


At the penthouse of the Sword Palace…

After logging out from the Thunder God’s control space, Seong Jihan gazed thoughtfully at the book cover handed to him by Pythia.

‘The Technique of the Crimson Divinity…’

Before unfolding the book, Seong Jihan decided to search about the Crimson Divinity Technique. It was a method of internal cultivation within the Mount Hua Sect, known for its crimson energy.

‘Does Dongbang sak also know the Mount Hua sect’s martial arts?’

Whether it’s the Mount Hua sect or the demonic sect, this man seemed to know everything.

Seong Jihan pondered this as he opened the book.


[The planet ‘Earth’ is not a suitable place to unlock the Eastern Divine Techniques.]

A system message suddenly appeared over the book, disrupting his reading.

‘They say not to unlock it on Earth… I wonder if it’s possible in the Void Training Room.’

As soon as he returned home, he contemplated the date.

‘I have at least 6 more days in the training room’s time before the space league.’

After setting the return time, he entered the Void Training room and unfolded the book.

Waft waft…

From the first page, a white smoke arose.

“Hmm… Are the conditions fulfilled?”

Dongbang sak revealed himself.

“I didn’t expect you to come out in person.”

“I am not Dongbang sak himself, but a avatar to impart some martial arts.”

“Ah. The Technique of the Crimson Divinity… was it a martial arts secret manual?”

“It was.”

Seong Jihan flipped through the book.

Only the cover was old; the pages inside were pristine white paper.

There were no writings inside.

“It’s good that you will be teaching me in person.”

“In a world like today’s, is there a need to pass on knowledge through characters? Or did you want to learn in Chinese?”

“No, I’m not good at Chinese.”

“Indeed. Hence, direct transmission like this is better.”

“But why are you suddenly passing on martial arts to me?”

Responding to Seong Jihan’s query, Dongbang sak’s avatar stroked his beard.

“The main body, not so long ago, subdued the Thunder God.”

“I see.”

“You talk as if it was someone else’s matter. Weren’t you there too? The crimson thunder kept regenerating the barrier.”

“I wonder? The Thunder God is a god of thunder; couldn’t he just as easily produce the Crimson Thunder?”

Initially, Seong Jihan received the book from Pythia while in the control space of the Thunder God;

but he acted as though he knew nothing.

“Stubborn… You know everything, yet you’re acting all innocent.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Nevermind. Let’s get back to the point. The main body saw a scene that didn’t make sense.”

“What was it?”

“Your Thunder Technique.”

The avatar of Dongbang sak recounted what happened at the Brahma’s Throne.

“Master absorbed many Thunder Gods’ techniques, but strangely, Seong Jihan, your Thunder Technique was not absorbed…”

“That’s interesting.”

“Why might that be? The crimson thunder is a fine technique, but not to the extent the Martial God couldn’t absorb it. If he had absorbed and utilized the crimson thunder, there would have been no need to use Longinus’s spear. It’s baffling.”

Seong Jihan nodded to that, sharing Dongbang sak’s confusion.

The Wandering Martial God.

He could emulate all the world’s powers upon a single glance.

But peculiarly, he never absorbed Seong Jihan’s.

Despite deeming it troublesome, he never took it for his own.

“Why do you think he did that?”

“I pondered several possibilities. First, the crimson thunder might have been so poor as to not warrant learning.”

“If that were the case, there’d be no need to use Longinus’s spear. If the technique were that underwhelming, it could’ve been simply bulldozed.”

“Indeed. The crimson thunder is worth absorbing. Thus, we must consider the next hypothesis.”

“And that would be?”

“It’s simple, really.”

Dongbang sak pointed at Seong Jihan.

“Assuming you as the competitor who contends with the Martial Soul; the Martial God finds powers of the Martial Soul ineffective against you… this could be a plausible theory.”

“Ah! Because both wield Martial Souls, they can’t mimic each other…”

“Indeed. Of course, how you already know the powers that the master possesses remains a mystery… but based on that assumption, I’ve decided to conduct an experiment.”

