
< Chapter 178: Savior (3) >

After the Dragon Lord and Heavenly God left, I had to meet with other people right away without any rest.

“…I’m tired.”

Everyone seemed curious about what I had discussed with the Dragon Lord and Heavenly God. They told me to come to the conference room as soon as the conversation was over. Thanks to that, I’m on my way to the conference room without any break.

‘The key is whether those two will believe what I said.’

While walking, various thoughts were swirling in my mind.

‘I did talk about the future to explain my actions…’

Technically, saying I came from the future isn’t an easily believable story either.

‘Maybe I should’ve been vague or evasive.’

Humans are creatures of regret. At that moment, I thought that being truthful was the only answer. But as time passed, I started regretting that choice.

‘No. I indirectly felt what the consequences of a lie could be. It wasn’t a lie…’

Although I might have gotten away with it for now, in the future, a major disaster would surely have awaited me. I know this fact better than anyone else.

‘If I had lied and later the Dragon Lord and Heavenly God discovered that lie…’

I don’t even want to imagine it. I might not only have had to face the consequences but also confront Savior.

‘Even if I had avoided answering or been evasive, the outcome wouldn’t have been good.’

Not giving an answer is equivalent to giving them room for imagination.

‘If they even suspected that I was a puppet of the Demon God…’

That would have been the end of my life.

‘…In the end, the best approach was to be somewhat truthful.’

With that realization, I found peace in my mind. Humans are creatures who cycle through regret, acceptance, and self-justification.

With a rejuvenated expression, after a little walk, I saw the destination – the conference room.


I greeted with an unintentionally bright tone as I entered the conference room.



However, not a single person returned the greeting.

“…Excuse me?”

Everyone was just staring at me with awkward and uncomfortable expressions. Why are they acting like this? I was tilting my head in confusion when…

“Please come this way, Kang Seo-yul-nim.”


Luna bent over in a very formal manner in front of me. It felt like the gesture a lower-ranking person would make to someone of higher status.

“Why suddenly…?”

Suddenly, from “Seo-yul ssi”, it became “Kang Seo-yul-nim”.

What’s going on?

“Before Seo-yul ssi came, Heavenly God and Dragon Lord said something and left.”

Ai answered with a look of amusement.

Those two came and went?

“…What did they say?”

“Um, they didn’t really say much, just…”

“They told us to take good care of such an important person.”

Rena interrupted Ai and answered.

“They also mentioned that he could become a close friend.”

“…Princess, why are you like this? Where did you sell off that stern historical drama tone?”

At my words, Rena’s brow twitched. She looks like she wants to retort, but there’s no reaction.

…She’s holding it in.

“So, they mentioned that he could become a close friend and then left?”


“…So they said.”

Does that mean they somewhat believed what I said?

‘…At least they’re half-convinced.’

If they didn’t believe me at all, they wouldn’t have mentioned the word “close friend”.

“…Wait. So, is everyone acting like this because of the ‘close friend’ comment?”

I scanned the faces of the people, all of whom looked awkward.

Right. It’s because of that.

“I’m not as great as those two, so just be comfortable around me.”

“How can we… to someone who the Dragon Lord and Heavenly God refer to as a close friend…”

Beast King answered with a serious tone.

“That’s enough, just act as you usually do.”

“How could we…”

Rena mumbled in reply.

“If you don’t act as usual, I will not teach you magic”

I said with a stern face.

Rena’s silver ears perked up.

“That… that can’t be…”

I glared as she tried to be formal again.

“…It can’t be.”

At that, Rena quietly shifted her gaze and reverted to her usual way of speaking.

“You’re doing well.”

This feels more comfortable now.

I took a small sigh and looked at the others.

“Everyone else, please just act as you usually do. I ask of you.”

“Yes, understood.”

Edel, Robin, and Genis, who had always treated me exceptionally well, nodded as if it was nothing.

“Good. In that case…”

Beast King also seemed more comfortable with informal speech and quickly returned to his original attitude.


As for Ai, well, she’s been consistent from the beginning, so that’s settled.

Now, the only one left is Ms. Luna.

“Please be comfortable around Ms. Luna. It’s more comfortable that way.”

“…Is that really okay?”

“Yes. You can call me whatever you feel comfortable with.”


“Yes, of course.”

