
Inside a dark room...

A man was resting on a sofa with a book on top of his face. He had a long brown coat with fur on its collar and a white long sleeve with its button undone underneath it. His long pants had star patterns carved on them.

In his hands, there were several rings around his finger and a pair of silver bracelets on his wrist.

This man was the leader of the Red Matter Association, Avron Hallsmein.

Avron suddenly snapped out of his dream. The book fell on the floor with a loud sound causing him to stare at it.

His forehead was covered in sweat and his breath was ragged. He massaged his temples, clearly remembering the content of his dream.

"That dream again..."

He stretched out of his and picked a black glasses on top of the table. Then, he took a bottle of wine before drinking it.


"Ugh! I..."

He was irritated. He always dreamed of what happened to him in the past and before of this, he couldn't sleep properly.

It was a nightmare that he wanted to forget but at the same time, he couldn't.

"I'll take them down no matter what... Vandal, you wouldn't be able to stop me this time."

He muttered while gritting his teeth. He drank the wine again until he emptied the bottle.


Throwing the bottle on the side, he stood and approached the other table.

A grin formed on his face and it slowly turned into a laugh.


He laughed like a madman.

"I'll drag them down! This land! This place!"

Veins pop-up on his forehead as he stepped forward and stared at the window.

There's a huge sparkling city outside the window. It was an underground city with countless people of different races living within.

"Everything will become clear soon."


Souta and the rest of the Tenth Grain War had two hours to rest before they join the main force of the Third Set.

"What do you plan to do with your family, Sekma?" Souta asked Sekmet.

The rest of the members of the Blue Cross turned their heads and looked at her. They wanted to know her answer.

"I don't know. Honestly, I'm not really close to them. They could go to another city or kingdom to build a household. I think that's the best for them." Sekmet said with a sigh.

"I don't know what's your parent's attitude but they are nobles. I think they will use your name and your backing to set up a foundation." Souta said.

"I'm not a great person in Athen's Champion. Also, that's not how it works in the legion. The legion will not support our family. You should know that." Sekmet shook her head.

Of course, Souta know what she was talking about. Athena promised that she will give him a territory. But whether he could protect it or not, was all up to his abilities. If it was snatched by other people, the Athen's Champion wouldn't help him retake it.

The same could be said for other warriors that received territory and title as their rewards. The legion didn't care if they wanted to build their own force or not as long as they remember that in the end, they belonged to Athen's Champion.

"We've participated in this mission. I think that if you want you can request a change of reward to our Grain Leader." Souta said.

"I don't plan on doing that. I've risked my life in this mission so the reward should be for myself. I will exchange my achievements for some combat skills and resources to boost my combat prowess." Sekmet paused before she continued, "I'm a warrior now, not a noble."

"Don't think badly of them. Don't disregard your identity as noble. Even some nobles near the main city are powerful enough to defeat us." Leilus said.

The main city was the Champion's Den, where millions of warriors gathered together to join a legion. It was one of the biggest city in this land aside from a god's city.

"That's the main city. Don't compare the nobles close to the main city to a noble of an unknown kingdom." Sekmet said as a matter of fact.

This was the truth. An unknown kingdom like the Fone Kingdom could be destroyed anytime and the people from the main city wouldn't even hear it.

"I see... It's all up to you. At the very least, they are you still have your family with you." Souta turned around and waved his hand. "I'm leaving for a while. I wanted to find that Alexander guy. He piqued my interest."

"Oh, that guy? He's unbelievably strong for a peak solidifying realm. He's even stronger than me and Sekma, who trained in the Athen's Champion." Paolo raised his eyebrows.

"Is that true?" Leilus turned his head to Paolo and Sekmet.

Sekmet nodded. Both her and Paolo were at the peak of solidifying realm yet when they saw Alexander's battle prowess, they felt that he was in a different league.

"Yep, I saw his battle, and all I could say is that he's a rare talent. I think no one among all peak solidifying realm in legion could defeat that guy." Drami said while raising both of her hands. "He is an amazing guy."

"That is really interesting... No wonder why Souta wanted to meet that man." Marcus said in a low voice.

"So Souta wanted to recruit that Alexander guy?" Leilus asked.

The rest of his comrades nodded in response to his question.


'Saya, what do you think of that Alexander?' Souta asked.

He continued to fly but Saya still didn't reply to his question. He glanced at the sword on his waist and asked once again.

After a few seconds, he still hasn't heard her voice.

'Saya?! Saya?!' He shouted.

'Oh, what is it, Souta?' Saya asked.

'You... Nevermind.' Souta shook his head. He felt that she was out of her character today. This started after that strange event when he fell unconscious.

He didn't know what was happening but he guessed that she would return to her normal self soon.

She had given him a lot of benefits so if she didn't want him to tell something then he wouldn't force her. He decided to trust her which he couldn't do before.

He landed on the outskirts of the ruined kingdom. The trees around this place were uprooted and cracks filled the ground.

'It seems that the aftershocks of the battle somehow destroy this place.' Souta said inwardly as he slowly observed the area.

He walked around for a few minutes until he found a group of people.

The Dreyfus Family.

Before he could approach the group, Alexandar stepped out. He noticed Souta's presence.

"Oh? You have a good perception." Souta was a little bit surprised.

"What do you want?" Alexander asked with a deep frown on his face.

He saw how Souta fought before so he knew how dangerous this monster in front of him was. This monster alone could annihilate his entire family.

"Straight to the point? I like it..." Souta smiled. "I want to know if there's a chance that I could recruit you to my organization. I could see the unlimited potential you possess."

Of course, Alexander was a guaranteed powerhouse in the future just like Isabella. Honestly, he was even stronger than Isabella in the game. He was just slightly below the level of those kings of gods.

And reaching that level only took him a few years. His growth rate shook the entire world when his past spread out like a wildfire across the Imperium.

"Frankly, I don't have an interest in joining any organization," Alexander replied.

"Why? Didn't you join the faction of the crown prince?" Souta tilted his head.

"That was because I want to create a kingdom suitable for my family members before I leave. But it doesn't matter now since the kingdom is destroyed by your fights." Alexander explained.

"I see..." Souta rubbed his chin. "If that's the case I can take your family under my wings too. I have a bunch of sub-world under my control and I'm a leader of an organization called Astros. Sooner, I will receive a territory from Athen's Champion so if you don't want them to stay in a sub-world your family can stay in my territory."

He slowly explained what he could do for Alexander.

"Even if what you're saying is true, I still don't want to be tied to any organizations. I have a lot of places I need to visit so I don't have time to settle in some places first." Alexander shook his head.

'Hmm... This guy isn't as easy as Isabella. I could offer him a bunch of resources but I don't want to favor him over the others.' Souta said inwardly.

"Then, are you going to leave your family?" He asked.

"That's the plan. I already gave them a lot so I think it's time to focus on myself. I will travel around the world and discover a lot of things I haven't known before." Alexander said.

"What will happen to your family?" Souta asked.

"I don't know. They are on their own from now on. As long as they didn't offend any powerful organization, then they could peacefully live just like how it always been."

"Peacefully? That sounds pleasant to my ears..." Souta narrowed his eyes and looked at the sky.