
The Return of the Iron-blood Sword Houndchapter 142: the villain’s identity (part 2)

Chapter 142: The Villain’s Identity (Part 2)

Dolores. She was seriously contemplating the events of the previous night.

“…The mask I picked up yesterday, I’m sure I’ve seen it before.”

That’s right. Dolores, as the Saint of Quovadis and the head of the Academy’s newspaper club, had quickly rushed to the scene last night upon receiving news that the Royal Guards were mobilized.

Soon, she witnessed the gruesome scene, with many people dead and numerous buildings collapsed. Under the rubble of the orphanage that had turned into ruins, the bodies of boys and girls who had turned into bloodied corpses were found.

Even the 2nd and 3rd-grade student reporters who had come along, and even the Royal Guards themselves, were taken aback by the gruesome scene they had never witnessed before.

…And near the scene, there was a partially burned mask lying on the ground.

Dolores secretly picked up the mask and, to avoid the footsteps approaching behind her, instinctively hid it in her bosom.

“That mask was undoubtedly the property of Night Hound. Why was he there…?”

She recalled when she first met Night Hound. It was during the Academy’s vacation, and she was staying at the villa of the mansion where he was taking care of the needy neighbors.

Among the greedy and ignoble nobles who visited, one man stood out.

“…I am just a lost lamb.”

He did not boast about his status or wealth and humbly lowered his head. His initial appearance had left a lasting impression on her.

Subsequently, Night Hound wholeheartedly treated the people in the slums afflicted with the “Red Death.”

Despite his suspicious appearance, identity, and actions, his love and dedication to the unfortunate humans were genuine. As evidence, he even demonstrated Divine Power, albeit to a small extent.

“The mask I picked up yesterday definitely belongs to him. The scars and bloodstains on the mask that appeared when patients with the Red Death struggled were still there.”

Dolores was convinced that the partially burned mask hidden in her embrace was indeed the one worn by Night Hound.

But why was he present at the scene of yesterday’s tragedy? Did he really kill the orphanage director and harm the boys and girls in the orphanage?

“…But why would such a virtuous person…?”

She couldn’t imagine the noble and holy figure who had treated the people of Mecca, would commit such atrocities. She had always believed that he had stolen the “Tears of the Saint” for some greater cause.

“Is Night Hound the true culprit?” It cannot be. My vision is precise. He was not a bad guy. If he was the perpetrator, there had to be a compelling reason.”

Dolores was suffering from a throbbing headache. Since last night, she had been haunted by the guilt of concealing the mask, which was undeniably evidence of the massacre, from the Royal Guards.

She had hindered the investigation due to personal emotions, making her an accomplice or an accessory. That’s why Dolores had been suffering since last night.

“Was it really the right thing to hide that mask? Am I doing the right thing?”

She had these thoughts when she woke up, when she took a bath, when she ate, during class, and even now, during this club meeting.

Even worrying…

“…But what about Night Hound? I hope he’s okay. His mask was partially burned in such a massive explosion. Even though he was incredibly strong, if he was in a crisis situation where he couldn’t properly defend himself… Where is he now? Could he be seriously injured somewhere…”

She worried to the point of considering these possibilities.

Dolores didn’t understand why she was so worried about him now, not even knowing the fundamental reason.

Then, a voice from beside her awakened her from her contemplation.

“‘Night Hound’… That’s a good one!”


When Dolores raised her head, she saw the 2nd and 3rd-grade students busy at work, already pulling out the freshly printed copies of today’s Lykeion newspaper.

Whirr, click-click-click, zing-zing…

The newspapers that would be distributed today were already being printed at a rapid pace.


Dolores turned her head with a blank expression, and Pigeon raised her thumb.

“The nickname ‘Night Hound’ sounds good to me. It has a somewhat savage style of naming, but that’s what makes its violence even more prominent, right?”

“Yeah, I think so too. It gives off a gloomy vibe.”

“Agreed. After all, the incidents always happen at night.”

Tudor and Sancho also nodded in agreement with Pigeon’s words. Sinclaire and Bianca nodded as well.

“I wholeheartedly agree with the Chief!”

“Me too.”

Dolores turned her head with a puzzled expression. “What are you all talking about? What did I just mutter?”

At that moment, they could already see stacks of completed newspapers in the room.

[The Villain ‘Night Hound’ who plunged Venetior into terror, what’s his identity!?] / Views: 0

In the night, a mysterious villain appeared, causing the destruction of an Orphanage…

Strangely, the attacker didn’t lay a hand on the treasures in the safe…

<comment: 0=""></comment:>

Dolores exclaimed in astonishment, “What is this!?”

Pigeon replied with a cheerful expression, “Chief, you came up with the nickname ‘Night Hound,’ and everyone thought it was great, so we went ahead with it!”

“No, no! When did I… I really said that?”

Dolores was bewildered and questioned, but everyone nodded.

In just a few minutes, the situation had progressed rapidly.

Dolores sighed deeply when she saw that the newspapers were already piled up.

“Kids, there’s still no confirmation that he’s the culprit. Rushing to create headlines like this just for views is not right.”