Considering Luna’s age or any other aspect, it’s certain she’s older than me. What’s the big deal with informal speech?

“In that case, I’ll call you son-in-law.”

“Yes, please do… Wait, what?”

“I said I’ll call you son-in-law.”

“Well, even if you say so, that’s…”

The queen smiled slyly.

“A man shouldn’t go back on his word, right?”


I felt like I had fallen into some sort of trap.

* * *

After discussing about Heavenly God and Dragon Lord appropriately in the conference room, I returned to my room.

“Must be nice, right? Gaining a pretty 20-year-old fiancée.”

“…As if.”

I responded with a chuckle to Ai’s teasing remark who followed me into the room.

I admit that Rena is cute, but it’s cute in a ‘childlike’ way.

It’s definitely not a romantic feeling.

“Hmm. That’s a relief. I was wondering what to do if there was even a hint of affection…”

Ai chuckled briefly and jumped onto my bed. In that position, she turned her head to the side and looked up at me, laughing heartily.

“Well, fortunately, it seems that’s not your type.”

“What do you mean, ‘not my type’?”



“If you don’t like it, should I call it a Lolita complex?”

“Seriously, why are you saying that as if I’m Japanese…”

Really, she comes up with the strangest thoughts.

Ai playfully stuck out his tongue a little and laughed.

“Right, I met that woman named Heavenly God in the conference room earlier.”

“Oh, you met her? How was it?”

Ai lay down on his side.

“It’s as expected. Her energy is very similar to that woman, Yu Hwa.”

“…As expected?”


Just as I predicted, it seems Yu Hwa is a backup of Heavenly God.

“…This almost confirms it then.”

“The reincarnation theory of different species?”


I conveyed to Ai the idea that ‘the systems of deceased otherworldly beings have been backed up in the form of humans’ as ‘the deceased otherworldly beings have been reincarnated as humans.’

“So, does Heavenly God die too?”

“She does in the original history.”

“Really? She seemed so powerful.”

“She is powerful. It’s just that the Demon God is even more powerful.”

“…I just got goosebumps.”

Lying on my side, Ai shivered and rubbed her arms.

“That powerful Demon God is said to return in modern times with his original power, right?”


“And your ultimate goal is to stop that Demon God.”


Ai stared at me blankly.

“…Can you win?”


Ai glared at me with sharp eyes.

“What do you mean ‘perhaps’? You should show some ambition, like ‘I’ll take down the Demon God with one hand!'”

Jumping up from the bed, she met my eye level.

“I need to be able to confidently follow my father-in-law, right?”

“…Who’s the father-in-law?”

“Don’t worry about such minor details.”

Ai waved her hand dismissively, teasingly.

I chuckled.

“So, you’re saying you’ll help me when I fight the Demon God, right?”

“Of course! Absolutely.”

Ai lay back sprawled on the bed.

“You really should be grateful to me. Where else would you find a woman who supports you even when coming to a world from ten thousand years ago?”

Her calm demeanor made me burst into laughter once again.

“I am always grateful.”

“With just words?”

“Well, then. Should I give you a gift?”

“Hmm. I don’t really need material things.”

Ai chuckled and ran her index finger over her lips, a rather wicked laugh.

“Give me a kiss.”

She pressed her cheek with her index finger, playfully chuckling.

“What’s with that cute request?”

“Well, I’d like to make a more substantial request, but based on Seo-yul’s personality, it’s highly likely that anything beyond this won’t be granted.”


Her judgment is quite accurate.

Certainly, if it went any further, it would most likely be met with a firm rejection.

“This much is okay, right? It’s a form of greeting in foreign countries, too.”

Ai approached me and plopped down on my thigh.

“If you’re embarrassed, I can do it for you.”

Then, she used one hand to pat her cheek and the other to pat mine.

“How do you want to do it?”

It was a coquettish and seductive smile. As if to prove that she inherited the power of the “Succubus of Lust.” Her expression and gestures were top-notch.

“You do it.”

But it’s still quite amateurish.

Her hand touching my cheek was trembling like a leaf in the wind.

It was clear that she was nervous.

Where does she plan to lead this?


“Yeah. But…”

I didn’t think she would grant any requests beyond a simple kiss.

Half of it was accurate, but the other half was incorrect.

“On the lips.”


Lust, who had no real experience in relationships, was quite innocent in this area.

“If you don’t want to… should I do it?”

