
The Evolution of a Goblin to the Peakchapter 501: clues of witch clan


Souta slowly opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling. He was still a little bit dizzy as he pushed himself into a seated position.

"You're finally awake."

An alluring voice sounded in front of him.

He turned his head and saw a beautiful woman with long silky blue colored hair. Her eyes were blue and her eyebrows were blue too. Her beauty was seductive and alluring just like Amanda.

The woman was wearing a piece of white cloth that hid her sensitive parts but it couldn't conceal the perfect proportion of her body.

She smiled faintly and crossed her legs in front of him while smoking. Her charm was undoubtedly high and Souta would say that this woman had the highest sex appeal of all the women that he had met so far.

She was Alice's opposite in terms of beauty.


Souta simply nodded at her before he stood up and picked the vajra sword on the side.

He looked at his reflection in the mirror while fixing his clothes.

The woman observed him before she said, "While you are sleeping, I couldn't help but look at it. I didn't expect that I would find a monster like you in this city."

Souta's eyes contracted as he swiftly turned around while pulling the vajra sword out of its sheath.


In just a second, he already placed the blade of his sword on the neck of the woman.

The woman glanced at the blade on her neck. Then, she looked at him with alluring eyes and asked, "Why did you stop?"

Really, why Souta didn't kill this woman? It was because he heard Saya's voice in his mind.

Saya said that this woman didn't do anything after she learned that he was a monster. She didn't call any people to subdue him instead she kept it to herself.

She told him that he had to ask first why this woman didn't tell anyone about him. Although the women in this brothel were high class, Saya said that this woman was extraordinary. While he was sleeping, this woman observed his belongings and she managed to guess the grades of his equipment.

Souta didn't say anything to the woman. He was conversing secretly with Saya in his mind to know what this woman did while he was sleeping.

'Did she sense your presence?' He asked.

'Nope, even the monster lord in the Forest of Eternal Light didn't sense me so how could this girl sense me? At the very least, her power level is high. I think that she already reached the shackled realm.' Saya said and her words made Souta turn serious.

A shackled realm expert was something that he couldn't hope to fight with his current strength. The limit of a third evolution monster like him was the solidifying realm.

For him to defeat a person at shackled realm, he would need to reach his fourth evolution or maybe fifth evolution for people that broke all the shackles.

It means that the reason why this woman didn't call anyone was because she was confident that she could subdue him alone. That's the confidence of a powerhouse that broke the limit of a mortal's body.

"Who are you?" Souta asked with a serious expression.

The woman smiled and didn't reply to him. Instead, she asked, "Where are you from? Are you a monster specifically trained in the monster dungeon on the east to infiltrate human and demi society?"

"Answer my question first," Souta said in a firm tone as he tightly gripped the sword in his hand. He was prepared to launch a frontal assault if something goes wrong.

Although he couldn't defeat a shackled realm, he was confident in his survival ability thanks to the parasite inside his body.

"I'm Eilish also called as Blue Reaper. I'm the ruler of the underground world in this city and I think that you know what it means. I wouldn't let any man sleep with me but you're different. The moment that I saw you, you already piqued my interest." The woman introduced herself as she smiled seductively. "So... Can you tell me why are you in this city?"

"Okay, I will believe you for now." Souta as he removed his sword from her neck and placed it back into its sheath.

"Then, can you answer my question? I'm interested in why would a monster infiltrate a city. From my understanding, those monsters on the east wouldn't resort to these things. They would either fight to death or escape with their tails behind their back." Eilish asked.

"I will not tell you my name,"

"It's fine."

"I came here to gather information. Mainly about the organization called Council of High-World." Souta said as he eyed her face. Just like what he expected, this woman flinched the moment he said those words.

Eilish's eyes constricted and the smile on her face disappeared.

"How do you know that organization?"

She asked in a cold tone.

'That organization? Then, she's not a member of the council.' Souta said inwardly.

"I can't tell you but I'm currently looking for it and the whereabouts of the Witch Clan." Souta shook his head and said.

"Witch Clan? That clan is tricky and it's full of powerful people. Even this entire city wouldn't be a match of the Witch Clan's powers. But I don't know its location as I haven't heard any news about them for more than a decade." Eilish said as she waved her hand and added, "More importantly, the Council of High-World that you are talking about. Don't tell them about other people or else you wouldn't know when you will be attacked. They are everywhere and you wouldn't be able to imagine how powerful they are."

"Everywhere? Do you mean the Union Peace that controls most of the land in this continent?" Souta asked in a low voice.

"Don't investigate them. They are dangerous." Eilish warned him.

"Fine, how about the Witch Clan?" Souta nodded and changed the topic. At the very least, he already confirmed the existence of the council on this planet. He already got a rough idea about his next move but first, he needed to complete Amanda's chain quest.

"Witch Clan is a mysterious clan... They are secluded and people rarely knew about them. If not for my connection I wouldn't even know their existence." Eilish paused for a moment as she took a paper from the drawer and threw it at Souta. "Here, visit this place. From what I know you will find something connected to the Witch Clan in that place but don't get your hopes high. Even I didn't know anything except that it's connected to the Witch Clan."

"Thanks for this..." Souta said as he placed the paper inside his pocket. He was about to turn around and leave when Eilish stopped him.

"One more thing." Eilish raised her index finger and asked, "Are you really from a monster dungeon in the east? How about joining my group? I can guarantee your place in this city."

"No, I'm not affiliated with that monster dungeon. Also, I don't have any intention to join your organization. This place is too small for me." Souta turned his head to look at her in the eyes, "If you want to find me just find me at..."

Since this beautiful woman was kind enough to give him this much information, he told her where to find him.

"Okay. If you've changed your mind I'm willing to take you in my wings." Eilish smiled.

Souta raised his hand and said, "Nah, it's the opposite. If your information is right then I would be kind enough to let you join my group."

He smirked and left the room.

Eilish stared at the closed door with a seductive smile on her beautiful face.

"It's interesting. He's not affiliated with the monster dungeon and I could guess it. So the question is what kind of organization is lying behind him. All of his equipment are high grade and I didn't expect that I would see those high-grade equipment on a monster."

Then her expression turned serious.

"He asked about the Council of High-World. That gigantic organization is founded by gods and it's not something a mortal could rival much less a monster like him."

For now, she will wait for the news of his discovery in that place. Decades ago that place was a hidden base of the Witch Clan but something occurred which she had no idea about. Also, she didn't dare to visit it even with his current powers as she didn't know what dangers lurks in that hidden base.

Since Souta wanted to know about the Witch Clan, she could only give him this information so that he would investigate it in her instead. Souta would get what he wanted and she too would benefit from it.

It's a win-win situation for the two of them.


Souta went back to the inn and gathered his companions. He needed to talk to them before he proceeds to his next destination, the place that Eilish told him.