
The Evolution of a Goblin to the Peakchapter 540: witch clan: eilish and souta vs rowan i

The battle between the two elders was getting intense every second. They flew high above the clouds to fight so that they didn't cause too much damage to the clan.

The damage that they caused in their land was already high so they didn't want to increase it anymore.

"Elder Hanmi! Why are you trying to harm, young miss?!" Elder Guan shouted as he repeatedly attacked his opponent at high speed.

His attacks caused a high tearing sound in the air and it was followed by shockwaves.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"I'm not trying to harm young miss. I'm going to capture her to know the truth." Elder Hanmi replied as he used his soul weapon to block the shockwaves.


"That's the same! the Clan Leader will kill her!" Elder Guan roared as he gathered a huge amount of energy and fired it at Elder Hanmi.


Eilish who was facing Rowan glanced in the direction where the two elders were fighting. The energy spiked from the battle was too high and anyone would notice it within fifty kilometers.

"It seems that one elder is on our side so it's not that bad." She sighed and she focused her attention on Rowan.

Amanda was still in Rowan's hand so she couldn't carelessly launch an attack. If her attack was too powerful then it would kill Amanda.

Boom! Boom!

Sounds of explosions echoed around them. It seems that her twelve subordinates had started fighting the strong witches and judging from the fluctuations of energy they were outnumbered.

"I should help them a little."

Eilish tapped her wooden staff on the ground and a magic circle formed beneath her feet.

[Unfettered Speed]!

[Mighty Giant Strength]!

These two spells were both buff and support type spells. The first spell could increase the agility of a person by one hundred points and the latter could increase a person's strength by one hundred fifty.

But she wasn't finished buffing her subordinates.

[Burning Touch]!

This spell could add a fire attribute to a person's normal attack.

For finishing, she used the three spells on her body. She was going to fight the strongest person in the whole Witch Clan so it was natural that she buffed herself.


Rowan looked around as he felt the increase in power of Eilish's subordinates.

"It will not help them for too long."

When he turned his head back to Eilish, a saw a huge block of ice close to his face.


The ice block was just two meters away from him. Although it was close, he still could avoid it with his speed but he wouldn't do that. This spell wasn't even tough from the beginning.


He gathered his energy on his fist and threw it towards the huge ice block.


The ice block exploded but Rowan noticed that something was wrong. The fragments of the ice block turned into sharp ice spears.


Rowan opened his eyes widely as the ice spears flew at him. The speed and strength that it possessed were twenty times higher than the ice block before.


Smoke covered the area and a figure came out of it. It was the Clan Leader Rowan, the strongest witch in the clan.


Rowan looked at Eilish and said, "So your goal is to take Amanda from me. I didn't expect that but fine, I'll just have to kill you."

Eilish managed to separate Amanda from Rowan using a barrier. While Rowan was busy dealing with the ice spears, she secretly created a barrier and hid it with the ice spears. And when an opportunity appears she separated the two while casting multiple spells to distract Rowan in just a second.


The atmosphere turned heavy and chilly. His body started to emit enormous and dense energy. The air tightened and time seemed to stop.

"He's getting serious."

Eilish narrowed her eyes. She had to avoid close combat as it's outside of her expertise. She preferred to fight long-range where she could bombard her enemy with powerful destructive spells.


Ripples of energy spread out and a giant majestic golden bell materialized above Rowan. The bell had a height of twenty meters and it has a black pattern on its body.

It was the soul weapon of the leader of the Witch Clan, the [Great Molina Bell]. Rowan's ultimate weapon and the thing that could bring out one hundred percent of his power.

"Now, let me deal with you."


Amanda fell to the ground and coughed a mouthful of blood. Although Eilish managed to rescue her, the aftershocks and energy from her attack still damage her body. Luckily, her parasite worked fast and recover her internal injuries quickly.

"Damn, I can't do anything! I just recovered my memories and my head is still out of it!"

She muttered while holding her head.


A sound of a bell rang in the entire place. The sound traveled within a radius of one hundred kilometers and every creature within heard it.


She recalled something from her memory when she heard this sound. She quickly looked up and saw a giant golden bell.

"That's uncle's soul weapon...?"

Two Extinction Realm masters were going to clash using their full strength. The casualties would be high if they fought here in this place. The two elders went above the clouds when they fought but Rowan and Eilish didn't seem to care about their surroundings.

The killing intent in Rowan's aura pressured everyone in the vicinity. Judging from this, it seems that he wouldn't care about the life and death of other witches in this place as long as he killed Amanda's group.


Amanda saw a blueish barrier expand from Eilish's body. The barrier swallowed Rowan and it pushed everyone away.


On the next moment, she found that the barrier had crashed into her body and it pushed her out of the clan territory causing her to fall on the Mist River.

Eilish had pushed everyone out of the Witch Clan's territory and she isolated herself with Rowan so that no one would disturb their battle. In short, no people were in the witch land except for the two.

That's what they thought.

They didn't even know that Eilish let one person inside to help her. She was a textbook mage so she wasn't that good in close combat. She would be instantly defeated if Rowan got closer to her. That's why she needed someone who could keep up with Rowan.

And the only person that bled Rowan was Souta. A third stage monster who could somehow keep up with an Extinction Realm.


Souta emerged from the rubble. He looked around and found Eilish.

"I thought you don't need me!"

He shouted. He was fighting Rowan's subordinates and he had already taken down five A-rank experts when the barrier expanded.

"I've changed my mind after seeing that bell. This guy is entirely on a different level." Eilish replied to him.


The bell sounded once again. The wave of energy spread out and it caused multiple big explosions.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

"It's bad," Eilish said before she waved her wooden staff, and a barrier formed around her and Souta.

The explosions were powerful and huge to the point that it's useless to dodge them because of their wide range that encompasses everything in the land.

The whole land was turned upside down and no building was left standing after the groundbreaking explosion. Some part of the land had even sunk in the river.


Souta's three-meter tall body came out of the smoke. Violent energy gushed out of him as he flew towards Rowan at high speed.

"Just die you fucker!!"

Souta roared as he swung his sword with all of his might. He activated several spells and combat arts that could boost his power.

[Crimson Moon]!

Rowan simply shifted his body and the bell collided with the blade of energy. Then, he saw spider webs attached to his clothes.

"What's this?"

His line of sight followed and saw Souta holding the other end of the webs.

Souta smirked and he didn't give Rowan a time to react as he pulled the web. He raised his sword and charged his best feram.


[Archetype: Vajra Extremity]!

[Fifth Form: Rage of the Thunder God]!

[Crimson Moon]!

Eilish raised her staff above and used her buff spells to strengthen Souta. Her powerful spells boosted his power to the next level and it made him possible to damage a shackled realm expert like Rowan.

"Do you want to know who's more durable than us?!!"

Rowan raised his hand and he decided to tank Souta's attack. In return, he will attack Souta with his soul weapon.

The moment he swung down his hand, the moment the energy blade landed on his body.

At the same time, the giant bell launched a powerful beam.


Two figures came out of the smoke and crashed on the ground. The explosion was destructive that it destroyed the barrier that Eilish created to isolate the Witch land.

Eilish raised her staff and casted several attack spells.

[Thundering Earth Crusher]!

[Thousand Water Shock]!

[Dominating the Wind]!

One had a best feram and the other figure only had mana so naturally, she knew who she should attack.