
The Magic Clock <Teru> showed 11:59:55

Heading towards the origin that Sasha and Misha had fixed their eyes on <Lebaido> invites them to the past.

The time is now 11:59:56 and the world turned white.

The floors, walls and ceiling everything went white.

A further 2 seconds of time pass and the clock stops.

This place is now isolated from the world.

“Did you come?”

The point of a silver sword appears and the empty space in front of my eyes was suddenly cut. It looks a bit like a curtain for an actor to enter the stage.

From just the tip you could think it was a sword but I know its actually a scythe.

“What….is that…….?” Sasha asks in a surprised voice.

“……..I cannot see the bottom of its magic…….” Misha adds.

Other than me this must be her first time meeting someone who’s power she couldn’t see the bottom of.

“Concentrate on your origins. The magic hasn’t fully formed yet. Besides, this guy isn’t someone you can take on.”

Enlarging the space that was cut a pair of hands wearing white gloves appear. Grasping the space they wrench it open further and a figure slowly appears.

It’s wearing a white robe with a hood and no matter how hard you stare with your demon eyes you won’t be able to see its face. Of course, it’s possible it doesn’t even have a face to begin with.

“Nee. Arnos, what is that……?” Sasha asks me again.

“Eugo Ra Raviaz the guardian deity of time. Simply put, its the god responsible for protecting and keeping the order and flow of time.”

“….Go…….God……..!?” Stunned, Sasha leaks the word.

“He’s here for business as a god. I’m going to greatly alter the past and he doesn’t forgive people that set out to do that.”

Eugo Ra Raviaz turns to look at me. After a moment it appears to recognise me and says.

“—–Won’t permit—–“

A solemn voice shakes the air around it.

“Hou. This is the first time we’ve met where you’ve spoken.”

In 2000 years will even gods change?

“—–Won’t forgive—–“

Again Eugo Ra Raviaz emits a voice that shakes the air around it

“Fumu. If possible could you look the other way on this? Even though I’m changing the past I’m only saving one mazoku. Or you could say only one tragedy is disappearing from this world. Can’t a god allow this one thing?”

“—–Won’t permit—–“

If you try to change the past with magic other supernatural powers will act to prevent it. The order of the world, the law of the world or simply providence. The guardian deity embodies all of it.

Eugo Ra Raviaz is here to remove the cause of whatever is trying to alter the past.

In other words, he’s here to kill the caster of <Lebaido>.

“Yare yare. Even after 2000 years you lot are as narrow-minded as ever. You don’t like people stepping on your speciality. You don’t permit anyone other than gods to perform miracles.”

Ignoring human prayers and stepping on the pride of the mazoku.

What value is there to a god that saves the order of things but doesn’t save anybody?

“The rules you and the other gods arbitrarily decided on are unjust. It might make me the bad one but I have no intention of following such things.”

“—–Won’t allow disruption to flow of time. I will hand down judgement upon thee—–“(1)

Eugo Ra Raviaz disappears with a flash of light. The next moment he appears next to Avis Necron who’s still pinned to the wall.

What’s he doing?

“—–Old Seven Demon Emperor Avis Necron—–“

Eugo Ra Raviaz raises his hand and the demon sword Gador moves backwards out of Avis body and falls on the floor.

Aivis face is healed in an instant.

The wounds caused by the demon sword Gador cannot be healed but the guardian deity of time returned the time to Aivis.

It was returned to before he was stabbed with Gador and burnt with <Geo Greys>

Finally, his body was healed.

No, not healed. The wounds never happened.

“—–I grant thee the power of the god of time. Destroy Arnos Voldigod—–“

Eugo Ra Raviaz turns into light and is then sucked into the body of Aivis.

What remained was a silver weapon in Aivis’ hand.

The Time Gods Scythe <Tokigami>.


Low laughter comes from Aivis.

“As expected from you. It’s now come to this Arnos Voldigod”

With the Time Gods Scythe in hand, Aivis’ magic power cant even be compared to what it was before.

“……..The power of a god…….” Misha mutters.

Indeed, she has good demon eyes. If you look into the abyss of this fellow you can see the power of Eugo Ra Raviaz overflowing from his source.

“I see the current Eugo Ra Raviaz has learnt to be more effective in his destroying of those that disturb the time flow by giving his power to them.”

The power of Eugo Ra Raviaz has been added to the magic of Aivis but more importantly than that.

“What did you mean just then Aivis?”

Aivis doesn’t show any reaction to my words. He just stares at me in a grand manner.

“Have you seen Eugo Ra Raviaz do this before in the past?”

Aivis shouldn’t know about the existence of <Lebaido> so naturally, neither should Eugo Ra Raviaz.

Even if by some small chance I had used it in the past and one of the other Old Seven Demon Emperors had told Aivis about it his lines still don’t add up.

He had to have already known about it and lied to me. It’s the most logical answer.

“What are you hiding?”

“It doesn’t matter to someone who’s about to die.”

*Fu Kukuku.* Yare yare. It’s so ridiculous it makes me laugh.

“Haha, kuhahahaha. Who’s going to die after this? Don’t get cocky over your borrowed power. Your ability is known to me.”

I draw a magic formation and fire off a <Geo Greys>. A jet black comet fires out and hits Aivis, however, wielding the Time Gods Scythe he cuts it right in 2.

The jet black sun disappears as its time is devoured.

It wasn’t even anti-magic or a counter attack. The time of <Geo Greys> was returned and it never existed.

“Any magic will have its time returned. Your attacks will not reach me.”

“You look so happy Aivis.”

Aivis glared at me as I laughed.

“You prevented one magic. Is that it? If you intend to win try to make it look more natural.”

I instantly made 6 <Geo Greys> formations and fired them.

“Upstream Barrier <Gazeruta>.”

Waving his scythe Aivis sets up a magic barrier. <Gazeruta>. Any magic that touches it will have its time rewound.

Even anti-magic won’t help. It’s an almost unbeatable shield.

My 6 <Geo Greys> disappeared.

“A splendid display of bluffing but how do you intend to break through a magic barrier that returns time?”

*Fuu* I laughed through my nose unintentionally.

“What’s so funny?”

“I’ve already broken through it.”

The moment I said it 6 <Geo Greys> appeared inside Aivis’ barrier.


His body is turned jet black as it’s wrapped up in black flames.

“<Gazeruta> is a magic barrier that unwinds the time of magic that hits it. A normal <Geo Greys> would disappear as soon as it touched it so I made mine go against time.”

A <Geo Greys> that goes against time would normally be useless. Because it goes against time it has no influence in the world at all. In other words, the magic itself doesn’t occur. However, <Gazeruta> rewinds time so the magic has its time returned to it putting it in a state where the magic is now occurring and can affect the world.

The first 6 shots of <Geo Greys> I fired were decoys. I fired another 6 <Geo Greys> but sent them 6 hours back in time with <Lebaido>. <Gazeruta> caused their time to be returned.

“Although you’ve borrowed the power of Eugo Ra Raviaz your knowledge and preparation regarding the concept of time is insufficient.”

A low voice comes from the centre of the black flame.