“Is this The Technique of the Crimson Divinity the experiment?”

Dongbang sak nodded to Seong Jihan’s question.

“Correct. The Technique of the Crimson Divinity is certainly a martial art the Martial God would covet…”

“Since it’s called a martial art of the Mount Hua sect. Is it that extraordinary?”

“Although it shares a name with the Mount Hua sect’s art, this is solely my creation. A martial art that governs the void.”

“…The void?”

Seong Jihan’s eyes widened in shock.

A martial art controlling the void—

Even for someone like Dongbang sak, conceiving such a thing seemed…

‘Is the real Martial God perhaps Dongbang sak?’

Compared to the Wandering Martial God, who merely copied others,

Dongbang sak seemed much closer to the true essence of a Martial God.

“Right. It’s a martial art the master would desire more than any other… but if he doesn’t absorb it after you use it, then my theory stands correct.”

“That’s true. But if this martial art is so desired by the Martial God, why hasn’t he copied it yet?”

“This one? It’s never been revealed. It’s still incomplete.”


Dongbang sak stroked his beard with a relaxed expression.

“Indeed. To truly employ the technique of the Crimson Divinity, one must be filled with the void… But that would mean giving up on immortality. I’ve served for thousands of years for the sake of immortality, can’t give that up just to perfect a martial art.”

“…So, ultimately, this is just an imagined martial art?”

“I’ve thoroughly tested it in my mind.”

So the man who’s eternally beckoning for his successors to come is just handing over martial arts.

Seong Jihan examined Dongbang sak doubtfully, prompting him to twitch his eyebrows.

“Wait, You don’t trust me?”

“How can I trust you? After all, it’s just an imaginary martial art.”

“I did create it. Naturally, it’s perfect.”


“Stop doubting and learn. What’s the harm in learning even if it goes wrong? You’re worried even though you possess the Void.”

“If I don’t use it, nothing will happen. Right.”

Seong Jihan nodded with a wry smile.

“Very well. Please, teach me the technique of the Crimson Divinity.”

“Haha… Such insubordination for someone being transmitted martial arts wisdom. You should kneel in gratitude.”

“If it were a completed martial art, maybe… but for something incomplete, I should be compensated for testing it. Since you’re just an avatar, I’ll let it pass.”

Dongbang sak’s mouth widened at Seong Jihan’s attitude.

“What insolence…! Had the main body seen this, he would have been appalled! The Technique of the Crimson Divinity is a culmination of a thousand years of research!”

“Is that so? I’m lucky it’s just an avatar, then.”


Dongbang sak’s face flushed momentarily, but…

“…I’ll let it slide this once. As an avatar, I must fulfill my duties. Let’s begin the transmission. Follow along well.”


Soon enough, Dongbang sak regained composure and began the genuine transmission of the martial arts.

* * *

Before the start of the third match in the Space League, Coach Davis paced anxiously in the players’ waiting room.

“Seong Jihan! Has Seong Jihan not arrived yet?”


“Player Yoon Seah is on standby at home, but we’ve received no report of Player Seong Jihan’s return from training.“

“Ah, of all days! This is not good…”

Nervously chewing his nails, Coach Davis’s face betrayed his anxiety.

‘He attends every national event on time, why disappear during the most important Space League game!’

Among all the battles on BattleNet, the regular season match in the Space League was the most prioritized. The outcome of this match determined humanity’s ranking. Yet, Seong Jihan had participated consistently in matches, including the one against China and even the one against Taiwan, where Korea was expected to lose. However, when it came to the most crucial Space League match, he was nowhere to be found.

‘How are we to compete without Seong Jihan!’

From the coach’s perspective, Seong Jihan was the ace player.

Not only does he represent the strength of a hundred men, but his versatility allows him to play in any position, making him a morale booster.

But how could they play without their strongest card?

‘Should I lie down in the coach room? Should I ask to postpone the game for a day?’