However, Tudor, Sancho, Sinclair, Bianca, and others raised objections.

“Well, the Royal Guards’ testimonies have already come out. They say the guy called Night Hound destroyed buildings and killed the orphanage director. Although it’s only partial evidence, it’s there.”

“The boys and girls did seem to have been dead for a while… But I find it hard to believe that such a thing happened at a daycare center directly managed by the Quovadis family. I think it’s much more credible that Night Hound did it.”

“Since the Chief is from the QuoVadis family, she’s probably trying to remain neutral. I was moved. But with such a clear situation, I think it’s okay to proceed as it is.”

“Night Hound or whatever, if I see him in front of me, it’s an arrow straight through!”

The first-year freshmen were all excited and chirping.

Dolores sighed deeply. She felt sorry for tarnishing the reputation of Night Hound with her mistake for a moment.


However, the words of others also made sense. Whether Night Hound was really a villain or not, and if he was, what his true intentions were behind his previous acts of kindness and humanitarian activities, and if he wasn’t, what was the meaning of the bodies of the boys and girls found in the Quovadis-managed daycare center, and the large amount of unexplained wealth. Everything was a mess.

Only Dolores was confused because she knew the hidden truths behind the situation. Eventually, she made a decision.

“I need to make some adjustments to the articles. Try to write them as objectively and impartially as possible. Exclude speculative statements without solid evidence from the interviews with the Royal Guards.”

“But if we do that, what would we even write about?”

“If you’re not sure, don’t take sides.” We can launch a scathing critique once we understand why Night Hound did all of this. Let us await that moment.”

Other members of the newspaper club nodded in agreement as Dolores spoke. Bianca nodded, as if she understood.

“If that’s what the Chief says, then so be it.”

“I-I agree too,” Sinclaire chimed in.

Sancho and Pigeon quickly stopped the printing press and started making adjustments to the articles. However, Tudor, with his strong hero instinct, still seemed a bit dissatisfied.

Tudor whispered to Vikir, whom he had become close to through the wrestling competition.

“Hey, buddy, what do you think about Night Hound? I mean, he looks like a villain, doesn’t he? What do you think?”

Vikir replied, “I don’t want to think about it.”

‘I don’t think I’m a villain.”

Countless faces flashed through his mind.

The world of destruction, the hell that would unfold within the next decade, the faces of so many he had failed to protect.

The end of colleagues, comrades-in-arms, friends, older brothers, younger sisters, and all the people you miss and love.

How could he be anything but a villain, carrying their lives and sacrifices on his shoulders and coming back alive alone?

Before answering, Vikir paused for a moment.

“Sure, he’s definitely a villain.”

After all, he wasn’t a saint.


Tudor noticed that the question had made Vikir unusually quiet.


Vikir raised his head to find Tudor and the other freshmen looking at him with a puzzled expression. Even Dolores was giving him a cold look.

“Calling Night Hound a villain with certainty? Have you not heard a word I said until now?”

Dolores, who happened to be walking by, asked about Tudor and Vikir’s conversation in a chilling manner.


As Vikir remained silent, she repeated her question.

“Even if we miss ten thieves, we must not create one unjust citizen. Find solid evidence, even if it means letting go of some of the culprits, and then report it.”


“If ‘the pen is mightier than the sword,’ then the punishment for a crime committed with a pen should be heavier than that with a sword. From now on, you all should have a sense of responsibility as journalists. Don’t speak thoughtlessly without clear evidence.”

Dolores’ words made all the freshman club members rub their heads, even though they did not completely understand.

Dolores was giving him a cold look.

“Is something wrong with you?”

Dolores asked in a tone that didn’t hide her annoyance.

Vikir replied calmly, “No, nothing’s wrong.”

But his response did not seem to satisfy Dolores. She continued with a stern tone.

“Your name is Vikir, right? Haven’t you been late recently?”

Vikir had a history of receiving penalties from Dolores for being late since the beginning of the semester. However, Vikir still remained silent.

Dolores seemed like she was about to say something more when a 2nd-year club member rushed into the club room, looking for her.

“Chief! Professor Banshee, wants to see you!”

“What? Why?”

“It’s about the article we’re working on! Professor Banshee wants us to revise the article to make it clear that Night Hound is definitely the villain!”

“Ugh… That person likes to create enemies among us conservatives. Alright, I’ll meet with him and discuss it.”

Dolores concluded the conversation and left with the 2nd-year club member to meet with Professor Banshee.

Once she was gone, the tense atmosphere in the room dissipated. Tudor let out a relieved sigh and lightly patted Vikir’s shoulder.

“Chief sure is a bit old-fashioned, huh?”

“…She’s always been like that.”

“Always? When?”

“Just… sometimes.”

Vikir smiled faintly.

‘Why don’t the Knights push harder? These young ones these days are so lax in their faith!’

‘You should be slaying another demon during your break time!’

“In my day! If a demon appeared, we just… jumped right in and bam!”

‘You’ve gotten stronger! Charge in!’

‘Heroes never die!’

Remembering the image of Dolores in her 30s, leading the Holy Knights on the front lines of the battlefield before her return.