
The divine power that had descended upon him was separated from him, and Ahid’s golden hair turned dark blue again.

As the power extracted from him returned to its owner, light gathered around Arcana, then her magic body was replaced with her original divine body.

“…My divine power is leaving me…? My… My divine poweeeeeer…! My body was immortal…! Why did it fail me…?! Please give me a divine message…!” (Ahid)

With both of his arms and legs severed, Ahid fell on his back on the spot; helpless.

I casually walked to his side.

“<Wavy Body Possibility Manifestation Veneziara> is a spell that makes possibilities come true.” (Anos)

“…Possibilities… come true…? What are you talking about…?” (Ahid)

“Don’t you understand? In this state, with Leviangilma in its sheath, there exists the possibility of me pulling out the sword, and the possibility of me not pulling out the sword.

By casting <Wavy Body Possibility Manifestation Veneziara>, I’ve made both of these possibilities a reality.” (Anos)

I brandished the Sword of the Almighty Leviangilma in front of Ahid.

It was still in its sheath.

“As long as I keep Leviangilma in its sheath, I haven’t drawn it. If it’s in its sheath, I will never perish. Conversely, the fact that I haven’t perished proves that I haven’t drawn this sword.” (Anos)

“…If you did not draw it, then you should have been unable to harm my immortal divine body…” Ahid stated, dumbfounded.

“Then you should understand already. The fact that your immortal divine body was damaged means that Leviangilma has been drawn. While still in its sheath, of course.” (Anos)

Ahid furrowed his brow, showing his incomprehension.

“The Almighty has created a sword that no one can draw. If the Almighty were to draw the sword, he would’ve failed to create a sword that no one can draw. But if the Almighty can’t draw the sword, he can’t be called almighty. So what would the Almighty do, then?” (Anos)

I told the answer to Ahid, whose expression was growing more distorted.

“Here’s the answer. The Almighty can’t draw this sword. But at the same time, he can draw it. He draws the sword that no one else can draw, but without being able to draw it. See? It’s simple logic. To be almighty, one must be able to both draw it and not draw it at the same time.” (Anos)

“…What incomprehensible nonsense are you spouting…? There is no way you can do that… It is a contradiction…” (Ahid)

I smiled at Ahid’s bewilderment.

“That’s the point of <Wavy Body Possibility Manifestation Veneziara>. To draw and not to draw. Contradictory as they may be, they can both come true at the same time, even if it’s only as possibilities.” (Anos)

I may or may not draw this sword.

It was natural for both possibilities to exist at the same time.

“And both possibilities turned real at the same time. Contradictory manifestations of <Wavy Body Possibility Manifestation Veneziara> can come true at the same time. Because real or not, they’re just possibilities.” (Anos)

Ahid looked as if his mind had gone blank.

“…But they should contradict themselves the moment they come true… If you have not drawn it, then my body should not be harmed… If you have drawn it, then you should perish, otherwise this logic makes no sense…!” (Ahid)

“That’s right, this logic makes no sense. Because the judgment of the Sword of the Almighty was invented by someone who isn’t almighty. The logic itself of one who isn’t almighty doesn’t apply to one who is. It’s because the latter is almighty that it’s wrong to assume that he’s governed by logic.” (Anos)

Unable to find his words to comment on that, Ahid’s face contorted in sheer confusion.

“…You are wrong…” (Ahid)

“Hahaha! You don’t understand, Ahid? That’s fine. If I had to give you a simple explanation, it would be that one who isn’t almighty can’t understand the answer given by an almighty one.” (Anos)

For a moment, he stared at me, flabbergasted.

“Which means you just admitted yourself that this is what I am to you.” (Anos)

I pointed at the sinister-looking collar attached to him.

“Your immortal divine body is gone. It’s time for the nightmare to begin.” (Anos)

“…Ah…! Ugh…! Guh…!” (Ahid)

<Shackle Collar Dream and Reality Nedneliaz>.

The collar’s spell activated, and he fell into a nightmare.

“What you’re about to see is the dream of a world where you’re continuously betrayed by the gods. Go around the country and spread the word that the Almighty Radiance Equis doesn’t exist. But never kill anyone, and don’t kill yourself either. Otherwise, you’ll never wake up from your dream again. If things go well, time will turn back, and you’ll be betrayed by the gods all over again. If you repeat this a thousand times and abandon your faith, you can come back to reality.” (Anos)

I laughed sadistically and put a curse on him.

“And finally, I’ll show you a nightmare you’ll never wake up from.”

Ahid’s eyes lost their light.

He must’ve departed for the dream world created by his collar.

“Now…” (Anos)

The sound of footsteps echoed.

I said something to the small goddess who slowly walked my way.

“Are you satisfied with my answer on the Sword of the Almighty?” (Anos)

“No one is almighty.” (Arcana)

Her pure eyes turned straight to me.

“Saving everybody is impossible.” Arcana proceeded.

“That’s what I believed.” (Arcana)

When Arcana raised her hand, the Pledge Jewel ring that Ahid was wearing flew into it.

“You are more righteous than me. You win this holy war. You may now kill me and obtain my order.” Arcana said without showing any sign of hesitation.

As if she weren’t afraid to perish.

“If you say I’ve won, let me ask you something before we finish this.” (Anos)

Arcana nodded.

“As the winner, you have that right. If it’s within my knowledge, I’ll answer.” (Arcana)

“Back in the main auditorium of the Hero Academy, you went out of your way to ask me your question about whether the almighty one could create a sword that no one could draw. That wasn’t on Ahid’s orders, was it?” (Anos)

“Correct, it wasn’t.” (Arcana)

“Why were you looking for an answer to that?” (Anos)

Arcana even went so far as to create Leviangilma to judge whether or not I could answer that question during this Selection Judgment.

If I couldn’t answer it, she would’ve imposed that judgment on someone else.

“It’s not a question worth fighting over.” (Anos)

She thought for a while before answering.

“I am a god, yet I’m the one who has sinned.” Arcana said as if making a confession.

“For I have forgotten my divine name.” (Arcana)