
The giant octopus race member, Octane, who proclaimed himself a legendary investor.

He called Seong Jihan a blue chip and talked about making significant investments in him, but…

‘After realizing humans have no growth limit, he withdrew his share investment proposal and vanished.’

He mentioned BattleNet would not simply overlook someone with no growth limit, choosing to withdraw not just investments but also withholding information before disappearing.

And now he’s showing up again…

‘Well, might as well accept it.’

Seong Jihan accepted the sponsorship.

And then,

[It’s been a while, blue chip. Well, now that your name is out… I’ll call you Seong Jihan.]

“Do as you like.”

[Seeing you upload that old arena video, are you finally starting activities?]

“Starting activities… If it’s related to BattleTube, you could say that.”

[Heh. I recognized your potential when you subdued me at the North Wall… Though I couldn’t make an equity investment due to complications. If you’re participating in the arena this time, you’ll be the season’s player with the highest returns.]

Continuing, he said,

[Especially being from the lowest rank actually appeals to investors… I recommended you to several groups who share investment values with me, but everyone disregarded investing in some lowest rank species. If only you were at least low rank, my recommendation would’ve already got you over a thousand subscribers. It shows how rare an interest in the lowest rank is…]

“So it was your group who subscribed when I wasn’t even actively doing anything?”

[No, around 50 from our side. The rest… I have no idea who subscribed…]

“Hmm. Is that so?”

Who are the remaining 50?

Seong Jihan tried to check the subscribers through BattleTube settings, but,

[Account is private.]

Aside from a few, most accounts were private.

‘Among the open ones, some are from the Constellation of the Dead Star or the World Tree Elf line.‘

Constellation of the dead star who showed obsession towards Seong Jihan, or his eternal adversaries, the World Tree Elves.

These were all subscribers in some way connected to Seong Jihan.

Removing Octane’s acquaintance, practically no pure subscribers remained.

‘Would be strange to have subscribers without actually starting activities, anyway.’

So far, he had hidden his identity with Hideout, engaging only with human viewers on BattleTube.

There was no need for extraterrestrial beings to bother subscribing here.

Rather, excluding former connections, how the rest subscribed was nearly miraculous.

Seong Jihan planned to steadily grow from here on, continuing his chat with Octane.

“How do you increase subscribers?”

[Why do you want to increase subscribers… Fame brings scrutiny. Being unnoticed as the lowest rank race is rather advantageous here. You can gamble on yourself for large amounts of GP…]

“Right now, I need fame more than GP.”

[Is that so. You’re being exposed on purpose… Have you chosen Spotlight over Hideout?]

Quick to grasp the situation upon hearing Seong Jihan’s story, Octane continued,

“Exactly. I just upgraded my membership, and Spotlight seems more beneficial.”

[What? You upgraded your membership? Don’t tell me you got VIP…]


[I can hardly believe it. Can you record it and show me? Then, I’ll sponsor 10 million GP.]

Octane, showing considerable interest in the VIP membership, offered more.

“Live broadcast?”


“Fine. Let’s start right now.”

Thus, Seong Jihan immediately turned on BattleTube.

* * *

– Uh… the game ended a while ago?

– Oh… it’s a penthouse! Is this a live broadcast?

– This is that living room! Where Seong Jihan had his first broadcast!

As soon as Seong Jihan started broadcasting following his game victory, viewers poured in.

– Yoon Seah and Lee Hayeon are also there.

– Why do they look like that? LOL

– Especially Lee Hayeon… it was all makeup…

The chat didn’t hesitate to comment on Lee Hayeon and Yoon Seah’s faces appearing on the screen.

As the number of viewers surged instantly.

More comments about Lee Hayeon, who looked considerably more tired, filled the chat.

She read the chats on the spot and frowned.

“Really, these people. It’s not because of makeup, okay? It’s because we’ve been staying up all night.”

“Yeah. unnie and I have been up all night watching alien broadcasts with my uncle’s account. There’s a lot of interesting stuff.”

“Wow. We both stayed up, but only Seah looks unworried… That’s why being high-level is the best.”

Despite staying up together, Lee Hayeon looked noticeably more affected than Yoon Seah, another testament to the difference between a supporting player and a regular player.


Seong Jihan slowly pulled out the membership card from his inventory.

“What I’m broadcasting today is simple. Space League membership card verification.”

The card itself shone with a rainbow hue, the VIP membership card.

– Membership card?

– Pretty card haha

– Is that glow natural?

– What’s so good about VIP?

While viewers reacted lightly, seeing it as merely a fancy card,

[Indeed… It was true. How did you acquire a VIP membership… one that even Constellations struggle to get?]

Shocked by seeing the VIP card,

[A subscriber ‘CEO Octane Investments’ donates 10,000,000GP.]

He kept his promise.

– ?? 10 million GP?

– Isn’t that the previous octopus?

– The scale of a universal big shot, insane

Viewers who came to watch Seong Jihan’s broadcast were astounded to see such a huge amount of sponsorship from an extraterrestrial.

[Don’t upload this video. Promise to delete it, and I’ll sponsor a hundred million GP.]

Octane even offered a hundred million GP to have the video deleted.


“No. This needs to be uploaded.”

Seeing Octane’s reaction, Seong Jihan realized the impact of the VIP membership.

