brassiere as she tried to force it on. She was immediately cursing as she did so.


When Linde saw this she placed her hand over her mouth and giggled as she teased the young princess.

"Honoria, have you grown recently? I thought I noticed a difference in size earlier, but looking at you now, I think my suspicions have been confirmed."

Honoria glanced over at Linde, who still lay naked on the bed, where her cheeks immediately began to flush with embarrassment as Linde stared herein the eyes with an amorous gaze; rather than admit she needed to purchase new undergarments, she instead lashed out at her rival.

"Oh, like you're one to talk, Linde, what size are those cow udders of yours now? There's no way those things are still Ds!"

Linde crossed her arms under her breasts and showed them off to Honoria as if they were her crown jewels. With a sultry smile on her face, she responded to the young princess.

"I'll have you know they are now Es! Why are you so flushed? Do you desire to have a taste of mommy's milk?"

Honoria's face went from embarrassed to disgusted as she heard Linde say this, partially because she knew that just a few minutes prior, she had been sucking the milk from Linde's chest as if she were her babe. Apparently, Berengar was not the only one who enjoyed the taste of Linde's milk. Reflecting upon this, Honoria looked away and deflected the question.

"I need new underwear. Do you want to go shopping with me?"

Linde immediately got up from her seat and approached Honoria with a wicked smile on her face; the young spymaster had just thought of a brilliant idea. As such, she nodded her head while grabbing ahold of Honoria and dragging her into her embrace before whispering in her ear.

"I think the little wife has also grown a bit. Wouldn't it be fun to show the main wife just what she's competing with?"

It was no secret that Adela and Linde's relationship was tumultuous, to say the least; Linde much preferred the company of Honoria, and as such, she desired to create an alliance with her against their biggest competition which was little Adela.

Honoria instantly understood Linde's intention; she responded with an equally malicious grin carved upon her immaculate lips.

"I think that's a splendid idea!"

As such, the two women began to kiss like Berengar had encouraged them to do many times while he shared his bed with the two girls. After breaking apart, Linde started to get dressed alongside Honoria. After they were fully clothed in the luxurious dresses that Berengar had purchased for them the two ladies gathered a pouch filled with coins that were spread about and walked down the staircase in an attempt to find Adela.

As per usual, the little Queen-to-be was playing the harp-like a flawless little angel. The very sight of her innocent appearance caused both Linde and Honoria to seethe internally. However, they masked their displeasure with friendly facades as they both approached Adela.

The moment the girl saw her two rivals approach with friendly smiles on their faces, she knew they were up to no good. As such, she ceased playing the harp and immediately scowled at the two wenches while she inquired about their reason for bothering her.

"What do you two want?"

Adela had recently turned sixteen, and she was counting down the days for Berengar to return from his war so that they could get married. Even though she tolerated Berengar's sexual activities with the two vixens before her, she was not exactly on the best terms with either Linde or Honoria.

She had some history with Linde, and as such, she was friendlier to her than she was to the Byzantine princess who showed up in Berengar's life and stole his heart out of nowhere. The unholy alliance between spymaster and pirate queen was something Adela had come to dread.

Though she did not know what Linde and Honoria got up to while Berengar was away, she knew at the very least they were close enough to service the young King together. Something Adela greatly disapproved of.

Seeing the young fiancee glaring at the two of them brought a sadistic grin to Linde and Honoria's pretty faces as they made their request to Adela. Linde was the first to speak as she had a better relationship with the girl.

"It is nothing much, Adela; we seemed to have outgrown our undergarments and intend to go shopping; we were wondering if you wanted to join us? After all, as Berengar's women, it is our duty to bond together!"

These words caused Adela to grit her teeth, she had recently bumped up to a C cup and felt that she could now compete with Honoria and Linde, but apparently, the two women were also growing still. She immediately lashed out to Linde about her massive breasts to cover her own insecurities.

"What are you, some kind of milk cow? How the hell are you still growing?"

Honoria began to giggle; she had asked a similar question just a few minutes prior. On the other hand, Linde feigned offense to Adela's comments; as if she were a perfect actress, Linde began to break out in tears as she manipulated Adela into coming along with them.

"There's no reason to say such mean words, little Adela, I just wanted to spend some quality time with you, and here you are making fun of my appearance. Do you have any idea how that feels?"

Adela sighed heavily as she heard this; she knew for a fact that Linde was pretending to hurt; after all, the woman had a hide as tough as steel, and yet, she still found herself swayed by Linde's charade.

"Fine, against my better judgment, I will go with you two. However, you better not play any tricks on me!"

In response, Linde quickly grabbed ahold of the girl and stuffed her into her bust as she petted her head.

"You mean it! Yay!"

After doing so, she released Adela and grabbed ahold of her hand before leading her to out of the castle and into the City below. The trio of beautiful young women was headed to a local clothing store that catered specifically to the upper-class women of Austria. It was a shop owned and operated entirely by women.

There they could get a proper measurement of their bodies without fearing Berengar doing something drastic like outright executing the tailor for touching them. As Linde and Honoria escorted the little Queen into town, Adela could not help but regret her decision.

She knew that someway, somehow, these two bitches were going to mess with her; she just did not know what exactly they had up their sleeves. Meanwhile, Linde and Honoria were grinning at one another; they could not wait to see the look on Adela's face when the two of them came out from the dressing room clothed in nothing but wedding lingerie.

They hoped it would show the little Queen just what she was going up against in their future polygamous marriage with Berengar. Whether their plan would work or backfire spectacularly had yet to be seen. Thus while Berengar was waging war against his enemies for the sake of independence, his future wives were having a war of their own.