Coach Davis began to imagine unreasonable scenarios, his face turning pale.

Then, someone rushed in. “C-Coach, Seong Jihan… he’s back! He’s logging in right now!”

“Oh, really?!”

As the coaching staff reported Seong Jihan’s return, Coach Davis found himself jumping up involuntarily.

“What a relief! What a relief! Phew…”

In that brief moment, Coach Davis seemed to experience both heaven and hell, sweating profusely.

“Ah, but really… returning just 10 minutes before the start. He went too far…”

He muttered disgruntledly but with a relieved face.


“Sorry, Coach. I lost track of time during training. I’ll be more careful next time.”

As Seong Jihan apologized, Coach Davis, visibly surprised, quickly waved it off.

“Oh, no, Seong Jihan, it’s not your fault! It’s… it’s the darn BattleNet schedule! The schedule is the problem! And we should’ve sent you a message… Anyway, BattleNet, what a flawed game, isn’t it? Ha-ha!”

“Coach, it seems the game is about to start. You should head to the coach’s room.”

“Yes! Seong Jihan, I’m counting on you today as well!”

With a beaming smile, Davis waved goodbye and left.

The American players watched in disbelief.

‘That tiger of a coach becomes a lamb in front of Seong Jihan.’

‘The person who used to be so stern at America First… He’s changed completely.’

Coach Davis, who led the golden age of America First, was known for his cold demeanor and fiery temper, but in front of Seong Jihan, he displayed a weak side that was completely opposite to his usual image.


‘Well… what can you do against Seong Jihan?’

‘If Seong Jihan refused to play due to anger, the coach would be the first to go.’

For team humanity, Seong Jihan was a hundred times more vital than Coach Davis.

It was, therefore, reasonable for the coach to adopt such a stance.

“It’s quite something… it’s the uncle who’s late, but the Coach is acting subservient.”

“Right. Feeling somewhat guilty about it.”

As Seong Jihan was chatting with Yoon Seah, who had just joined the humanity team,


Two men approached him.

“Jihan, I’ve finally made it as a representative of the Space League!”

“Oh. Barren… you’ve already made it to the Space League?”

“Yes, thanks to the Daegi guild effect. Thank you once again.”

Barren, possessing two status windows, used to be arrogantly self-proclaimed as the world’s number one in his previous life, but now seemed overshadowed by Seong Jihan.

However, that arrogance was nowhere to be found. Just that…

‘Why is he acting so friendly?’

Swiftly approaching upon seeing Seong Jihan amid the American players,

Barren appeared overly appreciative of him.

Seong Jihan was sure they hadn’t bonded to such an extent.

“Let’s begin our MVP competition!”

“Sir Barren, How can you compete with uncle for the MVP? You should compete with me.”


While the previous life’s world ranking number one and Yoon Seah, whose gift was ranked second in previous life had a verbal battle,

Je Galheon, who came with Barren, greeted Seong Jihan with a smile.

“We’ve only ever met through opposing teams. It’s great to finally greet you properly on the same team. I’m Je Galheon.”

“Ah, yes. Good to meet you. I’m Seong Jihan.”

“It’s a pleasure to be on the same team as you. Facing you as an enemy was quite daunting.”

Moving past past matches as national representatives,

Je Galheon spoke with a smile, suggesting working well together, then…

“Oh. But Seong Jihan…”

He blinked, seemingly surprised.

“Am I mistaken or is there a purplish aura visible around you?”


Hearing that, Seong Jihan furrowed his brow.

“It seems like the energy is leaking out again. I’ve been training this until now.”

The Technique of the Crimson Divinity received from Dongbang sak.

This art of harnessing the void was a daunting challenge even for Seong Jihan to master in just a few days.

‘It keeps leaking out from my head.’

As Seong Jihan regathered his energy,

=Ladies and gentlemen, the 3rd round of the Space League is about to start!

=Our opponents are… the Dragon Race!

In the waiting room’s wall screen,

Commentators heralded the beginning of the Space League match.