[…Then I’ll sponsor a billion.]

“I’ll pass.”

Despite Octane offering ten times more, Seong Jihan’s response was firm.

– A billion?

– This extraterrestrial big shot is nuts

– Was the video of VIP authentication worth that much?

– Exactly LOL. It’s just a pretty card LOL

[…So you desire fame that much?]

“Right now, fame is more important to me than GP.”

[If you expose yourself too much in the Space League, you’ll be targeted by strong figures. Especially someone irregular like you, many are waiting for an opportunity to strike.]

“That’s okay. I’m a Constellation candidate right now, so I’m under protection.”

After the candidacy ends, the Martial God’s disciple would be more of a problem than the extraterrestrial strong ones.

Already riding a tiger, Seong Jihan had to utilize any means to gather strength.

[Huh… No choice then…]

Octane gave up on the deal after seeing Seong Jihan not giving in even if he tried to bid more than a billion GP.

At that moment, Seong Jihan saw the Shadow Queen, who had been outside, come in.

Unlike earlier, she was cowering in a corner of the living room.

Approaching her, Seong Jihan inquired,

“What do you think? Broadcasting widely that I’m a VIP during the protection period.”

“A good approach, Seong Jihan. To boost subscribers, broadcasting that you’re a VIP would be effective.”

The Shadow Queen suddenly spoke formally, using honorific language in response to Seong Jihan’s question.

“…What’s with the sudden change? It doesn’t suit you.”

“What do you mean? I’m Ariel. I’ve always been like this, haven’t I?”

“Even Ariel didn’t act like that.”

“Did I not? Well… Seong Jihan… May I retreat now?”

The Shadow Queen, who ventured outside with chains clanking around her, now wanted to return inside.

As they conversed, a message from Octane arrived.

[Seong Jihan. Is that the Shadow Queen?]


[…So she is. I heard she was captured by the World Tree Alliance and thought I lost my investment!]

Seong Jihan didn’t deny, and Octane quickly identified her identity.

[Queen… I’m relieved to see you’re alive. Hehe. Then you can repay your investment, right?]

“Queen, huh, the delusion is too much. I’m not the queen, just a mere shadow avatar of the queen. And even if she was alive, how would you repay a failed investment?”

[You can pay with your body. Serve as a mercenary for our Investments firm. A 1000 years should cover the debt.]

“Ah, right. There was something the queen mentioned before. She pledged her planet as collateral. Why not execute that?”

[How could we take over a planet seized by the World Tree Alliance?]

“That’s for the investor to figure out.”

Octane pressuring the debt, and the queen attempting to wriggle out.

-Alien species also ditch debts and abscond…

-Who’s the bad one here?

-Isn’t it obvious? Has to be the World Tree Elves LOL


-When in doubt, the bad guy is always the World Tree Alliance LOL

As Seong Jihan watched their bickering, he clapped his hands.

“You two sort out your issues later. That’s it for the broadcast.”

[Seong Jihan… Hand her over to me, and I’ll give you 1 trillion GP. The Shadow Queen would be useful as a mercenary… Yeah. I’ll even share the profits.]

The proposal from the Ceo of Octane Investments to offer 1 trillion GP and even profits.

Seong Jihan turned towards the Shadow Queen.

“What do you think? Wanna go?”

“Master! Please! You know I’m not the queen!”

[Pleeeaaase.Seong Jihan. Anywhere but there!!]

The Shadow Queen, cried out ‘Master’ aloud while internally screaming to Seong Jihan.

She really didn’t want to be associated with Octane Investments.

Seeing her decidedly appalled reaction, Seong Jihan chuckled.

“Sorry, but she’s my sword. I’ll keep her.”

[A sword? I can provide you with better equipment. So hand her over.]

“Nothing less than EX grade.”

[EX? Too greedy… SSS grade weapons can be swapped. So think it over and let me know.]

Seong Jihan put Octane off for now but Octane left an opening till the very end.

“Well, everyone. See you next time.”


As the broadcast ended, the Shadow Queen immediately sighed in relief.

“Phew… That was close. I never expected him to pop up. If you had handed me over, I’d have become a slave to Octane Investments.”

“Is it that bad to be affiliated with them?”

“If you get dragged there, there’s hardly any mercenary surviving for a hundred years.”

“A hundred years is quite a long life.”

“…Are you serious?”

Gazing at Seong Jihan, the Shadow Queen rolled her eyes.

“I intended to assist by writing a post on the official forum… But it seems impossible. If the name of the Shadow Queen becomes exposed again, those investor CEOs like Octane would swarm me to press the debt.”

“How much debt did you rack up?”

“Just for rising to Dominion level 8, I made some large investments… and it all turned to smoke thanks to the World Tree Alliance.”

Grinding her teeth, the Shadow Queen made a suggestion to Seong Jihan.

“Maybe you write a post on the official forum. Most will think it’s just an for the lowest rank race and ignore it, but if you certify the VIP card, it should help.”

“Will it be more effective if a certified person does it?”

“Certainly. Especially if you’re of Constellation origin. There’ll even be a Constellation certification mark beside your ID.”


Pondering upon her words, Seong Jihan fell into deep thought.

‘It’d be more beneficial for a Constellation to write it than me doing it myself…’

And right then,

Among his subscriber list was someone perfect for such a request.