As I slightly leaned forward, Ai blushed deeply and tilted her head away. I could see a glint of understanding in her eyes.

“Th-this suddenly…”

“Why? I lowered the intensity because I thought you might reject it. So, in my own way, I wanted to express my gratitude, and I did what you wanted.”

I said with a mischievous glint in my eyes. Lately, I’ve been playing pranks excessively, and this seemed to be working.

“But… this is so sudden…”

Ai’s pupils seemed to shake as if there was an earthquake.

“Or you can just close your eyes. I’ll take care of it.”

I brought my face closer again, pretending to do so. I blocked Ai with one hand as she tried to escape.


Ai tightly closed her eyes. I watched her silently, wondering how long she could hold out.

“It shouldn’t take more than 10 seconds.”

Sure enough, her face began to blush even more intensely.

Alright, now’s the perfect timing.

“Are you ready?” I whispered in the sweetest voice I could muster and leaned in a bit closer.


And at that moment…


Ai brushed off my hand and stepped onto the ground.

“I’m, I’m sorry!”

Then, with lightning speed, ran out of the room.

Staring at the wide-open room door, I chuckled lightly.

“Where was she going?”

Did she really think she would stammer and run away if I asked for a kiss?

“Well, that was quite cute,” I chuckled to myself as I closed the door.

* * *

The next morning.

Perhaps because I had a good sleep, I woke up from bed feeling refreshed after a long time.

With a fresh mood, I lightly washed my face and feet, and while walking inside the palace,

“Ah, Your Highness.”


By chance, I ran into Edel.

“Are you heading to training?”

Judging by the casual attire, yet holding an artifact as a weapon, I made a guess.

“It’s not training. Due to the current situation…”

“Ah, I see.”

With the uncertainty of when one might need to be deployed, it wouldn’t make sense to drain energy for training.

“So, where are you heading now?”

“I just thought I’d shoot some arrows casually.”

“…Isn’t that training?”

“Nah. It’s not for stamina training, just a light diversion.”

Edel answered as if it were a matter of course.

…Considering Edel’s skill level, shooting arrows might not be that strenuous, so she’s not wrong.

“Would you like to join me, Your Highness?”

“At the archery range?”


Edel’s eyes sparkled.

Her eyes shone brightly, more so than Puss in Boots. It reminded me of how Jia used to look at me with those very eyes.

“Hmm. I appreciate the offer, but today might be a bit difficult for me.”

“…Is that so?”

Today, I have something else I want to test, so it can’t be helped.

“How about tomorrow morning then?”

By tomorrow, the elf clan’s mark should return to white. It might be good to borrow Edel’s bow and observe the changes in the mark.

“Yes! Sounds good!”

Edel replied with a chuckling laugh.

“Okay. Let’s meet at the archery range at 7 a.m. tomorrow.”

“Yes! Got it!”

Edel disappeared towards the archery range with the happiest expression.

‘Is shooting arrows with me that enjoyable?’

As I was pondering,

“Is shooting arrows with Seo-yul that enjoyable?”

“Whoa! You startled me!”

Ai appeared behind me.

“If you’re here, say so…”

“Seo-yul, I was thinking by myself yesterday.”

“…Suddenly what?”

“It’s important. Please listen.”

Ai had an unusually serious expression.

“Right now, because of our actions, Alfheim and Reperiel avoided destruction, deviating from their original history, right?”

“Huh? Oh, right.”

I thought she was going to talk about the kiss incident from last night, but that wasn’t the case.

“Thanks to that, the woman named Edel and a man named Teddy from the northern front survived.”


Both of them would’ve died at this point in the original timeline.

“So, if Teddy and Edel continue to survive…”

Ai looked at me with an incredibly serious expression.

“Will entities named Pi Jin Ho and Shin Jia be born?”


What does that mean…?

“According to Seo-yul’s theory of inter-species reincarnation, ‘deceased’ beings from other species ‘reincarnate’ as ‘humans’, right?”

My pupils slowly dilated. I felt like I somewhat grasped what she wanted to say.

“So… if Teddy and Edel continue to survive like this…”

Time paradox.

When the past changes, the future changes.

“Wouldn’t it be impossible for individuals like Pi Jin Ho and Shin Jia to be born?”


My heart dropped.

< Chapter 178: Savior (3) > End.